Page 8 - Stuart Exposure - April '24
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Page 8, Stuart Exposure

                                                    tip of tHe tail

      Canine Cataracts                                   days of the surgery. The ophthalmologists may start with   certification programs that offer breeders the opportunity to

                                                         topical medications, but surgery is often the best option.   screen their breeding stock and make sure they are producing
                                                         Your veterinarian can arrange a referral appointment to an   disease-free puppies.
                                                         ophthalmologist to further evaluate your pet’s condition and      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
                                                         determine appropriate treatment options.          is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
                                                            Since the major cause of cataract is hereditary, cataract   pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
                                                         progression varies from breed to breed and individual to   physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
                                                         individual. Cataracts may develop relatively early in life in   extensive diagnostics and emergency service, Palm City
                                                         some breeds, but in others the first signs are detected when   Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
                                                         the dog is older. The progression can be so slow that dogs still   care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
                                                         have reasonable sight well into old age. Efforts can be made   For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit www.
                                                         to prevent inherited cataracts by careful and conscientious or find us on Facebook
         The structure and function of the eye is similar to that of a   breeding. Many veterinary ophthalmologists offer eye   at
      camera. The camera has a lens to focus light on film, while the
      eye has a lens to focus light on the retina which sends signals
      to the brain to be interpreted into the world around us. A       in Your CoMMunitY
      cloudy or opaque lens is called a cataract. The most common
      cause in dogs is inherited cataracts, but other cataracts form
      after traumatic injuries or systemic disease such as diabetes
      mellitus. Cataracts appear spontaneously and can be related   Did You Make It To The                 and the Junior Master Gardeners, club members, family
      to other age changes that occur as your dog gets older. The                                          and friends. Thank you to our major sponsors: Circa 69
      hereditary cataracts can be seen in many breeds including   Jensen Beach Garden Expo?                Restaurant and Lindstrom Air Conditioning.
      cocker spaniels, Labs, poodles, and Boston terriers.                                                    We hope to see you at next year’s 2025 Jensen Beach
         The affect cataracts will have on your dog can vary   By Lisa Oster                               Garden Expo! Save the date: March 1, 2025.
      from almost no affect to total blindness. If cataracts occupy      On Feb. 24, the place to be was Indian Riverside Park      Follow us on Facebook for frequent updates. www.
      less than 30 percent of the lens or only one lens, the vision   for the Third Annual Jensen Beach Garden Expo. It was
      will be almost normal. Noticeable impairment occurs when   a fun and educational plant and garden fair hosted by
      greater than 60 percent of the lens is affected and if opacity   the Jensen Beach Garden Club. Visitors stepped into an
      progresses to 100 percent, your dog will be blind. The   explosion of color, strolling through heavenly-smelling
      progression depends on the type of cataract, the breed and   orchids, colorful crotons, exotic gingers, fragrant herbs and
      other risk factors. Veterinary ophthalmologists can surgically   native butterfly-attracting plants. Folks discovered delicious
      remove cataracts and restore failing vision caused by cataracts   honey, whimsical garden accessories, and practical garden
      in your pet. Most pets have few complications and return   implements. Demonstrations occurred throughout the day
      to normal activity, running and playing within just a few   on choosing the right plants for your landscape, exotic plants
                                                          that misbehave, caring for orchids and helping bees.
        real estate                                         children’s camperships at the Environmental Studies
                                                             Garden Expo proceeds have supported House of Hope,

                                                          Center, the Florida Oceanographic Society and new this
                                                          year a college scholarship for a Jensen Beach high school
      Treasure Coast                                      student. Thank you to the thousands who attended and our
                                                          many volunteers, including the Boy Scouts, Traveling Youth
      Real Estate Report

      Selling? Make Your Home Accessible To Buyers!

      By Jim Weix
         You can’t sell your
      property if buyers can’t view
      it. This is so basic that you
      might be wondering why
      I’m even writing about it, but
      some sellers appear as if they
      don’t want buyers to look at
      their homes.
         They unintentionally do
      this by creating roadblocks
      to allowing agents to show
      potential buyers their property. Below are a couple of the most
      common roadblocks.
      24-Hour Notice Needed
         My first question would be: Why?
         In many cases, a buyer’s agent sets up the showings for their
      client the afternoon before or the morning of showing their client
      properties. I prefer doing this the afternoon before, as it gives
      everyone time to respond to the showing request.
         So now I have six properties to set up showings for the next
      day. My buyers want to start at 10 a.m., so we should be done
      by 2 p.m.
         However, one property requires a 24-hour notice, and it is
      now 5 p.m. That property then gets crossed off the list.
         There may be times when a seller does need a 24-hour notice,
      but it isn’t too often. If a seller doesn’t really need a 24-hour
      notice, they should remove that restriction. They will get many
      more showings that way.
      Listing Agent Must Accompany
         In most cases, potential buyers want to view a property and
      be able to discuss it between themselves and their buyer’s agent.
      They don’t want a helicopter Realtor hovering over them. This
      desire for privacy is why most listing agents suggest that the
      seller take a short walk when potential buyers are viewing their
         If the property has unique features or strange HOA rules, this
      information should already be in the Multiple Listing Service
      (MLS). If a question arises, the buyer’s agent can call the listing
         Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your options.
      I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or
         Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes Company. Jim
      has 25 years of experience selling real estate full-time. If you
      have questions or want the services of an experienced expert,
      you can reach Jim at (772) 341-2941 or
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