Page 7 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - June '24
P. 7

Jupiter Ocean Mile, Page 7
      Northern Notes

      Algae In The Waterways …                            Under certain conditions, several species of true algae as
      How You Can Minimize Its                          well as cyanobacteria, are capable of causing various nuisance
                                                        effects in fresh water, such as excessive accumulations of
      Growth                                            foams, scums and discoloration of the water. When algae
                                                        in a lake or a canal increases explosively, an algal “bloom”
      By Katie Roundtree,                               results. Lakes, ponds, marshes and slow-moving canals are
      Director of Finance and                           most susceptible to blooms.
      Administration, Northern                            Algal blooms are natural occurrences and may occur
      Palm Beach County                                 regularly (e.g., every summer), depending on weather and
      Improvement District                              water conditions. The likelihood of a bloom depends on
        Algae generally refers to                       local conditions and characteristics of the particular body of
      a wide variety of different                       water. Blooms generally occur where there are high levels of
      and dissimilar photosynthetic                     nutrients present, together with warm, sunny, calm conditions.
      organisms, typically                              However, human activity often can trigger or accelerate   local ecosystem. Additionally, implementing landscaping
      microscopic. Algae  can                           algal blooms. Various human activities can supplement   strategies like xeriscaping can help to increase groundwater
      inhabit fresh or salt water                       natural sources of nutrients such as phosphorus or nitrogen   filtration before water enters nearby ponds or lakes.
      and are classified into one                       compounds. For example, agricultural runoff from fields in     If you must use fertilizer, try to find a phosphorus-free
      of six divisions, usually known by color, such as green, red,   rural areas can wash fertilizers into the water. In urban areas,   product and apply it when rain is not forecast. This can help
      brown and golden. The misnamed blue-green algae are often   nutrient sources in stormwater runoff carry pollutants such   to reduce nutrient-rich runoff. However, it’s important to
      grouped with algae because of the chloroplasts contained   as lawn fertilizers and grass clippings.  note that even natural fertilizers like manure or compost can
      within the cells. However, these organisms are actually     Algae growth depends on weather patterns, temperature,   contribute to the growth of algae, so it’s best to avoid using
      photosynthetic bacteria assigned to the group cyanobacteria.  and nutrients in the water. While blooms happen naturally,   fertilizers whenever possible.
        Freshwater algae, also called phytoplankton, vary in shape   an imbalance of phosphorus and nitrogen, in particular,
      and color and are found in many habitats, such as ponds,   can significantly accelerate their growth. Pollutants from   Properly Dispose Of Organic Materials
      lakes, marshes and canals. They are a natural and essential   fertilized yards and golf courses, road wash, stormwater     Following yard work, leaves, grass and other debris
      part of the ecosystem. In these habitats, phytoplankton are the   runoff, pet waste, decomposing leaves, grass clippings and   should be bagged and removed from the property to prevent
      base of the aquatic food chain. Small freshwater crustaceans   other organic materials also contribute to nutrient imbalances   them from accumulating and decaying in the waterbody.
      and other small animals consume phytoplankton, which in   in the water.                              When organic materials are allowed to decompose in
      turn is consumed by larger animals.                 Higher temperatures and increased sunlight in summer   freshwater resources, they release undesirable nutrients that
                                                        months can also encourage algae blooms, as can standing   fuel nuisance plant and algae growth. Ask your lawn-care
                                                        water, which is warmer than circulating water and can act   company to remove grass clippings and leaves to prevent
                                                        like an incubator. Algae in a lake does not always indicate   decomposition in or around ponds and lakes. Do not mow,
                                                        poor water quality, but it can cause problems. The best way to   rake or blow grass clippings into the nearby waterbodies.
                                                        reduce algae growth is by minimizing the amount of nutrients,     Pick up and dispose of pet waste, a common source of
                                                        such as phosphorus, that can feed it and enter the water. The   excess nutrients and bacteria. Don’t throw pet waste bags
                                                        following are some tips to help maintain a healthy lake.  into lakes and canals. They will eventually break down and
                                                                                                           release those toxins into the waterway.
                                                        Be Careful With Fertilizer                           NPDES tip: Please avoid burning any trash in your yards
                                                          If you want a lush green lawn and healthy plants, you   or dumping debris into lakes and canals. By doing this, you
                                                        may be tempted to use fertilizer in your yard or garden.   can help preserve our natural resources and protect the health
                                                        However, the use of fertilizer can have negative effects on   of our lakes and marshes, as well as our communities.
                                                        the environment, especially if you are close to a water source.
                                                        enter the water bodies, which can harm aquatic ecosystems.  Town Of Jupiter
                                                        Fertilizers may encourage the growth of algae when they

