Page 6 - The Islander - March '24
P. 6
Page 6, The Islander
northern noteS
Living Within Our Budget
By Katie Roundtree, Director of Finance and Administration, Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District
Like most local projects or requests remain in the funding plan for the approve the budget.
governments, the Northern upcoming year. The final assessment
Pa lm Beac h Count y Budgets are funded from either maintenance rates are sent to the tax
Improvement District assessments, reserve funds, loans or a combination of collector for inclusion
(Northern) must prepare the above. Northern has a policy to keep a minimum on the Real Estate Tax
and abide by an annual of 25 percent of the maintenance budget for each unit Bill sent to property
budget. Unlike many of development in reserves. Reserves are in place for owners in November.
other local governments, unexpected emergencies, disasters, and cost increases more The new budget year
Northern prepares a budget than budgeted. Any reserves over the minimum can be used begins on Oct. 1.
for general expenses, such to fund future projects or offset assessment increases. We all feel the
as administrative and Assessment increases are reviewed, and management impact of rising prices.
overhead expenses, and determines if it is appropriate to use reserves or loans to At Northern, both the
for each unit of development within its jurisdiction. A finance larger capital projects or one-time expenses to staff and the Board work
unit of development is a separate, distinct area formed limit the rise in the assessment rate. Sometimes, long-term hard to ensure that our
to provide specific services from Northern. These areas debt is paid off, or one-time projects are completed, and assessments cover the
can be for individual housing developments, such as PGA assessment rates can lower for the upcoming year. cost of maintaining our assets and paying off any outstanding
National, BallenIsles or Abacoa. They can also be for an Once a preliminary budget is agreed upon by internal debt, while also keeping our residents and property owners
area that covers several developments, such as Horseshoe staff, the proposed budget is sent to homeowner and in mind. We achieve this by using reserves and projecting
Acres, Steeplechase, Arbor Parc and Woodbine. Each property owner associations within Northern’s jurisdiction our capital needs for the next five years. This approach helps
unit of development is unique since their needs can be to begin discussions on the upcoming year’s budget. us to maintain stable assessments, with increases only when
quite different. Currently, there are 47 active units of Budgets are reviewed with association representatives necessary and decreases when practical. You can find our
development with budgets, excluding the general fund. to fully communicate the plan for the upcoming year. budget on our website, We hope that you
Northern’s primary purpose is to provide stormwater Modifications to the proposed budget will be reviewed find it helpful and informative.
control services to its area. However, in some areas, and incorporated when possible. NPDES tip: Your neighborhood drainage system is
Northern is also responsible for road, preserve, trail and The ultimate authority for approving the budget is not a garbage disposal, please don’t treat it like one.
gate maintenance. Northern’s Board of Supervisors. The preliminary budget Encourage all residents to take responsibility and to not
Northern’s fiscal year begins on Oct. 1 and ends on is reviewed with the Board in May. Once the new tax roll dump chemicals, fertilizer, paint, oil, etc., in inlets or
Sept. 30. Each year, starting in January, the budget process is received and reviewed, the Board approves the TRIM pipes. Discourage sweeping of lawn clippings and dirt
begins for the new fiscal year. Staff and department heads rates in June. into street drains and disposing of lawn clippings and
submit their budgeted requests for projects, services TRIM stands for Truth in Millage and is the highest other debris (wood, concrete blocks, Christmas trees, etc.)
and equipment for the upcoming year to the budget rate to assess a property. The property appraiser mails directly into retention lakes. Keep drainage facilities clear
manager. The budget manager compiles the information TRIM notices to property owners in August each year. In of vegetation, trash, improperly and illegally discarded
and produces a draft budget for review by Northern August, a public hearing is held for the Board to hear any appliances, shopping carts, tires, cars, garbage bags, etc.
management. During this time, requests are balanced public comments on the proposed budget. After comments
against funding to determine whether or not specific are received and potentially addressed, the Board will
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