Page 14 - Stuart Exposure - May '24
P. 14

Page 14, Stuart Exposure

        Good works                                                            senior Matters

      #25by2025 Campaign To

      Recruit Foster Homes Kicks Off                      Council On Aging
      With A Story Stroll                                 Martin Starts New Mobile
                                                          Service With Impact100

                                                          Martin Grant

                                                             The Council on Aging’s Elder Care Mobile Outreach
                                                          program will soon be available to help seniors throughout
                                                          Martin County neighborhoods who need assistance with
                                                          the challenges of aging.
                                                             Thanks to a $100,000 impact grant from the generous
                                                          members of Impact100 Martin, the Council on Aging will
                                                          be able to hire a second case manager navigator to go
                                                          directly to underserved seniors throughout Martin County   Council on Aging President and CEO Karen Ripper, Chief
                                                          who face social isolation and loneliness, and then connect   Philanthropic Officer Michele Jacobs, Board Chair Nicki
                                                          them with essential services.                    Schoonover, Case Manager Navigator Brian Sullivan and
                                                             “The pandemic taught us that there is a reluctance   Director of Case Management and Meal Services Annette
                                                          among seniors to contact us to ask for help,” said Council   Lopez received the check from Impact100 Martin that will
                                                          on Aging Martin County CEO Karen Ripper. “Yet there   help to fund a mobile office to take elder services directly
         Communities Connected for Kids (CCKids) launched a   are seniors in our affluent county who live in the shadows,   to seniors in their own neighborhoods.
      communitywide foster-home recruitment campaign Saturday   possibly even in our own neighborhoods, who would
      at its Third Annual 1K for Kids and Story Stroll.   benefit from our services. Now we will be able to go   Impact100 Martin was able to award four $100,000 grants
         Called #25by2025, the campaign’s goal is to recruit and   directly into the community to find them and offer the   in April.
      license a minimum of 25 foster homes by Jan. 1, 2025 – homes   assistance they need.”                   “The Council on Aging Martin and all of those we
      that will help reverse a downward trend in the number of foster      Funds from the Impact100 grant will help to purchase   serve are grateful to Impact100 Martin,” Ripper said.
      homes being licensed since the COVID pandemic.      a new high-top van, which will ultimately be converted   “Everyone deserves a quality life at every age, and we’re
         Since 2020, the community has experienced a 58 percent   into a mobile office. A case manager navigator will use   eager to continue our mission to make this a reality for
      decrease in homes in Okeechobee and the Treasure Coast, said   this office to go into mobile home parks and various   seniors in our community.”
      Christina Kaiser, CCKids community relations director.   neighborhoods throughout Martin County to help seniors   About The Council On Aging Of Martin County
         “We have many wonderful homes and nurturing caregivers,   find  ways  to  minimize  expenses  so  they  can  better      The Council on  Aging of Martin County is the
      but it’s not enough to keep up with the number of children   afford to remain living in their own homes for as long as   community’s hub for senior resources and the county’s
      coming into care or the number of homes closing,” said Kaiser,   possible. The navigator will help with securing affordable   lead agency on aging. Founded in 1974, the organization
      adding that many caregivers close their homes after adopting   housing, make referrals to Meals on Wheels or the Adult   offers expertise, programming and support for older
      or for related family reasons.                      Day Club located at the Kane Center, offer assistance   adults and their families to help seniors maintain lives of
         “We have too many children and teens in group care or placed   with utility bills, link seniors for medical consultation   quality and purpose. Services include the Day Primary
      in other parts of the state,” she said. “Twenty-five new homes   and screening with the Day Medical primary care office   Care Center, Memory Enhancement Center, Adult Day
      will be enough to start bringing them home.”        and provide support to caregivers.               Club, Meals on Wheels, care management, caregiver
         A more robust network of foster homes also makes it possible      “By meeting people in their own neighborhoods,”   support, and a robust offering of educational, cultural,
      to keep siblings together and to keep children closer to their   Ripper said, “we will relieve some of the stigma of asking   fitness and wellness programs.
      homes and schools while in foster care.             for help and overcome any transportation challenges.      The Kane Center located at 900 S.E. Salerno Road
         The #25by2025 campaign offers the community many   Our community will be healthier as we address problems   in Stuart is the Council on Aging of Martin County’s
      opportunities to get involved in advocating for and recruiting   before they become catastrophes for seniors and their   headquarters and is also an event venue available to the
      homes, Kaiser said.                                 families.” The Elder Care Mobile Outreach program will   public. It serves as a special needs hurricane shelter when
         “We created a list of 25 ways to help – from sharing campaign   be operational by later this summer.  necessary. The Council on Aging of Martin County also
      information on social media to selecting foster-care themes for      Impact100 Martin is a membership driven nonprofit   operates senior outreach facilities in Hobe Sound, Jensen
      book clubs,” she said. “Some of it might seem small, but one   organization that enables women to leverage their   Beach, East Stuart and Indiantown. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit
      small act can make a huge difference – one connection can   individual  philanthropy  and  create  positive,  lasting   organization, the Council on Aging receives funding from
      change the life of a child.”                        change in the community. Each member contributes   state and federal agencies and relies on philanthropic
         That was the message Saturday morning at Port St. Lucie’s   $1,000 a year and participates in choosing nonprofit   support from the community, including other agencies,
      Hillmoor Lake Park, where CCKids launched the campaign as   projects to receive a $100,000 grant that will have true   private foundations and individual donors. For more
      part of its 1K for Kids and Story Stroll.           impact and sustainability. With 422 members in 2024,   information, visit
         Nearly 200 people registered for the event, which included a
      1K interactive trail where walkers could use QR codes to learn
      more about the foster-care community.
         Also at the event were several foster-parent licensing
      agencies and a series of celebration stations where participants
      could join the #ManicureMovement to raise awareness for the
      prevention of child abuse or record a three-second video to
      celebrate families being reunified this summer.
         Walkers also had the opportunity to join the Starfish Society,
      a special tier of giving for those who elevate their commitment
      to the #25by2025 campaign.
         For a complete list of ways to help, or to join the campaign’s
      Starfish Society, visit our campaign site at and then
      click the #25by2025 banner.
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