Page 6 - Abacoa Community News - September '24
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Page 6, Abacoa

       aPoa news & activities

      From The Desk Of The Property Manager

         When is fall time in Florida? The fall time, or autumn,   or snowflakes, September in
      is one of the best times of year in Florida. It’s a tropical   Florida does bring the 1st day
      fall and we do it differently here. While there’ll be no frost   of fall, the “Harvest Moon,”
                                                        and some sweater weather.
                                                           The autumn shift occurs
        aPoa uPdate                                       in September when the rainy
                                                        season gradually subsides,
              Abacoa POA                                resulting in a decrease in                         Roasters on a cool early morning … or catch Annie’s
                                                        the number of scorching
                                                        90-degree days.  70-degree
           Meeting Notices                              weather begins to appear                           Run 5K and support teen suicide prevention with a brisk
                                                        and  humidity  will  drop.
                                                                                                           morning run on September 21st. Also downtown, Das Beer
                                                        These early on, fall-like                          Garden brings us a taste of fall on the 28th of September
           Official notification is posted via the bulletin board   temperatures will rarely stay          with the family-friendly event Dastoberfest. A beautiful
        outside the POA office as well as the Abacoa website.   all through the day; primarily             evening under the cool night moon and stars will be the
         Members may view and/or download Abacoa POA    you’ll find these cooler breaks in the early mornings and   “Ticket to The Moon” tribute band to E.L.O., the Electric
          agendas and approved minutes from  the evenings.                                     Light Orchestra on September 21st.
                                                           Here at the Abacoa POA this fall we are out with the old, in      As summer winds  down, it’s time to look forward
           Notice of APOA Board of Directors Meeting –   with the new! The replacement of all of the Entry Monuments   to autumn activities, enjoy! ... and Happy Labor Day
                    Adoption of 2025 Budget             Feature Signage is in process with completion expected soon.   weekend everyone!
             Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 11:30 a.m. –   Pictured here in the photographs are the “Before and Afters”      For events and other information visit our website,
                     APOA office or Zoom                depicting the Abacoa monuments fall “Face Lift.”, where you can also subscribe for the
                                                           So folks, now is “Fall Time in Florida”! While albeit   monthly event e-blasts right to your email inbox. The
                Notice of Monthly CAC Meeting –         unconventional, autumn has arrived and there will be times   monthly event calendars can also be found posted at your
             Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 9:30 a.m. –   when Florida can feel like a crisp, cool, fall day. Don’t   community clubhouse.
                     APOA Office or Zoom                forget to start carrying along your favorite sweatshirt or      To contact the APOA office call (561) 624-7788 or

        The deadline to submit CAC materials for review is one   sweater and get out on those crisp mornings or evenings.   email We  are
                                                                                                           always here to assist.
                                                        Perhaps, a cup o’Joe at Downtown Abacoa’s Crux Coffee
                 week prior to the CAC meeting.
               All Meetings Subject to Change

        All meetings to be held at the offices of the Abacoa
                  POA, 1200 University Blvd.,
       Suite 102, Jupiter, FL. 33458 or via Zoom.US unless
                      otherwise posted.
        Articles herein are the creation of the individual writers,
            and do not express the opinion of the APOA.
        By printing an article herein, the APOA is not endorsing
        the writer, the article’s content, or any business referred
        to herein.  The APOA will not be responsible for errors
              contained herein, or related to, articles.

                 Deadline for the next
                  Abacoa newspaper
               is the 11th of the month.

             Submit articles/pictures to

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by   Need More Storage?
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
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