Page 21 - Abacoa Community News - September '24
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Abacoa, Page 21

       Science On The cuTTing edge

                                                                                                           model training and validation. Multiple machine-learning
                                                                                                           models were then developed to estimate m-CTSIB scores
                                                                                                           from the wearable sensor data. Researchers also explored
                                                                                                           the most effective sensor placements to optimize balance
                                                                                                              Results of the study, published in the journal Frontiers
      Balancing Act: Wearable                                                                              in Digital Health, underscore this approach’s high
                                                                                                           accuracy and strong correlation with ground truth balance
      Sensors And AI Transform                                                                             scores, suggesting the method is effective and reliable
                                                                                                           in estimating balance. Data from lumbar and dominant
      Balance Assessment                                                                                   ankle sensors demonstrated the highest performance in
                                                                                                           balance score estimation, highlighting the importance of
      By Gisele Galoustian                                                                                 strategic sensor placement for capturing relevant balance
         Balance can be impacted by various factors, including                                             adjustments and movements.
      diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, acute and chronic   Using wearable sensors and advanced machine learning      “Wearable sensors offer a practical and cost-effective
      injuries to the nervous system, and the natural aging   algorithms, researchers have developed a novel method that   solution for capturing detailed movement data, which is
      process. Accurately  assessing  balance  in  patients  is   could revolutionize balance assessment practices. Photo   essential for balance analysis,” said Behnaz Ghoraani,
      important to identify and manage conditions that affect   by Alex Dolce.                             Ph.D.,  senior  author,  an  associate  professor,  FAU
      coordination and stability. Balance assessments also play                                            Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
      a key role in preventing falls, understanding movement   Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance (m-CTSIB),   Science, co-director of the FAU Center for SMART
      disorders, and designing appropriate therapeutic   widely used in health care to assess a person’s ability   Health, and a fellow, FAU Institute for Sensing and
      interventions across age groups and medical conditions.  to maintain balance under different sensory conditions.   Embedded Network Systems Engineering (I-SENSE).
         However, traditional methods used to assess balance   Wearable sensors were placed on study participants’ ankle,   “Positioned on areas like the lower back and lower
      often suffer from subjectivity, are not comprehensive   lumbar (lower back), sternum, wrist and arm.  limbs, these sensors provide insights into 3-D movement
      enough and cannot be administered remotely. Moreover,      Researchers collected comprehensive motion data from   dynamics, essential for applications such as fall risk
      these assessments rely on expensive, specialized   the participants under four different sensory conditions   assessment in diverse populations. Coupled with the
      equipment which may not be readily accessible in all   of m-CTSIB: balance performance with eyes open and   evolution of machine learning, these sensor-derived
      clinical settings and depend on the clinician’s expertise,   closed on a stable surface; and eyes open and closed on a   datasets transform into objective, quantifiable balance
      which can lead to variability in results. More objective   foam surface. Each test condition lasted about 11 seconds   metrics, using an array of machine learning techniques.”
      and comprehensive assessment tools in balance evaluation   without breaks to simulate continuous balance challenges      Results provide important insights into the significance
      are greatly needed.                               and streamline the assessment process. Researchers used   of specific movements, feature selection and sensor
         Using wearable sensors and advanced machine learning   inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors coupled with a   placement in estimating balance. Notably, the XGBOOST
      algorithms, researchers from Florida Atlantic University’s   specialized system to evaluate ground truth m-CTSIB   model, utilizing the lumbar sensor data, achieved
      College of Engineering and Computer Science have   balance scores for their analysis.                outstanding results in both cross-validation methods and
      developed a novel approach that addresses a crucial gap      The data was then preprocessed and an extensive   demonstrated a high correlation and a low mean absolute
      in balance assessment and sets a new benchmark in the   array of features was extracted for analysis. To estimate   error, indicating consistent performance.
      application of wearable technology and machine learning   the m-CTSIB scores, researchers applied Multiple Linear      “Findings from this important research suggest that this
      in health care. The approach is a significant advance   Regression, Support Vector Regression and XGBOOST   novel method has the potential to revolutionize balance
      in  objective  balance assessment,  especially for remote   algorithms. The wearable sensor data served as the input   assessment practices, especially in situations where
      monitoring in home-based or nursing care settings,   for their machine-learning models, and the corresponding   traditional methods are impractical or inaccessible,” said
      potentially transforming balance disorder management.  m-CTSIB scores from Falltrak II, one of the leading tools
         For the study, researchers used the Modified Clinical   in fall prevention, acted as the ground truth labels for   Science On The Cutting Edge on page 24


      Commissioner’s Update

      Declaring September 2024 As                        troubling figure reflects broader socioeconomic challenges,   (UWPBC), developed the Hunger Relief Plan for Palm

      National Hunger Action Month                       as many households are contending with financial   Beach County. This strategic plan marked the beginning
                                                         instability. Additionally, according to the latest ALICE
                                                                                                           of a collective impact initiative aimed at reducing hunger
                                                         report, 46 percent of county households are struggling to   throughout the county. Since then, the UWPBC’s Hunger
      By Vice Mayor G. Marino                            make ends meet. ALICE, an acronym for Asset Limited,   Relief team has continued to lead these efforts, working
         In recognition of                               Income Constrained, Employed, represents a significant   with more than 150 partners to address various facets of
      the ongoing battle                                 and growing demographic: individuals and families who   food insecurity.
      against hunger and food                            are employed but unable to afford basic necessities such      The Hunger Relief Plan has made significant strides in
      insecurity, the Palm Beach                         as housing, childcare, food, transportation, healthcare, and   several key areas, including addressing childhood hunger,
      County Board of County                             technology.                                       senior hunger, and increasing access to fresh produce in
      Commissioners will                                    The county’s commitment to addressing hunger is not   underserved areas like the Glades. The plan also focuses
      proclaim  September 2024                           new. In 2015, the Board of County Commissioners, in   on building the necessary infrastructure to alleviate hunger
      as National Hunger Action                          collaboration with the United Way of Palm Beach County   more effectively and advocating for policy changes that
      Month. This declaration is                                                                           can create long-term solutions.
      part of a larger, nationwide                                                                            National Hunger Action Month in Palm Beach County is
      campaign designed to                                                                                 a reaffirmation of the county’s commitment to these efforts.
      inspire action and raise awareness about hunger in the                                               It serves as a call to action for all residents to become
      United States, a problem that persists even in affluent areas                                        involved  in  the  fight  against  hunger,  whether  through
      like Palm Beach County.                                                                              volunteering, donating, or simply raising awareness about
         Despite the county’s overall wealth, the reality is                                               the issue. If you are considering donating food, local food
      stark for many residents. According to Feeding America’s                                             pantries and our local food bank are always looking for
      “Map the Meal Gap” report, more than 173,000 residents                                               food that is “shelf stable” or nonperishable. If you have
      of Palm Beach County struggle with hunger, including                                                 the resources, you may also want to consider donating less
      50,890 children who do not have enough to eat on a daily                                             common items like a can opener, boxed milk, oil, spices,
      basis. This statistic underscores the critical importance                                            cake mix, and frosting. Your thoughtful donations can help
      of initiatives like Hunger Action Month, which seek to                                               bring joy and dignity to those in need.
      mobilize the community in addressing these disparities.                                                 For more information on food and nutrition
         As of June 2024, over half—54 percent—of the families                                             resources, please visit:
      with children enrolled in the Palm Beach County School                                               communityservices/communityaction/Pages/Food-
      District are considered economically disadvantaged. This                                             Nutrition.aspx.
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