Page 8 - Boca ViewPointe - August '24
P. 8

Page 8, Viewpointe                                                   August 2024

        Please Help                                     Imprinting, What Is It?

                                                        By Josette Veltri
           Now is the time to clean out your closets! The
        homeless shelters are accepting used clothing. Please      Imprinting is repeating
        bring any clean, gently used clothing that you would   the same thoughts until
                                                        they become embedded into
        like to donate. The drop off location is at the BPCA   our subconscious minds.
        office located at 6909 SW 18th St., Suite A120 in   Like  fingerprints, human
        the Boardwalk shopping plaza. The donations are   imprinting is unique to
        distributed to local churches and homeless shelters.   all of us. Why, because it
        Thank you for your generous donations this past year!   involves what we believe
        It is greatly appreciated!                     (or  told  to  believe)  and
                                                        perceive about the people,
                                                        places, things, and events we experience (or experienced)
                                                        in our lives.                                        by actively challenging them as we become more aware
                                                                                                             So how do we change our imprinting? We change them

                                                           Beliefs take hold of us in very subtle ways. They
        Community                                       become ingrained in our subconscious minds and become   of the dissonance between our past and present, our self-
                                                        our  realities.  Simply  put,  a  schema  (another  word  for
                                                                                                           image and our social identity. Research shows to change
        Shred Event                                     imprinting) is a pattern of thinking and behaviors that   imprinting (schemas), we willingly become mindful of a
                                                                                                           memory and what needs it is fulfilling. Then, we challenge
                                                        people use to interpret the world. And, like our shadow,
                                                        follows  us  around  throughout  our  lifetime.  In  other
                                                                                                           it and replace it repeatedly with a value or values until the
                                                        words, our beliefs come from our projections – how   value or values become stronger than the past imprinting.
           The Boca Pointe Community Association hosted   we  see,  hear,  smell,  touch,  and  taste  EVERYTHING,   (The Research Gate -The Dual Route to Value Change) An
        another successful Community Shred Event on Friday,   EVERYWHERE!                                  example would be one who has been negatively imprinted
        July 12 at The Club. MicroShred was onsite from 10 a.m.      And, so a parable is told of blind men who have never   by a meaningful parent, authority figure, teacher, minister,
        to 1 p.m. shredding 7,200 lbs. of personal documents   come across an elephant before and imagine what the   rabbi, friend, or family member to believe and perceive
        safely and securely. Thank you to all of the residents that   elephant is like by touching it. Each blind man feels a   they are unable to manage responsibility, tackle new
        participated and to The Club at Boca Pointe for letting us   different part of the animal’s body, but only one part.   tasks, exercise good judgment, or make good decisions
        use your parking facilities.                   (The Blind Men and the Elephant by John G. Saxe)   will present themselves as being helpless and/or needy.
                                                           The first man touches the elephant’s knee and concludes      I hope that you can understand the importance
                                                        it is a tree. The second bumps into the elephant’s side and   of imprinting as it involves a specific set of learned
                                                        concludes it is a wall. Another feels its ear and concludes   connections and/or aversions experienced that remain
                                                        it is a fan. And, another touches the elephant’s tail and   with us UNTIL we recognize and take action to change
                                                        concludes it is a rope.                            them.
                                                           The lesson taken from this parable is humankind tends      A good question to ask yourself is “Who told you you
                                                        to claim the truth based on their subjective beliefs and   were_____?” Remember, “There is nothing either good
                                                        experiences. Our takeaway is to explore and develop   or bad, but thinking makes it so.” William Shakespeare
                                                        what psychology calls perspective awareness. That is
                                                        one’s ability to be self-aware and understand how a      Josette  Veltri,  a Boca  Point  resident,  is  a  certified
                                                        situation appears and how each person is reacting both   educator and coach on loss and transition. Her purpose,
                                                        cognitively and emotionally to the situation. It is having   to assist clients heal and move forward so they can go
                                                        an awareness that each of us has imprinted (intentionally   from I Can’t to I Can, One Step at a Time. She can be
                                                        or unintentionally) a unique view of the world based on   reached at (https://www.
                                                        personal beliefs and experiences.         


                                                                                 Shayna Franco

                                                                                 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTOR                 ®

                                                                                 Shayna is a luxury real estate professional who grew up in Boca Raton,
                                                                                 Florida, which has allowed her to gain a profound understanding of the
                                                                                 local  market.  She  holds  a  degree  in  hospitality  management  and  her
                                                                                 experience working in luxury hotels and resorts across the United States
                                                                                 has shaped her skills to a unique hospitality-meets-real estate approach.
                                                                                 Shayna strives to provide her clients with Five-Star Luxury Service - No
                                                                                 Reservations Required.

                                                                                 Her unwavering commitment to excellence ensures that every client feels
                                                                                 like a VIP. Whether you’re buying your  rst home or looking to sell your
                                                                                 current property, Shayna is dedicated to helping you achieve your real
                                                                                 estate goals. She takes great pride in guiding her clients through every
                                                                                 step of the buying or selling process, o ering professional support and
                                                                                 guidance along the way. With Shayna by your side, you can rest assured
                                                                                 that you’re in the hands of an exceptional real estate professional.

                                                                                 Shayna Franco

                                                                                 GLOBAL REAL ESTATE ADVISOR
                                                                                                                            BOCA RATON OFFICE
                                                                                 561.445.8964                            200 E PALMETTO PARK RD
                                                                                 SFRANCO@ONESOTHEBYSREALTY.COM              BOCA RATON, FL 33432

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