Page 10 - JupiterSpotlight - April '24
P. 10

Page 10, Jupiter Spotlight
      The Pet Cottage Post

      The Pet Cottage Celebrates Senior Pets And Senior People  her two dogs, Pugsley and                  Gigi, so we set up a meet
        We celebrate and protect the                     Angel. In fact, Lisa was a Pet                    and greet. Gigi had been
      magical relationship between                       Cottage Forever Guardian to                       raised by Owen since she
      people and pets by providing                       Angel, a senior dachshund.                        was a puppy and so patience
      homestyle care for pets                            When Pugsley passed away                          and understanding for her
      who lose their humans                              in 2022, Lisa was ready to                        adjustment period was
      due to death, disability,                          open her heart to another                         necessary. The Pet Cottage
      or deployment through                              dog and Zoey was a perfect                        has fully supported the
      our Lifelong Guardianship                          fit. At that point, Zack had   Lisa and Zoey      relationship with in-person
      Program.  We provide pet                           developed doggie dementia                         visits, phone support, vet
      companionship for senior people,                   and was no longer Zoey’s bonded mate. And Zoey was a great   visits and encouragement.
      and we fully support them by covering              candidate for Forever Guardianship in a volunteer’s home.   Joe, who is in his 80s, takes
      all veterinary expenses, providing regular check-ins and giving     Today, Lisa and Zoey are the bonded pair! They enjoy   Gigi on daily walks in the
      a peace of mind that the pet will always have a home with us.   neighborhood walks, golf cart rides, service dog classes and   neighborhood and Gigi   Cynthia and Joe with Gigi
      A New Bonded Pair                                  watching TV together. Zoey has brought new energy into   enjoys sunbathing in the
        In 2021, Zoey and Zack, two senior Norwich terriers came   Lisa’s life. And Lisa showers Zoey with love and attention.   back garden. Cynthia takes
      to The Pet Cottage after their senior mom passed away. The   Lisa has made dear friends with the other Pet Cottage   care of all of Gigi’s health
      woman’s son contacted The Pet Cottage because he couldn’t   volunteers and finds meaning and purpose in our community.   needs and makes sure she is
      imagine sending his mom’s beloved dogs to a shelter. The   New Hope And New Adventures               comfortable and loved. We
      Pet Cottage provided him with peace of mind that the dogs     Gigi, a 13-year-old senior             love creating these happy
      would be loved and cherished. While they were sweet and   Jack Russell Terrier, recently             stories in our community for
      spunky dogs, they were in serious need of medical care and   joined our pack.  When                  senior pets and people.
      grooming. The Pet Cottage brought them to our veterinarian   her senior owner, Owen, a               Urgent: Big Dog Forever Guardians Needed
      where an initial exam was completed and all their medical   Vietnam veteran, could no                  If you love big dogs and want to make a difference in the
      needs were addressed.                              longer care for her due to                        community, please contact us for more information about
        Zack and Zoey initially came to The Sanctuary because   medical issues, he reached out             Forever Guardianship and volunteer opportunities. We have
      they were a bonded pair and had just suffered a great loss.   to The Pet Cottage for help.           room in our pack for you!
      They fit in well with The Sanctuary pack.            Cynthia and Joe, a senior                                                         The Pet Cottage,
        Meanwhile, one of our fabulous senior volunteers named   couple in PGA National,                                                      Wendy Derhak,
      Lisa had recently suffered a string of great losses. First, in   had been on our Forever   Gigi with bone                    Founder/Executive Director,
      2020, her husband Perry passed away from COVID. Lisa   Guardian waitlist for about                                                      (561) 818-5025
      was devastated and heartbroken. She found comfort in   three months. We thought they might be a good match for          

