Page 2 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens- June '24
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Page 2, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Impact The Palm Beaches Awarded $396,000 To Five Local

      Nonprofits At Ninth Annual Impact Awards Celebration

        Impact the Palm Beaches hosted the Ninth Annual Impact
      Awards Celebration on April 17, at the Cohen Pavilion, Kravis
      Center in West Palm Beach. During this exciting evening,
      Impact the Palm Beaches awarded high-impact grants totaling
      $396,000 to nonprofit organizations in Palm Beach County.
        The winners of the three $100,000 impact grants were the
      American Association of Caregiving Youth (Caregiving Youth
      Project), Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies (Basics4Babies
      Emergency Pantry), and The
      Lord’s Place (Project Divert:                      Erin Standish, Aleese Kopf and Kristen  Grace Kurian, Lisa Johnson, Christina
      A Homeless Shelter Diversion                       Perrone                          Delvecchio                       Anne Messer, Julie Dow, Angela Williams
      Pilot Initiative). Additionally,
      two $48,000 merit grants                           of Impact the Palm Beaches. “The work these nonprofits   evening. The finalists presented their requests for funding to
      were awarded to Busch                              are doing in the community is changing lives. The desire   Impact the Palm Beaches members, a vote was taken, and the
      Wildlife Sanctuary (for the                        our members have to support these nonprofits is a refreshing   awards were immediately distributed. Since its establishment
      rehabilitation flight cages for                    expression of compassion. When people come together to   in 2015, Impact the Palm Beaches has granted almost $2
      large birds) and Take Stock in                     accomplish a purpose-filled goal, it feels like anything is   million to local nonprofit organizations that are making
      Children Palm Beach County                         possible. Our members voted and distributed multiple $100,000   transformational changes in our community.
      (for the program expansion                         grants and sizable merit grants. Everyone went home a winner.”     To learn more about the Impact the Palm Beaches grant
      in Central and Northern Palm                         Before the presentations began, more than 300 members   recipients, visit
      Beach County).                                     and guests enjoyed cocktails and light bites while mingling     Impact members contribute $1,100 annually, which
        “This is my favorite                             with the finalists. Hollani Davis, an Emmy-winning TV   includes a $100 administrative fee, and each member’s $1,000
      night of the year,” said Lisa  Lisa LaFrance and Hollani   anchor of Today on 5 on WPTV, served as the event emcee.
      LaFrance, 2023/24 president  Davis                   The 2024 Impact event was an exhilarating and inspiring   Impact The Palm Beaches on page 3


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