Page 14 - Southern Exposure - February '24
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Page 14, Southern Exposure

                                                           theatre haPPeningS

                        A Ripped-From-The-Headlines World Premiere:

       The Cancellation Of Lauren Fein By Christopher Demos-Brown

                                           Opens Feb. 2 At Palm Beach Dramaworks (PBD)

        We’ve all read the stories in recent years: a celebrity   a  community  turns  against  you,  as  Miller  did  in  The     Palm Beach Dramaworks is a professional, nonprofit
      or professor or politician is called out and brought down   Crucible,” said Demos-Brown, who pays tribute to Miller   theatre company founded in 2000 and located in the heart
      for words or deeds considered offensive. Cancel culture.   in  various  ways  during  the  play.  “It’s  a  very  similar   of downtown West Palm Beach. Each season, the award-
      Some view it as a method of holding people to account, of   dynamic; there’s this new code being imposed on people,   winning company produces five mainstage shows and offers
      righting a wrong. Others believe it’s suppression of free   and how do they react to it?”            a wide variety of programs for students at the theatre and in
      speech, a public shaming.                           Margaret  M.  Ledford  directs  this  world  premiere   schools. Committed to fostering the future of theatre, PBD
        Sometimes it’s both. And sometimes – perhaps, often   production,  which  features  Niki  Fridh  as  Lauren  Fein,   has become a hub for playwrights in Florida and around the
      – a seemingly minor stumble can lead to a fall from grace   Diana  Garle  (PBD  debut)  as  Paula  Moreno  and,  in   country to nurture their work through initiatives including
      when an accusation takes on a convoluted life of its own.  alphabetical order, Odera Adimorah (PBD debut), Kaelyn   The Dramaworkshop and the Perlberg Festival of New
        It  is  that  murky,  how-did-we-get-here  allegation  of   Ambert-Gonzalez (PBD debut), Malcolm Callender (PBD   Plays. PBD is a member of Theatre Communications Group,
      wrongdoing that playwright Christopher Demos-Brown   debut), Lindsey Corey, Bruce Linser, Barbara Sloan, Karen   Florida Professional Theatres Association, the Cultural
      explores in The Cancellation of Lauren Fein, his world   Stephens, and Stephen Trovillion. Scenic design is by Anne   Council of Palm Beach County and the National New Play
      premiere play for Palm Beach Dramaworks. Demos-Brown   Mundell, video design is by Adam J. Thompson, costume   Network (NNPN). See
      is not just an acclaimed playwright, but a prominent civil   design is by Brian O’Keefe, lighting design is by Kirk     Evening performances are Wednesday and Thursday
      trial attorney in Miami, and the play is informed by his   Bookman, and sound design is by Roger Arnold. Nicole   at 7:30 p.m. and Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Matinee
      personal experiences representing professors who have   Perry (PBD debut) is the intimacy choreographer.   performances  are Wednesday, Thursday,  Saturday,  and
      been caught in the net of cancel culture. The Cancellation     Christopher  Demos-Brown’s  writing  honors  include   Sunday at 2 p.m. Post-performance discussions follow
      of Lauren Fein opens on Feb. 2 (8 p.m.) and runs through   the  Laurents/Hatcher Award,  a  Steinberg  Citation  and   weekday matinees. Tickets for all performances are $89,
      Feb. 16, with specially priced previews on Jan. 31 and   several Carbonell Awards. He is the author of numerous   except  for  opening  night  ($104)  and  previews  ($69).
      Feb. 1 (7:30 p.m.).                               plays  including  When the Sun Shone Brighter,  Fear   Student tickets are available for $15 with valid K-12 or
        The brilliant Lauren Fein and her wife, Paola Moreno,   Up Harsh, Stripped, Captiva and American Son, which   university/college  identification,  and  anyone  under  40
      are professors at a prestigious American university. They   had  a  successful  run  on  Broadway  in  2018.  It  starred   pays $40 (no additional fees) with a photo identification
      live  with  Dylan,  their  16-year-old African American   Kerry Washington and has been translated into multiple   card. Tickets  for  educators  are  half  price  with  proper
      foster son whom they’ve cared for since he was a baby.   languages. Demos-Brown wrote and coproduced a Netflix   identification (other restrictions apply). Group rates for 10
      In other words, they appear to be the poster family for   original movie based on the play that received an Emmy   or more and subscription packages are available. Tickets
      “diversity,  equity,  and  inclusion.”  But  when  Professor   nomination  for  best TV  movie  (currently  running  on   can be purchased through the box office, in person or by
      Fein’s actions run afoul of the university’s DEI policies,   Netflix). He is also a practicing lawyer and a founding   phone at (561) 514-4042, Ext. 2, and online 24 hours a
      her groundbreaking research, her career, and her family   member of Zoetic Stage in Miami, where he lives with his   day at
      are all put in jeopardy.                          wife, Stephanie, and their daughters, Kate and Jilly. He is     The Don and Ann Brown Theatre is located in the heart
        The Cancellation of Lauren Fein is in some ways an   grateful to Sue Ellen, Bill and the whole PBD organization   of downtown West Palm Beach, at 201 Clematis St. For
      homage  to  playwright Arthur  Miller,  particularly  the   for their courage in and commitment to producing The   ticket information contact the box office at (561) 514-4042,
      play The Crucible. Demos-Brown makes that explicit in   Cancellation of Lauren Fein.                 or visit
      the play’s script, quoting the character of Miller’s John
      Proctor prior to the start of the text: “Now the little crazy
      children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common
      vengeance writes the law!”
        “Early  in  the  process  of  writing  the  play,  I  knew  I
      wanted  to  incorporate  the  idea  of  what  happens  when

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