Page 10 - The Jewish Voice - July '24
P. 10

Page 10, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 9                                                                            Between tastings, the Bourbon Rabbi shared facts and
                                                                                                           figures about the industry. Since the 1800s, roughly a quarter
      Men’s Club Bourbon Tasting                                                                           of the industry has been owned by Jews. Famous brands
                                                                                                           such as Jim Beam, I.W. Harper, Buffalo Trace, Heaven Hill,
         The Men’s Club of Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens was                                                Peerless, and many others are all owned by Jews.
      treated to a kosher bourbon tasting with Rabbi Chaim Litvin,
      who flew in from Louisville, KY. Dubbed the Bourbon                                                  South Florida Jewish Family
      Rabbi in The Wall Street Journal, he is a renowned kosher
      expert with nearly two decades in the bourbon industry.                                              Service Organizations Join
         The event began with a social barbecue for the Men’s
      Club. After several toasts were made and everyone was                                                with Israel Trauma Coalition to
      well fed, the Men’s Club sat down for the bourbon tasting                                            Train Agency First Responders
      experience. Each person had a placecard with six pre-poured
      bourbons ready for the tasting.                                                                      for Immediate Trauma Care

                                                                                                              South Florida Jewish Family Service (JFS) organizations,
                                                                                                           in partnership with the Israel Trauma Coalition, are preparing
                                                                                                           to complete a series of sessions designed to train Jewish
                                                                                                           leaders in best practices in planning and implementation of

                                                                                                           Local Happenings on page 11

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