Page 12 - Boca ViewPointe - October '24
P. 12

Page 12, Viewpointe                                                 October 2024
      Welcome To The Fantastic World Of Feng Shui!!!

      Part II                                              We bring this inclusion to complete this month’s      • Area for special situations.
                                                        article, because Teleworking, Remote Work, among other      • Appropriate decoration and furniture.
      By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera P.H.D.           names for this new way of working, has come to stay in      In short, everything that complements the operation
                                                        many lives, families and homes.                    of the place’s activity, even respecting that if that space
         This new installment completes last month’s article,      We cannot also forget that there are people who study   is shared by several people, that each corner represents
      with the idea that you can carry out an exhaustive   online, both university degrees and courses, professional   who uses it, impregnating that “micro” or “macro” with
      examination of the state of your spaces, whether at home,   updates, seminars, among others, since technology allows   their personal seal.
      office, commercial premises, among others.        an endless number of tools without leaving home, this      Returning to our main function, which is to guide
         We have included in this second part a new work   being a great advantage for those people who, for different   our energy and harmony, through the ancient science of
      modality that, as a result of Covid-19, was implemented   reasons, reasons they cannot do it in person. Entertainment   FENG SHUI, It is important to note that the orientation
      in many homes in a new way, whose main characteristics   must also be included, but this will be the reason for a new   of these spaces must be in the North-East zone of the
      are the performance of work and professional tasks from   article that we have in the pipeline for a future installment.  house. Whose exact name is the zone of Self-knowledge,
      home, which, being totally different due to its uniqueness,      It is necessary to point out that if several members   Intellect, Connections.
      it has captured areas that were previously dedicated to the   of the family group have work, academic and other      Favorable colors: Soft yellows in combination with
      library, study, but not in a formal way as until now and   commitments that require spaces for activities whose   very subtle greens. However, today there is a range of
      what generates that said space contains all those materials   characteristics are office type, that is, they need a desk,   colors with which you can “play” in order to find what
      necessary for professional, academic and work performance.  chair, computers, printers among other materials and this   defines this space, no less important.
                                                        area must be shared, suggests establishing a schedule for      Therefore, it is recommended to use these colors
                                                        each member so that there is not “a pitched battle” to   as  well as decorations that promote visions towards
           Community Channel                            carry out a task to be done, this especially in the case of   achievements, such as mountains, skyscrapers, as well
              Have You Seen It?                         children and adolescents.                          as placing diplomas, certificates and recognitions that
                                                           This also implies good discipline for school tasks that
                                                                                                           allow you to “dream” of new achievements. It is also

                                                        are carried out in the appropriate space and thus create   recommended to avoid As much as possible, those objects
             The Boca Pointe Community information channel   habits that accompany them for life (sorry parents, I am   and devices that are distracting for obvious reasons.
          is currently broadcast on Comcast channel 63 and   a teacher) and with this by not allowing the use of rooms,      We wish the students that this new school year is the
          soon will be transitioning to channel 1075. Please   rooms or others, For these activities, this will prevent you   most beneficial in their academic training and that they
          check both channels on your TV to see which channel   from falling asleep, distracted by social networks, your   can project themselves in the future as useful people to our
          hosts our community information. If you are unable   friends and fellow students. It is also important to note   society in the various areas and disciplines they choose.
          to view either channel, please call our office (561)   that this activity becomes a habit every day and you will   “SUCCESS TO ALL.”
          395-7551. Tune in for community updates, BPCA/  take it as part of your daily routine.             Milagros
          committee meeting dates and current events.      As The situation is only of a family nature, other
                                                        considerations must be evaluated, such as:            Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng
                                                           • Use of the area.                              Shui Specialist is a resident of the Plum. Email:
                                                           • Number of family members with whom the place is shared 
                                                           • What kind of events take place in it?
                                                           • Materials that make up the room.

        How To Add                                                                            Sabra Wall Decor                                    B’H

        Your Guests To                                            EstimatEs

        The Gate                                              Painting & More ...

                                                           •      Popcorn Ceiling                       •      Wallpaper Removal
           The Boca Pointe Community Association offers
        a few different methods to add guests to your      •      Knock Down
        visitors list, so please ensure that you add your guest   •   Drywall Repair
        BEFORE they arrive. If your guest is not on the
        list, they may be denied without a phone call being                    Cell: (954) 931-4716                            Licensed & Insured
        placed to get your approval. Phone calls are placed                  Office: (561) 395-3057                             CC: 03-11120-P-K
        as a courtesy depending on how busy the guard is
        when they arrive.
           To add a guest to your visitor list, you have several
           • Website-
           • Cell phone app- Download ABDI/Gate Access
        from the app/play store
           • Access Control- Call 561-395-3392 or leave a
        voicemail message at 561-395-3369                                                                                                                                                         Operating as
           The advantage of using or the app
        is the ability to:
           • Add a guest for the day or permanently
           • Remove a guest
           • Send a pass with barcode
           • Receive notification of guest arrival
           If you have any questions regarding access                                   Complimentary first office visit
        methods, please call the Boca Pointe Community
        Association 561-395-7551.                                                                           AND
                                                                                  $ 5  off your first grooming and spa day
          Current Events

                     Group                                   Healthy Pet Foods • Gourmet Baked Goods • Toys, Treats & Accessories

                                                             Grooming & Spa Services • Full Service Veterinary Care and Much More!
          The Current Events Group meet every Monday from
       10am-11:30am at the BPCA office. The members consist   Dr. Barry M. Wander, MS, DVM • Dr. Robert B. Wander, DVM
       of both men and women and all Boca Pointe residents are
       invited to attend. If you would like more information or
                                                             The Garden Shops at Boca                                    Phone: 561-447-7966
       to sign up, please call 516-835-2670. 
                                                             7050 W. Palmetto Park Rd, # 21                                          Fax: 561-447-8868
                                                             Boca Raton, FL 33433                                  
                                                                                            ANIMAL CLINICS OF FLORIDA
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