Page 6 - Martin Down Bulletin - September '24
P. 6

Page 6, Martin Downs

                                                                                     Film Review
      Heroes Vs. Villains from page 1
      brought out the creativity
      among  some  of  the
      supporters who dressed                            “Don’t Worry: He Won’t Get                         into a  light pole
      the part and competed in a                                                                           results in them
      costume contest. There also                       Far on Foot”                                       being brought
      was a 50/50 raffle and YETI                                                                          by emergency
      cooler up for grabs!                              By Nils A. Shapiro                                 ambulance to a
        The winner of the Best                            Trust me on this one.  If, like me, at some point in the   hospital.
      Dressed Dog category was                          first half hour or so of this film you feel like turning it     As it turns out,
      “Wonder Woman,” featuring                         off as being rather depressing, don’t do it!       the driver escapes
      Roxy, whose parents are Jeff                        Resist that urge and you will be rewarded with one of   with only minor
      and Charleen Sabin. The Best                      the most brilliant acting performances and emotional screen   bruises and we see
      Dressed Human was Megan                           stories you will have experienced in a long time, to be then   no more of him
      Billitti as Scooby Doo’s                          told in the closing credits (forgive this spoiler) that it is all   until the very end
      Velma, and the Best Dressed                       based on a true memoir by the man who lived it!    of the film. But it
      Human/Dog Duo was Emily  Emily Jones with Kallie and     The highly respected director Gus Van Sant adapted   is largely through
      Jones with Kallie and Cash  Cash. They won the Best   that memoir into the screenplay for this 2018 film   John’s  (Joaquin
      dressed as Superman, Wonder  Dressed Human/Dog Duo.   streaming  on Amazon  Prime  Video.   After  viewing   Phoenix’s) eyes
      Woman and Batman.        Photo by Sarah Fisher.   Joaquin Phoenix’s extraordinary performance in the lead   and thoughts that
                                                        role I had to do some research to learn why he failed to win   we learn and
                                                        the Academy Award that year. It went to Rami Malek for   experience his life from that moment on as a quadriplegic:
                                                        playing Freddie Mercury in American Rhapsody. (Joaquin   paralysis of both arms and both legs.
                                                        Phoenix  throughout  his  career  has  won  one Academy     Through the director’s, actor’s and cinematographer’s
                                                        Award, one British Academy Film Award, two Golden   skills, John’s trauma and shock are palpable. The initial
                                                        Globe Awards, one Grammy—having been nominated for   treatment by much of the hospital staff is insufficiently
                                                        13 of those—in addition to having been nominated for   caring, except for a beautiful visiting volunteer (played
                                                        no fewer than 105 other U.S. and international festival   by Rooney Mara) who spoon feeds him and understands
                                                        acting awards and taking top honors 28 times!)     that a little kiss will make him feel human.
                                                          We meet him here in the opening scene as John      When John is provided with an electric wheelchair
                                                        Callahan, onstage as a recovered alcoholic receiving an   whose movements and direction he can control with
                                                        award before an audience to whom he is telling the story   his fingers, his world widens: He can travel around the
                                                        we are about to witness.                           hospital and even go outdoors. Recognizing the reason
                                                          The flashback begins at a party where Jack and his   for his disastrous situation he decides to join a group in
                                                        friend (played by Jack Black), already having had too   Alcoholics Anonymous  to  straighten  out  his  life. The
                                                        much to drink, decide to make a real night of it. After   group leader, portrayed by Jonah Hill, takes a special
                                                        stops at an amusement park and a strip club, imbibing even   interest in guiding John through AA’s established process.
                                                        more at each, they pile back into the car for one more stop     We learn that John’s mother had turned him over for
      Wagnolias, the presenting sponsor, represented by Jessica   with his totally besotted friend behind the wheel. As the   adoption when he was a young boy and he has never
      Forbes, Michele Tucker, Anne Arrue and Joann Lesher. Photo   car veers from one lane to another, the driver’s eyes begin
      by Sarah Fisher.                                  to close. He dozes off…and the inevitable 90 mph crash   Film Review on page 7

                                                           Treasure Coast Outdoors

                                                           Same Story Every Year:                          alone for solitude or because we can’t find someone
                                                                                                           to go with. Tom Flynn, of Palm City, will tell you that
                                                           Empty Boat With Angler                          I fish alone because of my personality.

                                                           Missing                                           However, it is so easy to prevent the empty boat
                                                                                                           tragedy. A lanyard attached to the kill switch and a boat
                                                                                                           line tied around your waist will prevent this tragedy. To
                                                           By Jim Weix                                     eliminate tangles, attach the safety rope to something
                                                             An empty boat with no                         solid near the kill switch and attach the kill switch
                                                           angler is like an annual                        lanyard to the safety rope. You can also purchase a
                                                           news story. It is sad,                          small wireless engine kill switch that acts within two
                                                           particularly because it is                      seconds of a person going overboard.
      Matthew and Megan Billitti with their pets, Bailey and Dexter.   so easily prevented.                  Some will say you should always wear a personal
      Megan Billitti, as Scooby Doo’s Velma, was the Best Dressed     The latest tragedy                   flotation device (PFD). The reality is that few people do.
      Human winner. Photo by Sarah Fisher.                 involved a missing boater                         Editor’s note: Jim Weix is an avid hunter, angler,
                                                           who departed from the                           conservationist, as well as an outdoor writer. Jim is
                                                           Lake  Worth Inlet. His                          included in the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s
                                                           unoccupied boat was                             Hall of Fame for helping restore thousands of acres
                                                           found 12 miles east of                          of wetlands. Jim is a broker associate with The Keyes
                                                           Hobe Sound and his body was recovered 35 miles   Company. He can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or by
                                                           northeast of the Sebastian Inlet.               email:
                                                             Some say you should never fish alone in the ocean.
                                                           That is a nice idea, but not a reality. Some of us fish

      Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles featuring Alyssa Bean,
      Courtney Zanetti, Ashton Standish and Sarah Fisher. Photo
      courtesy of Humane Society of the Treasure Coast.

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