Page 10 - Hobe Sound Reflections - June '24
P. 10

Page 10, Hobe Sound

                                            taMPa generaL neWs

      IBD Is Personal For                               symptoms, they’re two                              working with more patients in Palm Beach County and believes

      Gastroenterologist With TGH                       different conditions                               the TGH Digestive Health Center’s affiliation with TGH
                                                                                                           offers the practice access to a robust academic health system.
                                                        requiring different treatment
      Digestive Health Center                           approaches. As its name                            “Surgery becomes an option when medications prove no longer
                                                        suggests, IBS is a syndrome                        effective. Our affiliation with Tampa General Hospital offers
         For gastroenterologist Dr. David Schwimmer, treating   rather than a disease, which               us access to phenomenal colorectal physicians.”
      patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is personal.   means that it involves a                  Schwimmer received his Bachelor of Science in cellular
      The South Florida native who recently joined the Tampa   group of symptoms that                      and molecular biology with honors from the University
      General Hospital (TGH) Digestive Health Center in Palm   may not have an identifiable                of Michigan, and earned his Doctor of Medicine from
      Beach County has ulcerative colitis. Luckily, he’s been able   cause. IBD is less common             the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He
      to manage his disease. For many, IBD can run their life. “The   than IBS and, unlike IBS, can        completed his internship and residency in internal medicine
      ultimate goal is to live a normal life,” said Schwimmer. “We   be life-threatening. It’s also        at the University of Texas Southwestern – Parkland Health in
      want the disease to be an afterthought.” According to a recent   possible to have both IBD           Dallas, and trained for his fellowship in gastroenterology at
      study by the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, nearly one in 100   and IBS.                              University of Florida Health Shands Hospital in Gainesville.
      people in the United States has a form of IBD, one of the      Schwimmer said there is  Dr. David Schwimmer     Schwimmer is an active member of the Crohn’s & Colitis
      highest national rates in the world.              no one-size-fits-all treatment                     Foundation, the American College of Gastroenterology
         IBD encompasses various gastrointestinal conditions   for IBD. It’s unique to each patient, and various combinations   and the American Gastroenterological Association. He
      and serves as an umbrella term that refers to several   of treatment can be used. “It’s important to treat everyone   has published in major medical journals and presented at
      different conditions causing chronic inflammation within   individually and carefully listen to what they need to decide   medical conferences speaking on the treatment, outcomes
      the gastrointestinal tract. Two of the most common types of   the best course of action.” Treatment can include one of a   and management of IBD patients.
      IBD are:                                          variety of medications that can be given orally, intravenously      The TGH Digestive Health Center has offices in West
         • Crohn’s disease, which can cause pain and swelling in   or subcutaneously. Also, since people can lose a lot of weight,   Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens, and Schwimmer sees
      any part of the digestive tract                   treatment can include nutritional optimization, working with   patients at both locations. For information, please call (561)
         • Ulcerative colitis, which can cause inflammation and   nutritionists and dietitians.            739-4TGH (4844) or visit
      ulcers within the rectum and colon                   With Schwimmer’s extensive interest in and experience
         Many people refer to IBD and inflammatory bowel   with treating IBD, many primary doctors seek his input,
      syndrome (IBS) interchangeably. While they have similar   regularly referring patients to him. He looks forward to

                                                   nonProfit neWs

      Martin County Community                           the key reason we created this local land trust,” added   How The Land Trust Works
                                                                                                             The new housing units on properties owned by the

      Land Trust Gets Green Light                          With its official nonprofit designation, the Martin County   Martin County Community Land Trust are sold or leased
      As New Nonprofit Focused                          Community Land Trust can now accept donations of public   at affordable prices.

                                                        and private lands and, using donated funds from the private
                                                                                                             Prospective buyers and renters are screened to ensure
      On Local Affordable Housing                       sector, purchase land and houses in Martin County.   these affordable housing options are offered to people
                                                        Why Create A Land Trust?
                                                                                                           who need them most: families at 50 to 80 percent of the
      Solutions                                            The Martin County Community Land Trust was created   area’s median income that might otherwise not be able
                                                        in 2023 as a collaborative effort between community   to afford a home in a safe neighborhood with amenities
         The Martin County Community Land Trust, a newly   leaders and local government. The Community Land Trust   such as good schools.
      formed nonprofit dedicated to improving lives through   (CLT) Model is designed to preserve affordable housing      “Having a stable home, whether you own or rent, is
      strategic investments in affordable housing solutions, is   in perpetuity, one generation after the next.   crucially important to a family’s well-being and to the
      pleased to announce its official recognition as a 501(c)     The local land trust acquires land and serves as the   health of the greater community,” said Martin County
      (3) organization from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.   permanent repository and steward for the residences   Community Land  Trust Executive Director  Wendy
         “Achieving this designation as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit   that are built upon it. Community Land Trusts ensure   Reynoso. “With this innovative solution to our housing
      is a significant milestone for our organization,” explained   long-term affordability for renters and homeowners by   crisis, our entire community will benefit.”
      Harold Jenkins, chairman of the Board of Directors for   separating ownership of the land from the structure on      With a volunteer Board of Directors and a compelling
      the Martin County Community Land Trust. “It not only   top of it.                                    mission, the Martin County Community Land Trust is now
      provides tangible benefits like tax exempt status and the      “Because the Martin County Community Land   ready to create long-term benefits for the community. For
      ability to apply for grants, but it also symbolizes official   Trust will continue to own the land, the community   more information about how a land trust works and how
      recognition of our commitment to serving the public   can be assured that the housing built on it will remain   Martin County is addressing housing solutions, visit www.
      good.”                                            affordable,” Jenkins added.              
         “We all know how much the cost of buying a home
      has increased,” Jenkins said. “Demand is far greater
      than supply right now, and rental units are hard to find.
      Working families are struggling, and we need to take a
      new approach. The housing crisis in Martin County is

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