Page 22 - The Jewish Voice - September '24
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Page 22, The Jewish Voice
Lifestyles from page 20 • Will smoke detectors provide visual as well as audio Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
alerts? is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
10 times more vitamin E compared to ordinary eggs, making • Are telephones easily accessible on all floors? pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
them a great nutritious option to incorporate into your meals, More information about home modifications, including physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
before or after hitting the pickleball court. a detailed home assessment checklist and information about extensive diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City
Try this delicious Scrambled Oats recipe, which will get the financial assistance, can be found at Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
job done after a day of fun. Bonus: It’s quick, easy, and packed Source: BPT care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
with essential vitamins and nutrients needed for energy. For more information, call 772-283-0920, visit www.
Tip of the Tail or find us on Facebook
Scrambled Oats at
Prep Time: 5 minutes Bufo Toad Intoxication
Cook Time: 10 minutes A New, Safer Treatment for
Yield/Total Servings: 2
AFib: Zero Fluoroscopy
2 eggs, large Atrial fibrillation (AFib)
1 teaspoon olive oil is no longer a condition found
1 ripe banana primarily in older adults. A
1 cup rolled oats growing number of younger
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon Americans are experiencing
1.5 cups 2% plain Greek yogurt Along with the Florida summer rain comes an increase AFib with symptoms such
1 cup fresh berries in bufo toads around our yards and pools. Bufo toads, also as palpitations, shortness of
Instructions: known as cane toads, are an invasive species of toad that breath, and dizziness.
1. In a bowl, mash banana, whisk in eggs, and stir in oats and are poisonous to most animals, including dogs and cats. “You can literally have
cinnamon. Bufo toad intoxication is much more likely to occur with AFib at any age,” says
2. In a skillet over medium heat, brush on olive oil. dogs than with cats, with very few cases ever having been Yasser Rodriguez, MD, a
3. Add mixture to skillet, spread out like a pancake, and cook reported in cats. Small dogs represent the vast majority cardiac electrophysiologist
undisturbed for about 5 minutes, until golden. of cases. at Cleveland Clinic Weston Dr. Yasser Rodriguez
4. Break up the oat mixture and “scramble” it like you would Bufo toads are reddish-brown to gray-brown in color Hospital. “The important
eggs, until all the pieces are golden. and have a slightly raised gland between their eyes and thing is that you see your doctor. The sooner you start
5. Serve on Greek yogurt and top with berries. shoulders that secretes a toxin (bufotoxin) as a defense treatment, the better your chances of preventing it from
Additional Notes: against predators. Bufo toads are most active during their getting worse.”
Eat immediately or refrigerate leftovers in a covered container breeding season, March through September. For years, AFib, which causes abnormal heart rhythms,
for up to four days. Bufo toads seem to sit very quietly even if you are has been treated with cardiac ablations using fluoroscopy, or
Allergy Info: vegetarian, no added sugar, whole grain (gluten right next to them, which makes them difficult to spot, x-rays. While effective, the procedure exposed other areas
free if made with gluten-free oats) particularly at night. Unfortunately, dogs seem to have a of the body to potentially harmful radiation.
knack for finding them, and a dog’s inquisitive nature can “Fortunately, we now have a new technology to perform
Source: BPT lead them to lick, bite, or ingest the bufo toad, which can cardiac ablations for AFib through a technique called
result in exposure to the toad’s toxic secretions. zero fluoroscopy,” says Dr. Rodriguez, who specializes
How to Make Home rinse the inside of their mouth (tongue, gums, and cheeks) in complex ablations. “We have moved away from x-ray,
If you think your dog has been exposed to a bufo toad,
which can increase the risk of breast, lung, skin, and even
Modifications for Independence thoroughly and repeatedly with water-soaked washcloths. bone marrow cancers. Zero-fluoroscopy ablation poses less
Do not use a hose or sink sprayer to rinse their mouth, as it is risk, making the procedure safer for younger patients who
Being safe and too easy to drown your dog by doing this. After rinsing their may need additional ablations down the road.”
comfortable at home mouth, take your dog to the vet right away for assessment At a time when AFib has increased three-fold, this is
is a large part of and further care. welcome news for both cardiologists and their patients.
living well. Home The effects of bufo toad toxin exposure occur very “AFib is a risk factor for life-threatening conditions,
modifications and quickly. These effects can include foamy salivation, such as heart attacks and strokes, and contributes to 158,000
repairs can help difficulty breathing, dark red gums, difficulty walking, deaths each year in the United States,” says Dr. Rodriguez.
everyone prevent vomiting, seizures, and an irregular heartbeat. There is no “We are extremely pleased to be able to offer this safe and
accidents and maintain an independent lifestyle, especially antidote for bufotoxin, but your vet can provide care to help effective technology to our patients.”
older adults and people with disabilities. your dog survive exposure to it. Without treatment, death Visit to learn more
Many older adults prefer to live in their own homes for is possible, if enough bufotoxin was absorbed. about the Heart, Vascular and Thoracic Institute at Cleveland
as long as possible, but too often don’t think about whether If you live in central or south Florida, take a moment to Clinic in Florida.
a home can adapt to their needs as they age. Making do an internet search for bufo toads and familiarize yourself
improvements before they are needed is a good way to ensure with what these toads look like. If you encounter these toads
that a home is ready for aging in place. Forward-thinking often in your yard, keeping your dog on a leash may be best
improvements can also prevent falls, which often result in when taking them out at night.
the need for long-term care.
Changes can be made to improve both the accessibility
and adaptability of a home. Accessibility improvements
involve tasks like widening doorways and lowering
countertop heights for someone who uses a wheelchair.
Adaptability changes, such as adding grab bars in bathrooms,
are improvements to assist people for whom strength and
balance may have become a challenge. These changes can
usually be made without a major redesign or full-blown
You can get started making your home ready for long-term
living by conducting a top-to-bottom assessment.
Home assessment
Before making any changes, look at the entire home.
Keep in mind items that may be needed now as well as in the
future. This checklist can help identify areas that might need
improvement. Everyone has different needs, but in general,
a “no” answer may be cause for action.
• Are exterior walkways and entrances well lit?
• Is there a step-free entrance to the home?
• Are entrance doors easy to lock, unlock, open, and close?
• Does the main floor include a kitchen, bedroom, and
full bathroom?
• Are doorways wide enough for someone using a
wheelchair, walker, or service animal?
• Is wall-to-wall carpeting secure and in good condition
(flat, not bunched up)?
• Are area rugs secured to the floor with nonslip padding?
• Are walkways free from obstructions and hazards like
cords and furniture?
• Do stairways have sturdy handrails on both sides?
• Can bathroom and kitchen cabinets be easily reached?
• Is there a step-free shower entrance?
• Are grab bars available near the shower and toilet?
• Do bathtubs and showers have nonslip mats, adhesive
strips, or slip-free floors?