                                                          It’s best to avoid using fertilizers altogether and instead
                                                        local environment. These plants will not require special  News
                                                        choose to plant native plants that are well-suited to the
                                                        maintenance and will also contribute to the health of the
                                                                                                           By Jim Kuretski,
                                                                                                           Mayor, Town of Jupiter
                                                                                                             The Town Council works
                                                                                                           with our town manager, staff
                                                                                                           and others to address issues
                                                                                                           affecting our residents and
                                                                                                           businesses. The  following
                                      $                   $ 100 OFF                  $ 250                 provides a summary of
                                                                                                           actions and achievements
                                        39Usually  95                                                      since the last Community
                                    SERVICE CALL WITH           ANY NEW            UV LIGHT WITH ANY       Newspaper Report:
                                                                                    NEW INSTALLATION
                                      ANY A/C REPAIR         WATER HEATER              ( 750 Value)          The Town  Council
                                  CALL FOR SERVICE        CALL FOR SERVICE       CALL FOR SERVICE          conducted a Round Table discussion at our May 7 meeting
                                  561-741-2825            561-741-2825           561-741-2825              to review/critique and finalize the Town’s 2024 to 2026
                                  Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,   Strategic Plan. The strategic plan includes 23 strategic
                                  offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   initiative items with town staff leading accountability
                                  per transaction. Expires 7/10/24.  per transaction. Expires: 7/10/24.  per transaction. Expires: 7/10/24.  assignments and action plans for each.
                                                                                                             The top strategic initiative item is under the category of
                                                                                                           governmental fiscal responsibility and entails creation of a
                                                                                                           new Town of Jupiter Fire Rescue Department to be in full
                                                “Service is our number one priority”                       operation by Oct. 1, 2026. Palm Beach County’s ultimate
                                                                                                           fiscal goal to significantly increase its ad valorem tax rate
                                                              561-743-0070                                 for providing fire rescue services to Jupiter residents and
                                                                                                           businesses was deemed to be an unprecedented and unfair tax
                                                                        burden. It equated to approximately a quarter billion dollars of
                                                                                                           increased tax collections over a ten-year period to subsidize
                                                                                                           Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Department providing
                                                                                                           services to areas outside of Town of Jupiter boundary limits.
                                                                                                             Some of the other key strategic initiative items include
                                                                                                           vehicle and pedestrian traffic management and mitigation,
                                                                                                           recreation facility master plan, West Indiantown Road
                                                                                                           improvements, Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
                                                                                                           plan, U.S. 1 bridge and comprehensive plan updates.
                                                                                                             A copy of the overall Town of Jupiter Strategic Plan
                                                                                                           is available for public viewing on the Town of Jupiter
                                                                                                           Internet website.
                                                                                                             In the upcoming months, the Town Council will be
                                                                                                           conducting various workshops to review/critique and
                                                                                                           set preliminary annual budgets for the Town’s General
                                                                                  Expires 7/15/24.
                                                                                                           Operating Fund, Capital Improvements Plan, Water and
                                                                                                           Stormwater Utilities, Building Department and CRA. The
                                                                       State Licensed & Insured            final budget settings occur during public hearings to be held
        Serving Palm Beach County                                    CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099             in September.
                                                                                                             Stay tuned.
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