Page 13 - Abacoa Community News - September '24
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Abacoa, Page 13
      Abacoa Community Garden

      Porter Weed  – The Native                                                                            reach heights of 3 to 4 feet. Propagation is easily
      Blue Porter Weed Has                                                                                 achieved through stem cuttings, and pruning back by
                                                                                                           a third encourages a more compact growth. The seed
      A Rich History And Is A                                                                              can be harvested from the dried-out, brown spikes year-
                                                                                                           round; seeds are retained within the bracts and can be
      Robust Southern Staple                                                                               mechanically removed by hand or allowed to release
                                                                                                           naturally. Self-seeding is common.
      In The Garden                                                                                           Native blue porter weed has a rich history and is a
                                                                                                           robust southern staple in the garden. This versatile plant
      Porter Weed (Stachytarpheta Jamaicensis)                                                             blooms throughout the year (although, and one should
      Is A Low-Growing, Sprawling Wildflower                                                               note) they will refuse to open on cloudy days or if placed
      With A Three-Foot Spread                                                                             in too much shade. These wild blue beauties can be used
                                                                                                           as a groundcover for border plantings, as a specimen plant
         Exploring our garden often reveals delightful surprises.                                          or in mass plantings. Porter weed adapts well to container
      On the north side, a distinctive blue sign signals the                                               gardening, offering versatility in various settings,
      presence of porter weed. This plant boasts showy blue-                                               including pots. With a cottage-garden feel, they look their
      purple flowers. These edible blooms, eaten raw, taste   on snakelike stems earning its               best in a casual setting such as a mix of flowering plants,
      exactly like mushrooms. The flower spikes, used like   nicknames snake weed, blue                    in butterfly and/or edible gardens.
      a bay leaf, add seasoning to soups and stews making a   or light-blue snakeweed. Other                  Highly prized, with its brilliant blue flowers appearing
      flavorful alternative to bay leaves for seasoning. Its name   common names across the                partway up the funky, swirly, upright stems, porter weed is
      stems from a historical use in traditional medicine. A   Caribbean include Brazilian                 one of South Florida’s most popular plants for its ability
      natural foam occurs from the dried leaves if steeped into   tea, Jamaica vervain, and, in            to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, bees, and other
      a tea or brewed into a beer, hence the name “porter”-weed.  St. Croix, worry vine.  Wildly           pollinators. Porter weed is a also a larval host plant for the
         Native throughout coastal south Florida as well as much   found in coastal dunes, shell           Tropical Buckeye butterfly and a nectar source for many
      of the Caribbean, and Tropical America, the wild flower   mounds and disturbed areas, it             other butterfly species including the Gulf Fritillary, Julia,
      is notably recognized for its peculiar tiny blue flowers   typically flowers in the summer,          Mangrove Skipper, Orange Sulphur, and Red Admiral. At
                                                        but can flower year-round in                       dusk you’ll find them joined by moths flitting back and
                                                        South Florida.                                     forth along the dangly spikes.
                                                           Porter weed  can  be a  bit  of                   Garden membership runs from August 1 to July 31.
                                                        a space hog; the plant’s rapid                     Download forms at
                                                        growth  is  like  that  of  a  weed,               community-garden or
                                                        hence the named “weed.” Left                       find one in the outside
                                                        unattended, porter  weed  can                      mailbox at the garden
                                                                                                           entrance at 1022
                                                                                                           Community Drive.
                                                                                                           There is a waiting
                                                                                                           list for independent
                                                                                                           beds but if interested,
                                                                                                           just  check  the  box.
                                                                                                           Stop by, especially
                                                                                                           Saturday  mornings,
                                                        Porter weed host and nectar supply for the Tropical Buckeye   and check out our
                                                        larvae, caterpillar and butterfly.                 Facebook page.

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