Page 10 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - August '24
P. 10

Page 10, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
       Commissioner’s Update

      Making Dollars And Cents                             To further understand your
                                                         tax bill, you can visit the
      Of Your Tax Bill                                   property appraiser’s website
      By Vice Mayor Maria G.                             htm. By clicking on the tax
      Marino                                             link (property tax detail), you
        It’s that time of year                           will see a detailed breakdown
      when the Board of County                           of the taxes collected from
      Commissioners begins the                           various districts that provide
      budgeting process for Fiscal                       services to residents. For
      Year (FY) 2025 and sets the                        instance, using the example
      millage rate for Palm Beach                        at right of a homesteaded
      County. The current county                         house with the taxable value
      millage rate is 4.5, which                         of $351,123 ($376,123 for
      represents the amount of                           school district items) and the
      tax payable per dollar of the                      millage rate of 4.5, you will
      assessed value of a property. A mill is derived from the Latin   be paying $4.5 per $1,000,
      word “millesimum,” meaning thousandth. In property tax   totaling $1,580.05.
      terms, 1 mill equals $1 in property tax levied per $1,000 of     With our example, there
      a property’s assessed value.                       are 13 taxing districts under
                                                         ad valorem taxes for this
                                                         homesteaded property in
        It’s The Law!                                    Palm Beach Gardens. Each
                                                         district sets its own millage
                                                         rate, and properties in different
        Did You Know That, In                            areas of the county will have
        Florida…                                         a varying number of districts
                                                         depending on whether they
                                                         are in a municipality or
        By Adam S. Gumson,                               unincorporated areas. Some
        Esq.                                             areas, such as Jupiter or Juno,
          There are many free                            may have an additional line item for fire/rescue services   but generally, the county provides many essential services
        ways to avoid having to                          because those services are provided by the county instead   that benefit all residents. These services include managing
        go through an expensive                          of the municipality.                              four airports, a water utilities department, road and bridge
        probate proceeding,                                Non-ad valorem assessments are not based on property   maintenance, stormwater management, environmental
        such as passing property                         values but are fixed fees per household or business.  resources and a parks and recreation department overseeing
        or financial accounts via                          Understanding your tax bill is important because it helps   over 110 parks in both municipal and unincorporated areas.
        joint ownership or via                           you know which authority sets the millage and who has     So, the next time you receive your tax bill, remember
        designated beneficiary                           jurisdiction over various services. For example, school-  that I am here to be a steward of your tax dollars and
        forms.  You can also                             related questions should be directed to the school board, while   a watchdog to ensure that the funds collected are used
        title assets in a  living                        library-related questions should go to the library authority.  efficiently and effectively.
        revocable trust such that no court involvement is     I often get asked why residents in a municipality still pay
        necessary.                                       taxes to the county. The answer varies slightly by municipality,
          Florida’s homestead laws impact how the primary
        residence is distributed at a decedent’s death. If a Florida
        resident dies with a surviving spouse and no minor
        children, the surviving spouse may inherit the entire
        homestead, even if the decedent had children from a
        previous marriage. However, if the decedent had minor
        children at the time of his/her death, then the children
        are constitutionally entitled to a share of the residence.
          Special needs trusts (SNT) are designed to provide
        for a physically or mentally disabled beneficiary in
        such a way that the trust assets are not placed in that
        beneficiary’s name. Therefore, such assets do not count
        as that beneficiary’s assets for the purposes of Medicaid
        eligibility. The SNT allows the trust assets and any
        income from such assets to improve the beneficiary’s
        quality of life by paying for some of his/her expenses
        which are not covered by Medicaid (such as personal
        grooming, entertainment, technology like computers and
        TVs, massages and transportation).
          Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law
        firm located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003
        W. Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla., (561) 744
        - 4600, The firm provides peace of
        mind by solving problems with integrity and compassion
        in the areas of estate and business planning, probate,
        guardianship and trust administration, probate and
        guardianship for personal injury firms, family law and
        real estate.

        Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
        Palm Beach County and is a privately
        owned and managed company.
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