Page 11 - Martin Downs Bulletin - August '24
P. 11

Martin Downs, Page 11

                                                    tip of the tAil

      Feline Preventative Care                            Because it can be difficult to tell when a cat is feeling   physical exam to include dental assessment as well as

                                                        ill,  some  owners  may  feel  that  their  cat  doesn’t  need   addressing  all  body  symptoms,  including  listening  to
                                                        routine wellness care. This means many cats don’t get   their heart and lungs. Another integral part of assessing
                                                        the  care  they  need  until  their  condition  is  much  more   our feline companion’s health status is checking routine
                                                        serious.  Most  illnesses  can  be  more  easily  treated  if   labwork to include blood and urine testing. This will give
                                                        caught early, sometimes even before the cat is showing   your veterinarian more crucial information about your cat’s
                                                        outward symptoms at home. Additionally, when brought   health. These diagnostics can provide a healthy baseline;
                                                        in regularly, your veterinarian can evaluate for unhealthy   but  your  veterinarian  can  also  assess  for  trends  over
                                                        or concerning trends, i.e. weight loss.            time enabling them to catch disease before it becomes a
                                                          Some cat owners may feel that just because their cat   debilitating issue. As mentioned, cats are masters at hiding
                                                        doesn’t go outside, routine health checkups are not needed.   discomfort or illness. Therefore, it becomes important for
                                                        This could not be further from the truth. Indoor cats can still   us to advocate for them with preventative care.
                                                        develop a plethora of ailments, and regular examinations     Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
                                                        and  preventative  measures  can  ensure  that  they  stay   is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
                                                        healthy for a long time. Another hesitation that cat owners   pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
        Regular wellness care is an important component of a   have is the difficulty and stress (for them and their feline   physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
      healthy lifestyle for all pets. Unfortunately, cats are less   companion) of transporting to the veterinary office. If this   extensive diagnostics and emergency service, Palm City
      likely to receive routine wellness care than dogs. According   is the case, you can reach out to your veterinarian about   Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
      to the American Veterinary Medical Association, only half   techniques and/or pheromones or medications that might   care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
      of cat owners brought their pets in for wellness care over   ease your cat’s transportation and visit.  For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit www.
      the course of a year and 10 percent of cat owners never     So, what can you expect during your routine visit? The or find us on Facebook
      even take their cat to the vet at all. This is an unfortunate   veterinary  staff  will  check  your  cat’s  vitals,  including   at
      statistic when you consider how many cats may be suffering   weight,  during  every  visit.  They  can  discuss  any
      from illnesses that could be prevented. Cats are experts at   recommended vaccines or preventative parasite control
      masking symptoms and hiding pain.                 based on lifestyle. Your veterinarian will perform a full

                                                          reAl estAte

      Treasure Coast Real Estate                         articles of incorporation or bylaws, may not preclude ... a   loses,  their  attorney  still
                                                         property owner or a tenant, a guest, or an invitee ... from
                                                                                                           wins. This is why I would
      Report                                             parking his or her personal vehicle, including a pickup truck,   question their legal opinion
                                                         in the property owner’s driveway.”                if they say that the HOA can
      New Law Promises To Be Interesting, And A  win in court.
      Big Win For Attorneys                              investigates/new-florida-law-prohibiting-hoas-from-    The  only  losers  are  the
                                                         passing-parking-restrictions-could-affect-millions  HOA members. If the HOA
      By Jim Weix                                          However, some HOAs are not happy with the new law,   loses  its  legal  battle,  the
        To a regular person, the new law, which took effect   and their attorneys are more than happy to enter into an   members are stuck with their
      July  1,  regarding  pickup  trucks  and  HOAs  seems   expensive legal battle fighting it. I mean what can go wrong?  own  HOA  legal  fees,  plus
      straightforward. The  law  says,  in  part,  “Homeowners’     In most cases, the HOA Board of Directors is protected   those  of  the  winning  side.
      association documents, including declarations of covenants,   from the legal costs of fighting the new law. Even if the HOA   This  could  result  in  using
                                                                                                           up reserve funds earmarked for expensive future projects
                                                                                                           like a new road, which is not always allowed, or a special
                                                                                                           assessment for every HOA member.
                                                                                                             I don’t own a pickup truck or motorcycle, so I have no
                                                                                                           skin in the game. But I have to wonder why some HOAs are
                                                                                                           fighting so hard to defend an outdated rule in their bylaws
                                                                                                           from decades ago.
                                                                                                             As a real estate agent, I often work with potential buyers
                                                                                                           who own expensive pickup trucks or motorcycles. And I’m
                                                                                                           not talking about Sanford & Son or the Hell’s Angels-type
                                                                                                           vehicles. These potential buyers are lost to sellers trying to
                                                                                                           sell their home or condo.
                                                                                                             The biggest danger is stubborn HOA or condo boards
                                                                                                           that are more than willing to risk their members’ money
                                                                                                           fighting windmills.
                                                                                                             Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your options.
                                                                                                           I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or
                                                                                                             Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes Company.
                                                                                                           Jim has 25 years of experience selling real estate full-
                                                                                                           time. If you have questions or want the services of an
                                                                                                           experienced expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-2941

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