Page 24 - Boca ViewPointe - June '24
P. 24

Page 24, Viewpointe                                                   June 2024
      Levis JCC “Summer of Culture” Offers Films, Comedy,

      Concert, Books, Museum

         In response to a growing year-round demand for      West Boca Theatre Company presents two staged   10 a.m. on Thursday, July 11 and Aug. 1. Recordings will
      high quality cultural programming, the Adolph & Rose   readings, including  Barbra’s Wedding: A Comedy by   be made available for virtual members. Tickets are $10.
      Levis JCC (Levis JCC) has announced a robust Summer   Daniel Stern on Sunday June 23 at 2 p.m.; and Rounding      The ongoing arts, culture and learning schedule
      of Culture lineup that includes a special Summer Film   Third: A Comedy by Richard Dresser on Sunday, July 28   can be found at For more
      Series, a new component of the Judy Levis Krug Boca   at 2 p.m.. Tickets are $10.                    information on programming or membership, contact
      Raton Jewish Film Festival.                           The Elevar Foundation presents a free Chamber Music   Stephanie Owitz at or call (561)
         “As more and more full-time residents flock to South   Concert on Thursday, July 11 at 7 p.m. to the community.  558-2520. Events take place at the Levis JCC unless
      Florida, the desire for cultural enrichment continues      Israel: A Photographic Retrospective by photographer   otherwise noted. The Levis JCC is located at 21050 95th
      during the summer months,” said Stephanie Owitz, vice   Benjamin Kenagen is on display through Sept. 30 and   Avenue S. in Boca Raton.
      president, arts, culture & learning, Levis JCC. “We are   features photographs taken between 1990 and 2023. This   About the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community
      uniquely positioned to provide everything from live   exhibit is free and open to the public.        Center
      musical performances, exhibits and day trips to inspiring      A day trip excursion to the Boca Raton Museum of      The Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center
      virtual lectures and literary events.”             Art on Thursday, July 25 at 1 pm. Tickets are $20. RSVP   promotes  and  enhances  Jewish  culture,  heritage,  and
         Levis JCC’s Summer of Culture at-a-glance:      required.                                         values through educational, spiritual, social, wellness
         The Summer Film Series runs on select Wednesdays      Virtual Adult Learning Lectures span topics from   and  recreational  programs  for  individuals  of  all  ages.
      at 1 p.m. now through Aug. 28 and includes an array of   classic and modern-day music, film and TV history to   With a preschool, summer  camp, family activities,
      films including select features from this year’s Judy Levis   timely  discussions  about  Jewish  history  and  current   athletics, cultural arts, adult enrichment, and special
      Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival. The Summer Film   events. Lectures are led by esteemed authors, educators   needs programming, as well as a Resale Boutique, the
      Series is $12 per film.                            and experts. Programs run through September and are $10   Levis JCC offers a comprehensive program. 
                                                         for non-virtual members.

                                                           The Gail Shapiro-Scott Summer Book Club meets at
        Move Over LAW                                                                                                                             B’H

        (FS 316.126)                                                                          Sabra Wall Decor

        By Elyse Weintraub
        Brown, Community
        Education Specialist,                                 Painting & More ...
        Palm Beach County Fire
        (561) 616-7051 or                                  •      Popcorn Ceiling                       •      Wallpaper Removal
                                                           •      Knock Down
           This message is                                 •      Drywall Repair
        brought to you by your
        friendly Firefighters                                                  Cell: (954) 931-4716                            Licensed & Insured
        from Palm Beach County                                               Office: (561) 395-3057                             CC: 03-11120-P-K
        Fire Rescue….
           Every day firefighters and other
        emergency responders drive
        to emergencies. What’s more,                                       LA PAZ                          SEVILLE PLACE EL VIENTO
        oftentimes the emergency they
        are driving to is actually in
        the roadway. Although they are
        helping others and rendering aid,                    CLOSED AT $505,000                              CLOSED AT $375,000
        they are also at risk of being injured and killed on our
        roadways by motorists. Help protect them…because if
        they can’t help you in your time of need…who will?
        Learn the Move Over LAW (FS 316.126)
          Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do
        when you are driving on a local roadway, and you see
        DRIVING BEHIND YOU a fire truck or other emergency
        vehicle with lights flashing and sirens wailing on the
        way to an emergency? The Answer is …you must yield
        the right of way. When it is safe to do so, move over as
        close as reasonable to the closest edge of the curb of the
        roadway, clear of any intersection and then stop. When
        this happens on highways and interstates, rather than
        stop, slow down and then safely move over so that the        LIST  PRICE $560,000                             LIST  PRICE $410,000
        emergency vehicle can pass.
          Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do when   Stunning, move in ready 2/2 1st floor.    2/2 townhome with on golf course, walking
        you are driving on a roadway with multiple lanes, and you   Totally updated, with impact windows and   distance to the pool Glass enclosed Florida
        see a fire truck or rescue truck working an emergency ON    door.  Furniture included                      room right on the golf course.
        THE SIDE OF THE ROAD? The Answer is….When it
        is safe to do, merge away from a vehicle working on the
        side of the roadway to provide an empty travel lane for
        the emergency worker. If you are not able to safely move
        over, you must slow down to a speed of 20 MPH below                                       SUSAN
        the posted speed limit unless directed otherwise by a law
        enforcement officer.
           On a two-lane roadway…Where there is NO lane of                                        GABRIELLE
        travel in the same direction to merge over to, you are
        REQUIRED to slow down to a speed that is 20 miles per                                     Realtor
        hour less than the posted speed limit. If the speed limit
        is 20 miles per hour or less, you must slow down to five
        miles per hour.                                                                           Direct: 561-445-4483
           In the State of Florida, drivers must also move over for
        sanitation vehicles and utility service vehicles performing                     
        tasks related to their services, and wreckers displaying
        amber rotating or flashing lights performing a recovery
        or loading on the roadside.
          Violating the Move Over Law can result in a fine and
        points on your license; and worse, because it puts rescuers,
        civilians, and other motorists at risk of serious injury and   101 Palmetto Road, Boca Raton
        even death. For everyone’s safety, share the Move Over
        Law with others. Help us…help You! 
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