      Palm Beach Opera’s Gala from page 9               Parr, Rhoda and Joel Pinsky, Donna K. and John Raggio,   lives of the communities it serves with a diverse offering
                                                        Philip Robinson, Ahuva Rosen, Jane Rothchild, Sandra and   of educational programs, and training the next generation
      gala Cochairs Judy Harpel, Paulette Koch, and Diane Sculley,   Max Scanavino, Vicki Schneps, Rosellen and Robert Schnurr,   of opera stars. Founded in 1961, the fully professional
      as well as by Board Chairman David Genser and General and   Jean and Martin Shafiroff, Jane and John Shalam, Daisy Soros,   Palm Beach Opera presents main-stage performances at
      Artistic Director David Walker. The evening concluded with   Ellen and Larry Sosnow, Betty Starr, Anne Sternlicht, Melissa   the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts in West Palm
      dancing and live music provided by Soul Survivors.  Sullivan and Joe Weiss, Kristin and Scott Utzinger, Gail Worth   Beach and is a proud member of OPERA America and the
        The event was a tribute to the contributions of the Gala   and Frank Orenstein, Irene Brant Zelinsky, and Tania Zouikin.  Cultural Council of Palm Beach County.
      Council comprised of Carole H. and Stefano Acunto, Mr.     Palm Beach Opera is dedicated to producing live opera
      and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Alderton, Mrs. Veronica Atkins, Mr. and   at an international standard of excellence, enriching the   Photos by Capehart Photography
      Mrs. William Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Desnick. Mr. and
      Mrs. Randell Doane, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Efron, Mr. and Mrs.
      Sanford Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fromer, Mr. and Mrs.
      David Genser, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gottesman, Mr. and Mrs.     Experience Dentistry
      James Harpel, Florence Kaufman, Judy and Jerry Kaufman,
      Paulette Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kohl, Drs. Henry and
      Marsha Laufer, Frayda Lindemann, Ari Rifkin, Mr. and Mrs.
      John Sculley, Marc S. Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sosnoff
      and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Williams.                                                         with a
        The success of the gala was also the result of the support of
      many generous underwriters: Judy and Jerry Kaufman (pianist
      John Arida and diamond recital aria), Mr. and Mrs. Robert
      Fromer (décor), Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gottesman (evening
      music and entertainment), Marc S. Solomon (gala keepsake),
      Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kohl (cocktail reception), Mr. and Mrs.   Woman’s Touch
      David Herwitz (fine wine), Sanford Baklor (major sponsors’
      brunch) and Barbara Greis and Howard Gottlieb (photography).
        Gala platinum sponsors were Veronica Atkins, Mr. and
      Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Randell Doane and Drs.
      Henry and Marsha Laufer. Gold sponsors were Carole H.     Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
      and Stefano Acunto, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Alderton, Mr.
      and Mrs. Paul Efron, Mr. and Mrs. David Genser, Barbara
      Goldfarb Tepperman and Fred Tepperman, Mr. and Mrs.              State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
      Charles Gottesman, Mr. and Mrs. James Harpel, Paulette Koch,
      Frayda Lindemann, Ari Rifkin, Mr. and Mrs. John Sculley, Mr.
      and Mrs. Martin Sosnoff and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Williams.        Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
        Other attendees included Naomi Alexandroff-Brest and
      David Kaplan, Christine and Max Ansbacher, John Archer,
      Anne Bazik, Cynthia Berenson, Roberta and Stanley Bogen,
      Nancy Brinker and Michael Zinner, Erika and David Brown,          Joanne Green, D.D.S.
      Nancy and Peter Brown, Jeanne and Brian Burry, Anne
      Carmichael, Louise Cohen, Ariane Comstock, Chris Del
      Gatto, Ghislain d’Humieres and Nicolas von Lehndorff, Judi   10887 N. Military Trail, Suite 6
      Donoff, Lauren and Terry Duffy, Linda and Edward Dweck,
      Sue and Paul Efron, Wendy Eisen, Ken Endelson, Patricia     Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
      and Edward Falkenberg, Anne Fitzpatrick, Gwendolyn and
      Austin Fragomen, Adele Fuchsberg and Derek Enlander,
      Robin Ganzert, Nancy Goodes, Arlette Gordon, Barbara Greis,         (561) 622-2815
      Kaaren and Charles Hale, Deborah Hamilton, Lisa Huertas,
      Anne Hummel and Robert Kraus, Cathy Jacobson, Sharon  
      Jacquet, Elaine Kay, Vicki and Chris Kellogg, Amin Khoury
      and Emilia Saint-Amand, Heidi Greene and Michael Kluger,
      Catherine Adler and Helmut Koller, Ingrid Kosowsky and     Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry - Cum Laude
      Frank Arundell III, Robert and Paul Kozloff, Angela Kumble,
      Monica Laurans, Bonnie Lautenberg and Steve Lever, Sam   Hospital of the University of Penn - General Practice Residency Training
      Lehrman and Maureen Kelly, Nancy and Paul Levy, Vicki              Harvard Dental School - Former Instructor
      and Arthur Loring, Sondra Mack, Linda Macaulay, Marilyn    Boston Brigham and Women’s Dental Group - Staff Dentist
      Mims, Wilma and Charles Mooney, Shari and Mark Newman,
      Anka Palitz, Nancy and Ellis Jay Parker, Katherine and Gary
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