Page 2 - Jupiter Spotlight- June '24
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Page 2, Jupiter Spotlight
      Business Leaders Will Join Together To Help Local Family

      Build A Forever Home

        Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County                                                  and work together to address it,” said Jennifer Thomason,
      (HFHGPBC) announced that Executive Build (formerly                                                   CEO/president of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm
      CEO Build) will take place on Friday, Sept. 27. This is an                                           Beach County.
      annual fundraising event in which local executives and                                                 During the one-day event, executives commit to a
      business leaders leave their offices to pick up hammers                                              fundraising goal, select a half-day shift, build alongside
      and help build a home alongside a Habitat Partner Family.                                            Habitat families, learn construction skills, and create
      This year’s event is cochaired by Robyn Raphael-Dynan                                                new connections among peers and the community. No
      and Adam Handfinger.                                                                                 construction experience is required to participate.
        Robyn Raphael-Dynan is the president of RCC Associates,                                              Individuals are required to fundraise or donate a
      South Florida’s leading general contractor firm. The firm                                            minimum  of  $3,500  per  person to build.  Corporate
      specializes in building restaurants, hospitality and commercial                                      Sponsorships start at $5,000. To sponsor or learn more
      projects. She also serves on the HFHGPBC Board of Directors.                                         about Habitat’s  2024  Executive  Build,  email dayana.
        “As a board member and a longtime Habitat supporter, I am                                 To learn more or donate
      excited to be cochairing this year’s Executive Build on Sept. 27.   Robyn Raphael-Dynan and Adam Handfinger  to support Executive Build financially, visit https://
      I look forward to collaborating with fellow business leaders in                            
      our community to create a lifelong impact for families in need   to partner with Habitat for Humanity and help local families     Sponsors to date include Aloft Delray Beach (Kickoff
      of affordable housing,” said Raphael-Dynan.        build a path to a better life through affordable homeownership.   Party  Sponsor);  SFBW  (Annual  Magazine  Sponsor);
        Adam Handfinger is a comanaging partner of Peckar and   Participants are encouraged to put their leadership into action   AvalonBay Communities (Hard Hat Sponsor); Akel Homes,
      Abramson’s Miami office, chair of the Client Service Committee,   by rolling up their sleeves and picking up construction tools   Baptist Health, Florida Peninsula Insurance Company, Peckar
      and sits on Peckar and Abramson’s Executive Committee. He is   to literally build a home and hope alongside families in   and Abramson, RCC Associates, and Vertical Bridge (Home
      certified by the Florida Bar as a construction law specialist.  need. In addition to creating a tangible and lasting impact   Builder Sponsors); Hubbard Radio/850 WFTL (Exclusive
        “I am thrilled to cochair Executive Build 2024 alongside   in the community, the event provides a unique networking   Radio  Sponsor); TFG  Financial Advisors (Community
      Robyn,” shared Handfinger. “I look forward to adding my voice   opportunity for the executives, a hands-on volunteering   Builder Sponsor); Grimes Events and Party Tents (Hope
      to advocacy for affordable housing and helping families in need   opportunity, and high brand visibility for their businesses.   Builder Sponsor); ESPN West Palm (Media Sponsor);
      build brighter futures.”                             “By bringing together corporate leaders, government   Magen Protective Services (Security Sponsor); and Starbucks
        Executive Build is an annual fundraising and home-  officials and the families we serve, we hope to shine a light   (Coffee Sponsor).
      building event that brings executives and leaders together   on the critical need for affordable housing in our community   Photo by MasterWing Creative Agency

      Chasin A Dream Foundation from page 1             Foundation based on her belief in community and Locals   and disabilities by offering individualized assistance that
                                                        Helping  Locals . The  charity’s  mission  is  to  ease  the   promotes healing and hope. For more information about
      the 2023 Indianapolis 500. Afterward, the drivers took to   burden on families with children battling cancer, cystic   Chasin A Dream Foundation, please visit
      the raceway-styled catwalk with the charity’s pint-sized   fibrosis, heart disease, and other life-threatening illnesses   Photos by Bill Barbosa Photography
      warriors in tow.  Together they strutted their stuff in
      contemporary fashions and custom racing attire.
        Additional highlights
      included the presentation
      of the Dreamer Award to
      Chasin  A Dream board
      member Norma Huempfner
      and a standing ovation for
      Gracie, a seizure-detecting
      German shepherd the charity
      had trained for Giovanni
      Bajer, an adorable young
      warrior living with Dravet
      Syndrome. The total cost of
      her training was $30,000.                         Kyle Kirkwood and Addyson                          Jenny and Tony Marano   Jackie and Rob Sandt
        In 2017, Lori Griffith                          Padgett                  Roland Veit and Gabriel Louis
      founded the Chasin A Dream  Don and Kellie Kenny

                                                                                                                                   Melissa Frielich and Jessica
                                                        Andy and Angela Balasis  Anna and Thomas Weinlick  Chris and Breeyonna Huseby  Pearl
      Mikayla Beatty          R.J. Preston

                                                          How much will you

                                                          need to retire?

                                                          Call to schedule a


                                                                     Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
                                                                     Financial Advisor
                                                                     1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
      Jake Griffith, Sam Kerrigan, Kyle Kirkwood, Roger Estrada,     Jupiter, FL 33458
      Nick Riceputo, Gianni Maiuro, Dr. Robert Mathias, Tanya        561-748-7600
      Lorigan, Lori Griffith, Gabriel Louis, Grace Renfrow, Luna
      Duron, Merrick Nagele and Bruna Bress
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