Page 21 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens- March '24
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 21
The Pet Cottage Post
The Pet Cottage Is A New Program means our model, that doesn’t
include communication
pets will always have
Concept the home, care, and and updates about the
love they deserve for life of the pet moving
We celebrate and protect the life, no matter what. forward, does not support
magical relationship between Our pets live on site the people we serve.
people and pets by providing at our sanctuary or in Additionally, most
homestyle care for pets the home of a forever adoption agencies
who lose their humans guardian. This is what leave out senior people.
due to death, disability, makes us different However, our model of
or deployment through from rescue and forever guardianship
our Lifelong Guardianship shelter organizations. gives senior people
Program. We provide pet Why We Don’t Offer in our community the
companionship for senior people, Adoption opportunity for pet
and we fully support them by covering all veterinary expenses, The pets that enter companionship with the
providing regular check-ins and giving a peace of mind that our program have full support of The Pet Wendy and Bella Pom
the pet will always have a home with us. loyally served and Cottage.
We are not an adoption agency or foster program. participated in the lives of their owners. They have been We provide and cover the cost of all medical care
We are a new concept. Our Lifelong Guardianship adored, loved and cherished. Therefore, a traditional adoption – routine, specialty, emergency, and even prescription
medications and preventatives – for our pets, forever. We
do ask that our forever guardians provide food for their
pet, along with lots of tender love and care, of course!
We Are A Win-Win-Win Solution
A Many of our pets are senior pets that have health
issues and require more resources. Many of our forever
guardians are also seniors who wouldn’t otherwise feel
COLONOSCOPY comfortable taking on
full pet ownership at this
stage in life. Our forever
promise to each pet in
our care means that no
CAN SAVE matter what happens to
a guardian, the pet will
have a loving home. It’s
a win-win-win situation
that makes us do a happy
YOUR LIFE dance.
Because of The Pet
Cottage, Marty, a senior
gentleman in Jupiter
Farms who is health
compromised, is able to
love and care for Scooby,
a 9-year-old senior
dachshund. Scooby was
Marty’s saving grace
during COVID and still
is to this day. Scooby
Because of The Pet
Cottage, Grace, a senior
lady with a fixed income
in Stuart, is able to share
her home and heart with
Angel, a 13-year-old
Chihuahua. Grace was
a perfect fit for Angel
after Angel’s mom had
to move into a memory
care facility.
Cottage, Michelle, a
GASTROENTEROLOGY PROGRAM senior lady in Jupiter,
gets to spend her days
3 YEARS IN A ROW with Sally, a 13-year-old
Selkirk Rex cat. Michelle
and her late husband John
became forever guardians Grace and Angel
It’s recommended that adults start getting colonoscopies at in 2020 during John’s
age 45, so don’t delay your chance for early detection. The lung cancer treatment.
Sally was such a bright
colorectal specialists at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital spot during that time.
utilize state-of-the-art techniques to diagnose and treat colon And since John’s passing,
Sally has continued to
conditions. From routine screenings to the most complex provide Michelle with joy
surgeries, trust our experts to provide world class care. Schedule and companionship.
New Forever Guardians
your colonoscopy today with one of Florida’s top hospitals. Needed
If you love pets and
want to make a difference
in the community, | 844.290.5764 please contact us for
more information about
forever guardianship and
volunteer opportunities. Sally and Michelle
We have room in our
pack for you!
The Pet Cottage,
(561) 818-5025,
Weston | Coral Springs | Wellington | West Palm Beach