Page 4 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - August '24
P. 4

Page 4, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      Commissioner’s Update

      Making Dollars And Cents Of                         N on-ad valorem
                                                        assessments are not based
      Your Tax Bill                                     on property values but are
                                                        fixed fees per household or
      By Vice Mayor Maria G.                            business.
      Marino                                              Understanding  your  tax
        It’s that time of year                          bill is important because
      when the Board of County                          it helps you know which
      Commissioners begins the                          authority sets the millage
      budgeting process for Fiscal                      and who has jurisdiction over
      Year (FY) 2025 and sets the                       various services. For example,
      millage rate for Palm Beach                       school-related questions
      County. The current county                        should be directed to the
      millage rate is 4.5, which                        school board, while library-
      represents the amount of                          related questions should go
      tax payable per dollar of the                     to the library authority.
      assessed value of a property. A mill is derived from the Latin     I often get asked why
      word “millesimum,” meaning thousandth. In property tax   residents in a municipality
      terms, 1 mill equals $1 in property tax levied per $1,000 of   still pay taxes to the county.
      a property’s assessed value.                      The answer varies slightly by
        To further understand your tax bill, you can visit the   municipality, but generally,
      property appraiser’s website at  the county provides many
      htm. By clicking on the tax link (property tax detail), you will   essential services that
      see a detailed breakdown of the taxes collected from various   benefit all residents. These
      districts that provide services to residents. For instance, using   services include managing
      the example on the right of a homesteaded house with the   four airports, a water utilities
      taxable value of $351,123 ($376,123 for school district items)   department, road and bridge maintenance, stormwater     So, the next time you receive your tax bill, remember
      and the millage rate of 4.5, you will be paying $4.5 per $1,000,   management, environmental resources and a parks and   that I am here to be a steward of your tax dollars and
      totaling $1,580.05.                               recreation department overseeing over 110 parks in both   a watchdog to ensure that the funds collected are used
        With our example, there are 13 taxing districts under ad   municipal and unincorporated areas.     efficiently and effectively.
      valorem taxes for this homesteaded property in Palm Beach
      in different areas of the county will have a varying number  Autism Or Just An Awkward Kid?
      Gardens. Each district sets its own millage rate, and properties
      of districts depending on whether they are in a municipality
      or unincorporated areas. Some areas, such as Jupiter or Juno,   By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                shaking their hand. While this was an appropriate behavior,
      may have an additional line item for fire/rescue services   Licensed School                          his interaction came across as scripted or practiced. While
      because those services are provided by the county instead   Psychologist                             talking with him I learned he had an advanced vocabulary and
      of the municipality.                                A concerned mom came                             could converse about many different topics. He understood
                                                        to me seeking insights on her                      humor and idioms such as, “She let the cat out of the bag.”
                                                        son’s behavior. She explained,                       My school neuropsychological testing with Joseph
        Hanley Foundation from page 1                   “Sometimes Joseph can seem                         revealed two main contributing factors. First, he had low
                                                        zoned out and not always                           cognitive flexibility which is a fancy term for flexible
        of addiction. Unfortunately, an accidental overdose   in tune with what is going                   thinking. His mental rigidity contributed to him being a
        took his life in October 2022. In honor of Cory’s life,   on around him. He can be                 blacker and whiter thinker. He saw things his way which
        his family created the Cory Bartle Memorial Fund to   socially awkward at times. He                created his social awkwardness. The second factor was slower
        support efforts to combat addiction and bring awareness   can also be so hyper-focused             processing speed which helped explain why he seemed zoned
        about the addiction crisis.                     on something like his hobby and interest. He can get easily   out at times. In certain situations, Joseph quickly used up
          Donations made to the Cory Bartle Memorial Fund,   bored and likes to be pretty active all of the time which is a   his mental fuel which resulted in mental fatigue. When this
        administered by the Hanley Foundation, will provide   good thing but sometimes it is hard for him to relax.” This   occurred he disengaged and seemed out of touch with what
        lifesaving scholarships for individuals with substance   mom wanted to know if her son might have autism, ADHD,   was going on around him.
        use disorders who would not otherwise be able to afford   or anxiety so she knew how to best support him.     I helped create a plan and recommended activities he could
        treatment. The fund will also support work to educate     Upon meeting Joseph for the first time, he presented as   do to improve these areas. Mom planned to share the report
        individuals and their families on substance use disorders   a well-groomed and athletic adolescent. He was slightly   with his school. Call (561) 625-4125 if you are concerned
        and the road to recovery for all involved, with the hopes   rigid in his social mannerisms as if he had been taught skills   about your child and would like understanding and answers.
        of breaking the cycle of addiction and overdose.  such as greeting someone by looking them in the eye and   Our website is
          For more information, visit, call
        (561) 268-2355, or email
                                                            Are You Ready                                                     Hurricane?

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                              For The Next Storm?
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

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