Page 13 - Talk of Tequesta - July '24
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The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 13

                                 arTs & enTerTainmenT                                                       loCal governmenT from page 12
                                                                                                              Martin County Is

           Lighthouse ArtCenter Hosts Summer                                                                Counting On YOU,

               Camp And ‘Stitching Spectacular’                                                                  VOTE Aug. 20!

                                Exhibition For Kids                                                           In the state of Florida

                                                                                                            voters  have  the  option
                                                                                                            to decide how they are
        This summer, Lighthouse ArtCenter (LAC) in Tequesta     The mastermind behind                       going to cast their vote
      invites children and families to dive into a world of creativity   the  enchanting  stitchings,       …  by  mail,  by  voting
      with its exciting summer camp and the enchanting “Stitching   Irem  Yazici,  hails  from              early,  or  by  voting  at
      Spectacular” exhibition.                           Eskisehir, Turkey. A  self-                        their  assigned  precinct
        Running  through Aug.  2,  the  Stitching  Spectacular   taught embroidery artist                   on  Election  Day.  Here
      exhibition at LAC features the exquisite textile art of Irem   with boundless creativity,             is  some  important
      Yazici. It brings scenes to life from the beloved children’s   Yazici’s  work  has  earned            information  regarding
      book  Princess Pinecone and the Wee Royals by C.C.   international  acclaim                           these three ways to vote
      Bernstein. Each intricately stitched piece vividly captures the   and  has  been  featured  in        to  help  you  decide  by
      imagination, portraying the adventures of Princess Pinecone   esteemed publications such              what method you are going to choose to cast your votes
      and her tiny friends.                              as, Vice’s                       for the upcoming Aug. 20 election:
        In addition to Yazici’s artwork, the exhibition showcases   The Creator’s Project, and                • The  Martin  County  Elections  Office  located  at
      eight collaborative textile yarn upcycle projects crafted   Vogue.                                    135 S.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in Stuart and the
      by  LAC’s  summer                                    Running  from  June  3                           Elisabeth Lahti Library located in Indiantown Saturday,
      campers. These unique                              to Aug. 2, LAC’s Summer                            Aug. 10 through Saturday, Aug. 17 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
      pieces,  reflecting  the                           ArtCamp  offers  children                          These dates do include Sunday, Aug. 11.
      camp’s weekly themes,                              aged 5 to 11 an immersive artistic experience. Each week     • Vote-by-mail  ballots  can  be  requested  through
      are  available  for  a                             of camp features exciting themes like “Surfin’ Safari” and   Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024.
      $300  donation.  Every                             “Space Odyssey,” providing participants with opportunities     • When voting in-person voters should remember to
      contribution supports a                            to explore various art forms, including drawing, painting,   bring photo and signature identification when voting early
      scholarship for a child to                         printmaking and sculpture.                         or when voting at their assigned precinct on Election Day.
      attend a week of LAC’s                               For older aspiring artists, LAC offers dynamic one-day     • Secure Ballot Intake Stations (drop boxes) will
      ArtCamp.                                           workshops for teens aged 12 to 16, priced at $136. These   be available during early voting at both
        Princess Pinecone                                workshops delve into fused glass, jewelry making, recycled   locations for voters to hand deliver their
      and the Wee Royals was                             collage techniques and more, empowering teens to unleash   voted mail ballot.
      born from the bedtime                              their creativity and develop new skills.             As your Supervisor of Elections, it
      stories  Bernstein’s                                 For more information about Lighthouse ArtCenter’s   is my goal to provide the best possible
      mother shared with her.                            summer offerings and the Stitching Spectacular exhibition,   voting experience!
      The book centers on the adventures of Princess Pinecone and   visit                                                  Vicki Davis,
      her miniature companions and carries messages of empathy,                                                           Martin County Supervisor of Elections
      forgiveness and kindness.
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