Page 12 - Jupiter Spotlight - '24
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Page 12, Jupiter Spotlight
      Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival Announces Cast

        The Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival today announced its   horror that threatens to swallow the mind of the monarch.
      cast lineup for this summer’s Shakespeare by the Sea XXXIV     The Shakespeare by the Sea XXXIV production of King
      and Shakespeare by the Palms IV production of William   Lear takes place July 11 to 14 and 18 to 21 at the Seabreeze
      Shakespeare’s King Lear. The free, outdoor Shakespeare by   Amphitheater in Carlin Park, located at 750 South, Florida
      the Sea is presented in partnership with Palm Beach County   A1A, Jupiter, FL 33477.
      Parks and Recreation on July 11 to 14 and July 18 to 21 at the     The Shakespeare by the Palms IV encore production of
      Seabreeze Amphitheatre in Carlin Park, Jupiter. The encore   King Lear takes place July 25 to 28 at the Commons Park
      performance of Shakespeare by the Palms is presented by The   Amphitheater in Commons Park, located at 11600 Poinciana
      Village of Royal Palm Beach on July 25 to 28. The gates open   Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411.
      at 6:30 p.m. with pre-show entertainment. Performances start at     Performances start at 8 p.m. and run until 10 p.m. with a
      8 p.m. each evening. A donation of $5 per person is suggested.  15-minute intermission. Gates open at 6:30 p.m. with pre-
        The Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival production of   show entertainment. Visitors are invited to bring a beach
      King Lear is adapted and directed by Trent Stephens. This   chair, blanket and picnic basket, or enjoy on-site concession.
      year’s cast includes Amy Simms as King Lear, Caroline   Admission is free with a suggested donation of $5 per person.
      Tarantolo as Regan, Casey McNamara as Albany, Darryl     Shakespeare by the Sea XXXIV is a coproduction of   Amy Simms as King Lear, courtesy of Jeffrey Langlois
      Willis as Gloucester, Julia Kirk as Oswald, Kelly Hussey   the Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival, Inc. and Palm
      as Goneril, Kyler O’Brien as Edgar, Lee Ritter as Kent,   Beach County Parks and Recreation. Grant funding is   corporate sponsorships are still available. To learn more
      Matthew Paszkiet as Edmund, Sara Grant as Cordelia/The   provided by the State of Florida Division of Cultural   about  sponsor  opportunities,  please  email  elizabeth@
      Fool and Seth Trucks as Cornwall.                 Affairs, Publix Supermarket Charities, and the Cultural
        Considered “one of the greatest tragedies ever performed,”   Council of Palm Beach County through the Board of   About The Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival
      this year’s production of King Lear is a premiere for Palm   County Commissioners.  Shakespeare by the Palms     The Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival is a 501(c)(3)
      Beach County’s longest-running professional performing   IV  is  presented  by The Village  of  Royal  Palm  Beach.   professional theater company dedicated to enhancing the
      arts company. Caught in a carousel of memory, the head of   Additional  sponsors  include  Gary  and  Katherine  Parr,   accessibility and appreciation for Shakespearean, classic
      a dysfunctional royal family grapples with power-hungry   Frank Cona and Lisa Calberg and an anonymous donor.   and contemporary theater for all ages and socioeconomic
      children and the threat of losing the empire he created. Real   In-kind sponsors include The Benjamin School, Florida   levels. For more information about the festival, its history
      and imagined worlds coalesce, creating a political and personal   Weekly and Palm Beach Atlantic University. Private and   or its season, please visit
      Financial Focus                          ®

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                                                        will automatically be revoked upon divorce in about half the
                                                                                                             You may need to work with a legal professional to sort
      Beneficiaries                                     states. So, if you still want your ex-spouse to get these assets,   out beneficiary designation issues and the rules that apply in
                                                        you will need to name them as a non-spouse beneficiary after   your state. But you may also want to do a beneficiary review
      By Sally Sima Stahl                               the divorce. But if you’ve named your spouse as beneficiary   with your financial advisor whenever you experience a major
        You might not have                              for a 401(k) plan or pension, the designation will remain intact   life event, such as a marriage, divorce or the addition of a
      thought much about                                until and unless you change it, regardless of where you live.  new child. Your investments, retirement accounts and life
      beneficiary designations —                          However, in community property states, couples are   insurance proceeds are valuable assets — and you want them
      but they can play a big role                      generally required to split equally all assets they acquired   to go where you intended.
      in your estate planning.                          during their marriage. When couples divorce, the community     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
        When you purchase                               property laws require they split their assets 50/50, but only   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      insurance policies and open                       those assets they obtained while they lived in that state. If you   Member SIPC.
      investment accounts, such as                      were to stay in the same community property state throughout     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
      your IRA, you’ll be asked to                      your marriage and divorce, the ownership issue is generally   and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
      name a beneficiary, and, in                       straightforward, but if you were to move to or from one of   and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
      some cases, more than one.                        these states, it might change the joint ownership picture.  Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
      This might seem easy, especially if you have a spouse and     Thus far, we’ve only talked about beneficiary designation   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
      children, but if you experience a major life event, such as a   issues surrounding divorce. But if an ex-spouse — or any   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      divorce or a death in the family, you may need to make some   beneficiary — passes away, the assets will generally pass to     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
      changes — because beneficiary designations carry a lot of   a contingent beneficiary — which is why it’s important that   provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax
      weight under the law.                             you name one at the same time you designate the primary   advisor regarding your situation.
        In fact, these designations can supersede the instructions   beneficiary. Also, it may be appropriate to name a special     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      you may have written in your will or living trust, so everyone   needs trust as beneficiary for a family member who has   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      in your family should know who is expected to get which   special needs or becomes disabled. If this individual were
      assets. One significant benefit of having proper beneficiary   to be the direct beneficiary, any assets passing directly into
      designations in place is that they may enable beneficiaries
      to avoid the time-consuming — and possibly expensive —
      probate process.
        The beneficiary issue can become complex because not   Are You Ready                                                  Hurricane?
      everyone reacts the same way to events such as divorce —
      some people want their ex-spouses to still receive assets
      while others don’t. Furthermore, not all the states have the     For The Next Storm?
      same rules about how beneficiary designations are treated
      after a divorce. And some financial assets are treated
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        Here’s the big picture: If you’ve named your spouse                                                                 No Refrigeration?
      as a beneficiary of an IRA, bank or brokerage account,
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