Page 30 - PGA Community News - March '24
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Page 30, PGA C.A.N.! March 2024 March 2024
Habitat For Humanity Greater Palm Beach County
Calls On Florida Congressional Members
To Take Action On The Affordable Housing Crisis
Nationwide, housing Loan Program (Section 502 Direct) are the primary Habitat on the Hill is Habitat’s primary legislative
costs are skyrocketing as federal programs which provide funding exclusively for conference that brings together nearly 400 Habitat staff
more families lack access to homeownership projects serving low-income families. members, board members, homeowners, resident leaders,
a safe, affordable, and decent “Given the historic low supply of affordable homes, volunteers and emerging leaders in Washington, D.C.,
place to call home. Here in especially for entry-level homeownership, Habitat for every year. The participants are united by a common
Florida, every one in six Humanity Greater Palm Beach County urged Congress to purpose, representing their communities, engaging with
households pay half or more prioritize federal policies and investments that increase the each other, learning from esteemed housing experts and
of their income on housing. number of affordable homes, said Thomason. “Through collaboratively strategizing to champion policies that
During the week of Feb. advocacy, Habitat for Humanity Greater Palm Beach County drive home affordability at the local, state and federal
5, Jennifer Thomason, CEO highlighted the need for Congress to support policies that levels.
of Habitat for Humanity Jennifer Thomason, CEO increase the supply of safe, decent and affordable homes, To discover more, visit
Greater Palm Beach County, of Habitat of Greater Palm especially for homeownership.” and follow us online at @HabitatGPBC.
along with hundreds of local Beach County
Habitat organizations and
affordable housing advocates, Navigating The Journey Of Melanoma
met with Senators Scott and Rubio, Representatives Cherfilus-
McCormick, Mast, Frankel and Moskowitz in Washington,
D.C. They urged for action and prioritization of policies that And Complex Skin Cancer Care: Insights
will increase the number of affordable homes, particularly
for homeownership.
Congress can respond to this need by supporting vital From A Specialized General Surgeon
housing and community development programs in 2025 and
through the passage of the bipartisan Neighborhood Homes
Investment Act. As the sun kisses Melanoma Management And Diagnosis
There are a number of federal solutions that can help our skin with warmth Early detection is paramount in combating melanoma
increase the number of affordable homes across the country. and radiance, it’s easy to effectively. Regular self-examinations and annual screenings
In Palm Beach County, the Self-Help Homeownership forget the potential risks by a dermatologist can identify suspicious lesions.
Opportunity Program, HOME Investment Partnerships lurking beneath its golden Dermoscopy, a noninvasive technique utilizing magnification
Program and Section 502 Single Family Housing Direct embrace. Skin cancer, and light to visualize skin structures, aids in distinguishing
particularly melanoma, benign moles from potentially malignant lesions.
poses a significant threat Upon diagnosis, a comprehensive evaluation may
to our health, requiring include imaging studies and lymph node mapping as well as
meticulous management guidance in treatment decisions. Surgical excision remains
and expert care. As a the cornerstone of melanoma management, encompassing
specialized general surgeon wide local excision to remove the tumor along with a safety
with a focus on surgical margin of healthy tissue. In cases of advanced disease,
oncology, I’m deeply adjuvant therapies such as immunotherapy or targeted
committed to guiding Dr. Kimmerle “K.C.” Cohen therapy may be warranted to mitigate the risk of recurrence
individuals through the and metastasis. In select cases, sentinel lymph node biopsy
intricate journey of melanoma and complex skin cancer care. aids in gauging the extent of disease spread and guiding
It’s important for the patient to understand the nuances of subsequent treatment strategies.
diagnosis, surgical treatment and recovery, shedding light Following surgical intervention, diligent wound care
on critical aspects of skin cancer management. and close monitoring are imperative to expedite healing
Understanding Skin Cancer Risk Factors and detect any signs of complications promptly. While
Risk factors associated with skin cancer include physical recovery may vary depending on the extent of
prolonged sun exposure and a history of severe sunburns surgery, emotional support and counseling are equally vital
Jennifer Thomason, CEO of Habitat of Greater Palm Beach which can heighten the risk of developing melanoma. in navigating the psychological toll of battling cancer.
County, with CEO of Habitat for Humanity International, Additionally, individuals with fair skin, light-colored Diligently apply sunscreen, seek shade during peak
Jonathan Reckford (third from the left), along with eyes, and a family history of skin cancer are more hours, and wear protective clothing to fosters a proactive
representatives from other Habitats around the country predisposed to this condition. Presence of atypical moles approach towards skin cancer prevention.
or a weakened immune system due to factors such as organ Dr. Kimmerle “K.C.” Cohen is an oncological and
Happy Easter! transplantation or immunosuppressive medications amplifies general surgeon with Palm Beach Health Network
the susceptibility to skin cancer. And yes, increased exposure Physician Group and on staff at Good Samaritan Medical
to tanning beds can be harmful. According to the American Center in West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens
Sunday, March 31st Academy of Dermatology, exposure to UV radiation from Medical Center. Learn more about Dr. Cohen, or call her
indoor tanning devices is associated with an increased risk office for more information or to schedule an appointment
of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer, including at (561) 802-9958.
squamous cell carcinoma and basil cell carcinoma.
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Thank you. 561-748-7600