Page 8 - Jupiter West - June '24
P. 8

Page 8, Jupiter West
      Actress Mindy Cohn Was Guest Of Honor

      At Palm Royale-Inspired Event

      Benefitting Habitat For                           Tom  Quick  and  Michael  Donnell, Amanda  and  Curtis

      Humanity Of Greater Palm                          Polk, Art Roffey and Gail Danto, Dr. James Justin Goad,
                                                        Jeff Pfeifle and David Granville, Peter Hallock and Craig
      Beach County                                      Mowry, Aisha Abdul-Munim  and Anastasia  Gudilina,
                                                        Alexandra Bain, Barbara Pendrill, Brian Brady and Jim
        Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County   Karas, Cheryl McKee, Christy Maasbach, Earl Crittenden,
      (Habitat GPBC) was thrilled to present “Cocktails àla Palm   Garland Hall, Hamilton Jewelers, Jamie Curtis and Jason
      Royale” at Casa de Los Angeles, Greg and Kim Dryer’s   Colin, Jean Shafiroff, Jeff McLaren, Jeff and Ti Schlanger,
      extraordinary Marion                              Jill Hall, Jim Dove Design, Julie Peyton, Justin Lynch and
      Sims Wyeth-designed                               Ross Meltzer, Kelly O’Neil and Joe Pauldine, Mark Lukas
      Mediterranean-revival villa                       and Edward Celata, Paul Richards and Donald Ferro, Phil
      located in Palm Beach’s                           Nardone and Scott Peltier, Pioneer Linens, Robert Pedraza,
      exclusive estate section, on                      Scott Higley and David Coursey, Scott Sanders and Peter
      April 24.                                         Wilson, Scott and Whitney Hesse, Sherry Chris, Stephen
        Mindy Cohn, the actress                         Mooney and Scott Velozo, Steven Stolman and Rich Wilkie,
      who portrayed Natalie on                          and Talbot Logan and William Miller.
      the  well-known  comedy                                                           Photos by Capehart  Maria Salgado, Patrick LeTourneau, Joan Limongello,
      series  Facts of Life, is                                                                            Peter Hallock
      currently starring as Ann
      Holiday, the  Palm Beach
      Daily News society editor, in
      the popular AppleTV series
      Palm Royale, was the guest
      of honor at this spectacular
      Palm Royale-themed party
      that benefited Habitat for   Jennifer Thomason, Mindy
      Humanity of Greater Palm   Cohn and Kim Dryer
      Beach County.
        As the guests arrived in their Palm Beach chic cocktail
      attire, they were welcomed with a Palm Royale Signature
      Grasshopper cocktail and the
      nostalgic tunes of 1969 by
      D.J. Yawar. The legendary                                                  Mark  Lukas  and  Edward
      property and its rich history                     Rich Wilkie and Steven Stolman Celata              Kristen Bardin, Art Roffey and Gail Danto
      were explored, adding to the
      awe-inspiring  experience
      of this sophisticated and
      enjoyable affair.
        Julia Murphy, chief
      advancement officer at
      Habitat for Humanity of
      Greater Palm Beach County,
      welcomed guests and had
      the pleasure of introducing
      Kim Dryer, Kevin Elwell,
      Habitat’s board chair and   Margaret Josephs and Julia
      Mindy Cohn during her brief   Murphy
        “We are deeply grateful for this incredible opportunity,
      which was made possible by the generous support of our host,
      sponsors and Mindy,” expressed Murphy. “This remarkable   Julie Peyton and Angelina  Stephen Mooney and Scott   David Granville and Jeff   Joe Santone and Alexandra
      event raised awareness and funds for our mission of bringing   Bayer       Velozo                    Pfeifle                 Bain
      people together to build homes, communities and hope. A
      party with a purpose   what is more Palm Royale than that?”
        Generous sponsors included Greg and Kim Dryer,
      Andrew and Sarah Wetenhall, Joseph and Max McNamara,                                          “Who will clean

                                                                                                         up the mess if

                                                                                                       you don’t draft

                                                                                                                           a Will?”

      Brian Brady and Jim Karas  Joseph and Max McNamara

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      Kathy Prounis and Jim Dove Alan and Penny Murphy
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