Page 10 - Stuart Exposure - June '24
P. 10

Page 10, Stuart Exposure

                              stuart CHaMber HappeninGs

      Brett D’Aoust, executive director of Central Florida Treatment Center, surrounded by his  The management and staff of SouthState Stuart welcomed more than 100 Stuart/Martin
      associates, proudly cut the Stuart/Martin County Chamber ribbon on April 25 during their  County Chamber members as they hosted and sponsored the April 30 Business B4 Breakfast.
      Grand Opening celebration. Located at 1000 S.E. Federal Highway, Stuart, this is the newest  Representing SouthState were, from left, Lisa Payne, Pam Davidge, Cathy Dorn, Petrona
      of eight Florida locations treating opioid dependency.                     Egan, Wayne Parker, Randy Pennington, Amy Bottegal and Kim Klein.

                                                                                                           Stuart/Martin County Chamber members enjoyed the beautiful
      Enjoying the camaraderie at the Stuart/Martin County                                                 and homey atmosphere of The Sovana of Stuart at the May
      Chamber’s April 30 Business B4 Breakfast at SouthState   Past Stuart/Martin County Chamber Chairman Pete   7 Business B4 Breakfast. Chairwoman/Trustee Dr. Lisa
      Stuart were, from left, Michael Parrish, Parrish Commercial   Lashenka, Elliot Paul & Company Auctions, introduced   Grassam-Smith, Grassam Spine & Wellness (left), thanked
      Services; Larry Kristiansen, Equitable Advisors; Cindy   himself to a full house of members at the April 30 Business   Paula Kiley and Stephanie Erwin for hosting and sponsoring
      Kolostyak, SpeedPro Imaging; Margaret Fladie, Higher Self   B4 Breakfast, hosted and sponsored by SouthState Stuart.  the event at their 55-plus apartment complex in North Stuart.
      Aesthetics; and Phil Castrovinci, Castrovinci Law, PLLC.

      Hope Health & Wellness celebrated the Grand Opening of                                                                       Tammy Calabria, executive
      their new location at 705 N.W. Federal Highway, Stuart                                                                       director of The Children’s
      all day on Jan. 17, which featured a Stuart/Martin County                                                                    Museum (left), brought her
      Chamber ribbon cutting. State and local dignitaries, along                                                                   associate Nancy Benzenberg
      with chamber members, patients and guests enjoyed the   New and prospective Stuart/Martin County Chamber members were recognized at the May  to the Stuart/Martin County
      spectacular spread and refreshments, provided by Bowington   7 Business B4 Breakfast at The Sovana of Stuart. Shown from left are Dani Padovano,  Chamber’s May 7 Business
      Events, as they learned about the new services being provided   Family First Funding; Margaret Winfield, AYG Insurance and Financial Services; Jim  B4 Breakfast at The Sovana
      by the practice. Shown from left are City Commissioner Troy   Burgess, Roof Maxx; Donna and Dominick Laudisio, NADDA; Ron Bowen, Bowen  of Stuart.
      McDonald; Florida State Representative Gayle Harrell; Dr.   Insurance; Max and Kylie Micciche; Elizabeth James, Hear Again America; Christine
      Andrew Hope, Donald Bowen, Ashley Salomon, Hope Health   Candiff-Lewis, H&M Impact Window and Door; Michael Bass, Silver Edge Financial   Stuart Chamber
      & Wellness; and Stuart Mayor Becky Bruner.        Group; and Connor Phillips, Digital Agent.                                 Happenings on page 11
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