Page 12 - Palm City Spotlight - June '24
P. 12

Page 12, Palm City Spotlight

                                                          real eState

      Treasure Coast Real Estate                           This situation is the result of a settlement involving     Yes, I’ll list homes all day for 2.5 percent if I don’t have
      Report                                             sellers paying the commission for both agents involved in   to split it with another agent. But is anyone going to drive a
                                                         the sale of their property. Typically, when a seller would list
                                                                                                           buyer around all week, and tour 30 homes, for $500 bucks?
                                                         their property, the listing broker and seller would agree to   Not likely.
      Is Listing Your Home For 2.5 Or 3 Percent          split the commission paid by the seller between the listing     Instead, a buyer will pay a reasonable fee and ask that
      About To Be The New Normal?                        agent and the agent that procures the buyer.      the seller pay their agent’s fee in some way as part of their
                                                           Given that the seller will no longer pay the buyer’s agent,   offer to purchase. So, at the end of the day, nothing has
      By Jim Weix                                        could listing commissions be dramatically reduced? Instead   really changed.
        Ac c ord i ng t o Gi a                           of listing agreements for 5 or 6 percent, could we start seeing     Although commissions may drop, if that is what it takes
      Arvin, president of Florida                        sellers list their properties for 2.5 or 3 percent? Will you   to eliminate those who sell a home once in a while as a
      Realtors, “Effective July                          start getting postcards offering to list your property for a   hobby, the industry will be healthier. That is great news for
      2024 (subject to federal                           total of 2.5 or 3 percent?                        both those left standing and for consumers.
      court approval), sellers will                        Or  perhaps  advertisements  offering  to  help  buyers     Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your
      no longer cover commissions                        purchase a home for $1,000? My guess is yes, but don’t   options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
      for both their agent and the                       pop the champagne cork yet.             
      buyers. Instead, buyers will                         “Agents’ commissions could fall by as much as 30     Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes Company.
      independently compensate                           percent,” according to analysts at the investment bank   Jim has 25 years of experience selling real estate full-time.
      their agent.”                                      Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. “This could lead to a mass exodus   If you have questions or want the services of an experienced
        Additionally, Arvin                              from the industry, driving down the number of agents by as   expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
      states, “MLS participants working with buyers must enter   much as 80 percent.”            
      into written representation agreements with those buyers.     Are those left standing going to work for minimum wage?
      This change will go into effect in mid-July 2024.”  Not likely.
                                                    tip oF the tail

      Heatstroke In Dogs                                   There are several factors that can contribute to   The veterinarian may need to provide additional
                                                         heatstroke in dogs. Firstly, high temperatures and   treatments such as intravenous fluids, oxygen therapy
                                                         humidity can increase the risk. Therefore, it is important   and medications to manage complications.
                                                         to keep dogs in a cool and well-ventilated environment     Prevention is key when it comes to heatstroke in dogs.
                                                         during hot weather. Secondly, certain breeds are more   Avoid leaving dogs in hot cars or enclosed spaces and
                                                         prone to heatstroke, including brachycephalic breeds   provide them with access to fresh water and shade at all
                                                         such as bulldogs, Frenchies and pugs, as well as dogs   times. It is also important to limit vigorous exercise during
                                                         with thick coats and dark coats. These dogs should be   hot weather and consider taking walks during cooler parts
                                                         closely monitored and provided with extra care during   of the day.
                                                         hot conditions.                                     In conclusion, heatstroke in dogs is a serious condition
                                                           Recognizing the signs of heatstroke in dogs is crucial   that should not be taken lightly. Recognizing the signs, taking
                                                         for early intervention. Some common symptoms include   immediate action, and seeking veterinary assistance are
                                                         excessive panting, drooling, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea   crucial for the well-being and survival of our furry friends.
                                                         and collapse. The dog’s gums may appear bright red or pale,   By following preventative measures, we can help ensure that
                                                         and their body temperature may be significantly elevated.  our dogs stay safe and comfortable during hot weather.
        Heatstroke in dogs is a serious condition that can result     If you suspect your  dog may be  experiencing     Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
      in organ failure and even death if not promptly recognized   heatstroke, it is important to take immediate action. Move   is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
      and treated. Dogs are more susceptible to heatstroke than   the dog to a cool and shady location, and provide them   pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
      humans because they cannot cool themselves efficiently   with fresh water to drink. Wetting their fur with cool (not   physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
      through sweating. Instead, they rely on panting to regulate   cold) water can also help reduce their body temperature.   extensive diagnostics and emergency service, Palm City
      their body temperature.                            However, it is important to avoid using ice-cold water or   Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
                                                         ice, as this can cause the blood vessels to constrict and   care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
                                                         prevent efficient cooling.                        For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit www.
                                                           Contacting a veterinarian is essential for proper or find us on Facebook
                                                         treatment and guidance. Even if the dog appears to   at
                                                         be recovering, it is important to seek professional
                                                         advice, as internal organ damage may have occurred.

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