Page 18 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens- July '24
P. 18

Page 18, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      The Pet Cottage Post

        You know The Pet Cottage serves pets
      who lose their humans due to death,
      disability, or deployment. But did
      you know, they are also committed
      to helping senior people and the
      loneliness crisis many of them face?
      Take Paulette, a senior with a chronic
      illness that keeps her at home most of
      the time.
        In November of 2023, Paulette, a widow in her late 60s,
      became Forever Guardian to Arya the gray tabby cat. Paulette
      often sleeps late and has little energy. She was feeling lonely
      and distraught. She discovered The Pet Cottage and knew this
      could be a way she could share her home with a pet without
      worry. Arya needed a home when her person joined the Coast
      Guard and Paulette desperately needed companionship. This
      was a match made in heaven.
        Paulette says, “Arya gives me purpose and gets me out   Cynthia, Gigi and Dr. V   Claire and Dashie Girl           Wendy and Zack
      of bed. She makes me laugh and has made a difference in
      my every waking hour. I recently had family visit and they     The  Pet  Cottage  acknowledges  the  loneliness  and     The Pet Cottage provides and covers the cost of all
      noticed a huge change in my happiness and disposition.”  hesitancy many senior people feel when it comes to pet   medical care – routine, specialty, emergency, and even
                                                         ownership.                                        prescription medications and preventatives – for their pets,
                                                           ● What will happen to my pet if something happens to me?
                                                                                                           forever. Forever Guardians provide food for their pet, along
        It’s The Law!                                      ● What if my pet needs medical care I can’t afford?  with lots of tender love and care, of course!
                                                           ● What if I am unable to care for my pet long-term?
                                                                                                             Your guardianship commitment means pets avoid shelters
                                                           ● I want a pet in my life, but need backup support just   and instability and find happiness, a warm bed, and a doting
        Did You Know That, In                            in case.                                          companion for life.
                                                                                                             To apply to become a Guardian visit https://www.
                                                           This is where The Pet Cottage Lifelong Guardianship
        Florida …                                        Program  shines  by  providing  seniors  and  people  with
                                                         disabilities – who otherwise might not feel comfortable with     The Pet Cottage is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in Jupiter
        By Adam S. Gumson,                               full pet ownership – the opportunity to experience the joys   Farms that celebrates and protects the magical relationship
        Esq.                                             of pet companionship.                             between people and pets. We provide homestyle care for pets
          Child support for an                             The role of forever guardianship is essential to The Pet   who lose their humans due to death, disability, or deployment.
        adopted minor involves                           Cottage’s mission.                                  We provide pet companionship for senior people and
        financial assistance                               Many of The Pet Cottage pets are senior pets that have   cover all veterinary expenses. We are a promise, and our
        provided  by  one  or                            health issues and require more resources. Their forever   promise means forever. You are invited to join our pack!
        both  adoptive  parents                          promise to each pet in their care means that no matter what                         The Pet Cottage
        to ensure the well-being                         happens to a guardian, the pet will have a loving home.       Wendy Derhak, Founder/Executive Director
        and development of the                             Becoming a Forever Guardian is a unique opportunity          Call (561) 818-5025 for more information
        child. As with biological                        to share your heart and home with a pet and have the full            
        children, adopted minors                         support of The Pet Cottage.
        are entitled to financial                          Do you feel called to open your home to a pet who has
        support for their basic needs, education, healthcare, and   lost their human?
        overall welfare. Child support arrangements vary based
        on jurisdiction and individual circumstances, but the
        underlying goal remains to prioritize the best interests
        of the minor child, whether biological or adopted.
          A pet trust is a legal mechanism to safeguard the
        interests of one’s beloved animals and provides peace of
        mind to the pet owner by ensuring that his/her animals
        receive proper care and attention after he/she dies. The
        trust typically remains in effect for the duration of the
        pet’s life and any assets that remain after the pet’s death
        are distributed according to the trust’s instructions.
          Guardianship advocacy plays a crucial role in
        protecting  the  rights  and  interests  of  individuals
        deemed unable to make sound decisions for themselves
        due  to  incapacity. Advocates  work  within  the
        framework of Florida’s guardianship laws to ensure
        the proper appointment of guardians and promote the
        well-being of vulnerable individuals. Guardianship
        advocacy  aims  to  provide  a  compassionate  and
        supportive  environment  for  individuals  requiring
        assistance in managing their affairs.
          Real estate is conveyed by a deed signed by two
        witnesses and a notary public and is recorded in the
        county where the property is located. The deed often
        contains language to confirm how the buyers desire to
        take title, such as with rights of survivorship or perhaps
        to own a specific percentage with another owner. Any
        buyer should make sure that he/she speaks to the title
        agent before the closing to confirm how he/she wishes
        to take title.
          Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law
        firm located in the RiverPlace Professional Center,
        1003 W. Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla.,
        (561) 744 -  4600,  The  firm
        provides peace of mind by solving problems with
        integrity and compassion in the areas of estate and
        business planning, probate, guardianship and trust
        administration, probate and guardianship for personal
        injury firms, family law and real estate.
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