Page 16 - The Jewish Voice - July '24
P. 16
Page 16, The Jewish Voice
Lifestyles from page 14 “We take every day as a blessing,” said Gorgonia. “I tell my of the sound. If the room contains windows, draw the blinds
husband that I’m glad he’s here.” or curtains to block out the lightning. Pheromones such as
a seizure. “My entire left side felt like it was pulsing,” he Since 2020, TGH has been creating a framework of state- Adaptil or Zenidog can help relax your pet in the safe space.
remembered. “I was scared I was going to lose my heart!” of-the-art services for patients in Palm Beach and Martin Some dogs feels safer wrapped in a blanket or wearing a
Rushed to a local emergency room, Gus was diagnosed with counties, with the expertise and innovation of a preeminent Thundershirt. Bring out your pet’s favorite toys or treats to
a glioblastoma — a common, complex, and often treatment- academic health system. For more information, visit distract them and try to engage them in play, or simply sit near
resistant and deadly type of brain cancer. Ninety percent of his ThePalmBeaches. your pet if that comforts them. It is important not to punish
tumor was removed through surgery in Miami. the scared behavior, because that will only increase your
Gus began seeing Dr. Chowdhary for chemo and radiation Tip of the Tail pet’s fear and anxiety. Creating the right environment can
treatment at another hospital in Palm Beach County. Impressed help your pet be less fearful during noise-triggering events.
with Dr. Chowdhary’s compassionate and comprehensive care, Noise Phobias in Dogs: Understanding the Another step is to talk to your veterinarian about
Gus followed the neuro-oncologist when he moved to the TGH Condition and Treatment Options medication to manage your dog’s noise phobia. Not every
Cancer Institute in 2023. medication works for every pet, so a few may need to be
Telemedicine appointments enabled Dr. Chowdhary tried until the right combination is found. A variety of anti-
to continue to monitor Gus’ progress from his Tampa anxiety medications, sedatives, and supplements can be used
office. Meanwhile, Dr. Chowdhary collaborated with Palm to make your dog more comfortable during thunderstorms
Beach County medical oncologist Dr. Sujal Shah, at TGH or fireworks. One of the best ones for small dogs is Sileo.
Cancer Institute Cancer Center of South Florida (CCSF), to It is used as needed and works within 20-30 minutes. The
implement a long-range treatment approach using the drug Florida thunderstorm season can be unpredictable, so some
Avastin. This strategy has helped Gus survive his brain cancer pets benefit from daily medication during storm season,
for nearly three years. while some pets just need medication on bad storm days
“Normally, Avastin therapy is discontinued after a year,” Summer is a tough time for pets in South Florida suffering and July Fourth. Also, keep in mind that, once your pet is
said Dr. Chowdhary. “Because TGH fosters an atmosphere of from noise phobia. Afternoon thunderstorms, hurricanes, and already panicking from the noise, the medications typically
collaboration and innovation, we’ve been able to keep Gus on fireworks are common triggers. Noise phobia is a behavioral do not work as well, so talk to your veterinarian about the
the drug long term. It’s helped prolong his life.” problem characterized by an exaggerated fear and anxiety timing of when the medications should be given. If your pet
According to the National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS), response to loud or sudden noise. Symptoms of noise is suffering from noise phobia, consult with your veterinarian
the average length of survival for glioblastoma patients is eight phobia in dogs can range from pacing, trembling, drooling, about medications to help ease your pet’s fear.
months. “Less than 10 percent of glioblastoma patients survive hiding, destructive behaviors, excessive barking, and even Noise phobia is a common and challenging condition that
as long as Gus has,” noted Dr. Chowdhary. injuring themselves. Noise phobia can be a challenging and affects many dogs. As a pet owner, it is essential to recognize
Avastin starves a tumor of the blood it needs to survive. distressing condition, not only for the affected dog but also the signs of noise phobia in your dog, create a safe space for
The NBTS states that around 12,000 glioblastoma cases are for their owners. Many pet parents have spent sleepless your pet during storms and fireworks, and seek professional
diagnosed each year in the United States. Dr. Chowdhary noted nights trying to comfort their furry companion through help from your veterinarian if necessary. While noise phobia
that it is the same cancer that claimed the lives of President nighttime thunderstorms or fireworks. Noise phobia is a is not typically curable, it can be managed to make noisy
Joe Biden’s son, Beau, and Sen. Edward Kennedy. Because genuine problem that can significantly impact a dog and events less frightening for our furry companions.
glioblastoma recurrence is common, Dr. Chowdhary said that, owner’s quality of life and worsen over time if not treated Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
as an academic health system that normally handles complex appropriately. is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
patient care, TGH has access to other cutting-edge treatments If your dog is experiencing noise phobia, several treatment pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
that can benefit Gus if his cancer returns. options are available. The first and most crucial step is to physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
As an expert in the field of neuro-oncology, with an create a safe and comfortable environment for your dog extensive diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City
impressive academic track record, Dr. Chowdhary has played during the noise-triggering event. Place your pet in a quiet, Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
a vital role in guiding more than 30 clinical trials focused on dark room, preferably an interior room with no windows. If care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
glioblastoma and other brain cancers. your pet naturally goes to a closet, crate, or under the bed, For more information, call 772-283-0920, visit www.
With his cancer in remission, Gus is grateful for the care he’s allow them to go there. Do not confine your pet to the crate, or find us on Facebook
received. Although his treatment can be taxing, he is making the or safe space unless it helps them calm down. Pets can panic at
most of each day. He likes to stay active, taking regular walks and injure themselves attempting to escape the room or crate.
and tending to his flower garden. Turn on music or a white noise machine to block out some Lifestyles on page 18
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