Page 21 - Boca Exposure - October '24
P. 21

Boca Exposure, Page 21
      Dining Out: I’m Going To Let You In On

      A Little Secret…But Don’t Tell Anyone!

      By  Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                      checking your parking space. But I expect this will change      Straight From the Kitchen: You would think by now we
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s love                    in the near future!                                were full and looking to head to the exit door. You are right! But
      for food started very young. Never                   Lefkes is beautifully designed with an open concept that   how can we leave now without devouring the dinner we came
      satisfied with his Mom’s dishes, he               lends to spacious dining and two bars to handle the many   for. Hungry D had previewed the menu a day before and had
      started to cook his way through her               patrons zoning in on the great happy hour they offer. The   decided on the Grilled Branzino ($38). This perfectly fileted
      “Betty Crocker Cookbook.” During                  ambiance gives a garden theme with hanging plants draping   fish was certainly enough for two, especially after all we ate.
      the years to follow he spent many                 from the ceiling, comfortable seats, clever lighting of the   Yes, you can ask for the head and tail to be removed so you’re
      hours working in restaurants, both                walls, and an abundance of excellent trained waiters.   fooled it’s not a fish! Trust me...this was an excellent dish!
      as server and cook, attending cooking classes and traveling      Note: Only on the weekends Lefkes has decided to cater      Hungry Al couldn’t leave without having the always Greek
      the world in an effort to expand his palette. As a professional   to the party scene. Let’s not forget this is Delray! So, after   staple, grilled Lamb Chops ($40). These Australian chops had
      writer, Hungry Al offers his perspective on current food trends   nine o’clock expect a DJ to take center stage. Along with his   to be the best you’ll find in this area. It even rates better than
      and guides you through your local restaurant options.  talents, there is a roaming saxophone player and plenty of   the ones at the infamous Greek Isles in Ft. Lauderdale. As
         Lefkes Estiatorio  Delray Beach, FL 33483      disco lights to add to the action. I recommend on weekends   with the Branzino, the chef properly seasoned the protein for
         33 SE 3rd Ave.     (561) 908-2331              get there early to avoid the festivities.          a perfect blend of rosemary, oregano and olive oil. Let’s just
         Suite 105                Prime Your Tastebuds: Since there was only two of us   say, “I’ll be back!”
         Food For Thought: Back in 2021 Hungry Al did a review   at the table Hungry A (that’s me) and Hungry D had to prep      Note: Order the Mushroom side!
      of the Delray City Market. If you haven’t been there it was   ourselves to limit our day diet so we could live up to our      From The Dessert Tray: There is a saying, “Your eyes
      basically a smaller modified version of the big food halls that   names and eat like four diners. Our first service was Lefkes   can be bigger than your stomach.” Which, at this point of our
      have dotted our urban cities for a location to dine “on the go.”   Grilled Octopus ($28). Having experienced this sea creature   eating feast, nothing could be truer! To close out the evening
      Unfortunately, this Delray’s restaurant concept morphed into a   directly from the ocean into the skillet I know how high the   we decided to order anything but Baklava. Simply, like
      weekend night club scene and left many of these newly mom   bar is set. Believe me, this is close to the real thing. The   Italian Tiramisu it’s overrated. I was informed by the waiter
      and pop business owners looking for the exit doors.   octopus was tender as butter, with a crisp caramelized grill   that the in-house pastry chef is an ex-pat from a small island
         Fast forward to now and the previous owners, the Menin   on its exterior all enhanced with an amazing blend of banana   in Greece. I bet the locals there are sending her come home
      Development company, is planning to divide up the space into   peppers, onions, capers, garlic and bits of red pepper.   postcards. The desserts were over-the-top delicious. We had
      five individual units. One side is the current Bounce (sports      Our next course was recommended by our excellent waiter   the Lemon Meringue Tart that was a sweet but mild lemon
      bar), and now a Greek restaurant from New Jersey has just   Chaz. He insisted we sample the sushi here at Lefkes. I know...I   custard layered between phyllo pastry and, of course, topped
      opened on the opposite end.                       hesitated and was confused why I was prompted to eat sushi at   with torched meringue.
         Which brings me to the “secret” I’ve mentioned above. For   a Greek restaurant. But Hungry Al needed to see what the big      We also shared a bite or two before taking home the
      a guy who has spent months in Greece with many return visits,   attraction was. Surprisingly, the sushi here is amazingly good!   Bougatsa ($15). This was a semolina custard cream pie, that
      I know my Greek food! And if you’re tired of the same old   We give the Georgia Specialty Roll ($28) (named after the   is honestly, SO good! If you are full, take a piece home and
      Greek restaurant you’ve been going to over the past decade this   owner) a try. Imagine how good a mixture of salmon, roasted   you can even have it for breakfast.
      is going to have you bringing and throwing your own napkins.   eel, mango and avocado is with spicy mayo perched on a crisp      Check Please: I am sure we would all love to visit Greece
         So please feel free to go and give Lefkes a try yourselves,   rice cake and topped with a few caviar eggs. Hungry D stated   and spend some time viewing the sights and over-indulging on
      but please limit who you tell. I would like to be able to find a   it was sushi candy and would be returning just for that plate.   the excellent fresh food and wine they offer. But if Mykonos or
      seat the next time I go...which won’t be too long from now!      With a bit of room left we had to at least try the traditional   Santorini is not happening for you in the near future get over
         First Impression: Ever go to Delray and can’t find   Horiatiki Salad (Greek salad, $24). I do believe this is slightly   to Lefkes. For Greek food it’s the closest thing you’ll get here
      a parking space without emptying your wallet on valet   overpriced, but the ingredients were chilled and fresh. Also,   in Florida. The Hungry
      service? Good news! Since the food hall had closed there   the Feta Cheese was rich in flavor and without the salty taste.   Squad is going to throw
      are plenty of parking spots in the parking garage above the   I would have preferred that the salad chef utilized more olive   five plates and scream
      restaurant. And there’s no parking gate or a meter attendant   oil. A Greek salad is not a Greek salad without it.   “Opa” for this one!

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