Page 26 - PGA Community News - September '24
P. 26

Page 26, PGA C.A.N.!                                               September 2024                                                                                                                                                 September 2024
       The Pet Cottage Post

      Senior Pitbull Avoids Shelter And                    Whipper’s journey is just one example of the incredible      Happy stories like this are possible because of support
      Finds New Forever Home                            mission at work at The Pet Cottage. Every day, pets who   from YOU! To become a pet Superhero go to our website
         Robert was a senior gentleman                  lose their humans due to death, disability or deployment   and make a donation today. Your heart will instantly grow
      who lived in Lauderdale by the                    receive the highest level of care and support. The Pet   bigger, and you will feel incredible!
      Sea with his disabled wife and                    Cottage also provides pet companionship for senior people      Go to or call (561) 818-
      their 8-year-old black Pitbull,                   and covers all veterinary expenses.                5025 for more information.
      Whipper. The bond between Robert
      and Whipper was unbreakable; the
      arrived at 10 weeks old. They enjoyed daily neighborhood  TGH Urology Group Of Florida
      two had been together since the pup

      walks, visiting Whipper’s friends at the tennis courts and the
      local fire department. His fans greeted him with affection   Offers Multiple Innovative
      and of course, lots of treats.
         At the community dog park, Robert and Whipper     Treatment Options
      socialized with their human and furry friends. Whipper
      was loving, playful, and completely broke the stereotype
      of his breed. He was always happy, whipping his tail and
      sharing his toys to everyone’s delight. He and Robert were     September is Urology Awareness Month, bringing to  or general anesthesia.
      adored by all.                                      light urological diseases and conditions that affect the    • Aquablation Therapy uses real-time ultrasound
                                                          bladder, kidney, prostate and male reproductive organs.  imaging, robotics for precision and the AquaBeam (water
                                                          It also aims to highlight the symptoms and impacts these  jet) to precisely remove prostate tissue. It is especially
                                                          diseases can have on a person’s life.            effective for very large prostates.
                                                            Tampa General Hospital (TGH) Urology Group of    • Prostiva Transurethral Needle Ablation (TUNA)
                                                          Florida offers several innovative, breakthrough treatment  uses radiofrequency to destroy prostate tissue while leaving
                                                          options to help patients struggling with urological issues.  the urethra intact.
                                                                                                           Less-invasive cancer surgery
                                                          Treating Bladder Cancer And                        • Robotic Surgery and Laparoscopy are less-invasive
                                                                                                           methods to remove both prostate cancer and kidney cancer,
                                                          Incontinence                                     allowing surgeons to operate through small incisions in the

                                                            • Blue Light Cystoscopy is used to identify and diagnose   abdomen.
                                                          bladder cancer. Enhanced imaging allows physicians to find
                                                          tumors that might otherwise go undetected.       Treatment For Male
                                                            • Botox is not just for wrinkles. Its muscle-relaxing
                                                          properties make it an effective treatment for urge  Reproductive Organs
                                                          incontinence also known as an overactive bladder. Botox    • Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy treats erectile
                                                          helps prevent bladder contractions that cause leakage and  dysfunction by promoting the growth of new blood vessels
                                                          the constant urge to use the bathroom.          in the penis.
                                                            • Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) is a    • No-Scalpel Vasectomy can be done in-office. This
                                                          nonsurgical procedure using electrical current to stimulate  procedure allows for the same benefits of a traditional
                                                          the tibial nerve, which affects bladder contractions.   vasectomy, but with a faster recovery time and less
                                                            • Sacral Neurostimulation (Axonics , InterStim )  bleeding.
                                                          is when a miniature implanted device sends mild    • XIAFLEX is the latest treatment for Peyronie’s
                                                          electrical pulses to the bladder. This therapy improves  disease, using enzymes to gradually break down the plaque
                                                          communication between the brain and the bladder, offering  that causes curved and painful erections.
                                                          more bladder control and reducing urinary urges.
                                                                                                          Female Urology
                                                          Enlarged Prostate Treatment                         • FemTouch Technology is the most advanced way

                                                            According to the Yale School of Medicine, about 50% of  to provide vaginal rejuvenation. The CO2 laser promotes
                                                          men between the ages of 51 and 60 have benign prostatic  the remodeling of the vaginal mucous layer through quick
                                                          hyperplasia (BPH) or an enlarged prostate. The number  and painless treatment.
                                                          jumps to 70% among men aged 60 to 69 and to around     TGH Urology Group of Florida  recently  joined
                                                          80% of men over the age of 70.                  Tampa General as part of the hospital’s initiative to serve
      Wendy Derhak with Whipper                             If left untreated, BPH can cause significant health  more patients on Florida’s East Coast. Tampa General has
                                                          problems, including irreversible bladder or kidney damage,  been creating a framework of state-of-the-art services for
         Tragically, in July Robert had a sudden heart attack and   bladder stones, and incontinence. In addition, BPH can  patients in the Palm Beach and Treasure Coast areas, with
      passed away. With Robert gone, his wife was unable to   have negative effects on men’s everyday lives, impacting  the expertise and innovation of an academic health sys-
      care for Whipper. Thankfully, the most amazing neighbors   quality of sleep, limiting social activities and causing  tem.
      stepped in to help this 109-lb. sweetheart whom they had   relationship challenges.                     The physicians at TGH Urology Group of Florida see
      come to love. Kelly and Jeff, (the neighbors) came daily     • GreenLight Laser Therapy is a minimally invasive  patients at offices located in Delray Beach, Lake Worth
      to walk and feed Whipper. They even started a GoFundMe   procedure done in an outpatient facility, using laser  Beach and Palm Beach Gardens. For more information,
      campaign to support his care. Everyone knew that taking   technology to remove excess prostate tissue.  please call (561) 739-4TGH (4844).
      him to a shelter could lead to a heartbreaking outcome.     • Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy uses natural energy
         Recognizing the urgency of the situation and     in water droplets to shrink the prostate, without incisions
      exhausting all known avenues, the neighbors discovered
      The Pet Cottage and reached out for assistance. Rehoming                                      Paid Advertisement
      a senior, large breed dog like Whipper is no easy task, and
      being a Pitbull posed additional challenges. However, The
      Pet Cottage is dedicated to finding homes for pets who                                      “Service is our number one priority”
      lose their humans due to death, disability, or deployment,
      and they were determined to help.                                                                         561-743-0070
         Meanwhile, Lisa and her daughter Alyssa were on the
      Forever Guardian waitlist at The Pet Cottage and preferred                                   
      a large dog. All parties participated in a meet and greet at
      Lisa and Alyssa’s home to determine if this was a good
      match. Laughter and tears filled the room as Whipper
      began bonding with his new family.
         Today, Whipper is living a new dream and his tail
      continues to wag.

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