Page 3 - PGA Community News - February '24
P. 3

February 2024                                                            February 2024                                                  PGA C.A.N.!, Page 3
      From The Editor:

      Love Story…

         The play, “Brigadoon,”                         been asked the question before and became excited about   the second time you fall. Like a friendly home, the second
      is an interesting love story                      the idea as Frank awakened Geri to tell her they would   time you call. Who can say what brought us to this miracle
      which I like to highlight                         be marrying again. The flight crew acted as the wedding   we’ve found? There are those who’ll bet, love comes
      in  February –  the  month                        party attendants and a memorable event was celebrated   but once, and yet, I’m so glad we met, the second time
      of love.  Tommy and Jeff                          by the all who participated. It was so unique that one of   around.”
      are the characters from                           the  attendants  remembered  Frank  and  Geri  when  they      Who knows? Perhaps Frank and Geri will be inspired
      New York who are visiting                         traveled on a subsequent flight.                   to repeat their vows a fifth time in their Love Story.
      Scotland  and  stumble                               Sometime later, Frank and Geri were dining at a      Until next month…
      across the town that is                           restaurant on the west side of Manhattan. They noticed                    James A. Cioffi, Esq., Editor
      not located on any maps.                          a huge yacht docked nearby. They mentioned to other                     
      Tommy meets Fiona and                             diners that they would ask the captain of the yacht to
      they fall in love despite him                     marry them. Frank and Geri were accompanied by an      P.S. If you would like to share your Love Story or that
      being engaged to another woman. Tommy is shocked to   entourage as they approached the vessel. Frank spotted   of another couple, please forward it to me.
      discover that Brigadoon appears one day every 100 years.   the captain on the top deck which felt like it was 8 stories
      If Tommy wants to be with Fiona, he must join her in   high. He shouted to him that he would like to ask him
      Brigadoon and he will never see any of his friends and   a question. The captain said that Frank and Geri could   Season Is Here!
      family again. This is the Love Story of Tommy and Fiona.   board the vessel but not the crowd with them. When they
      The commitment is extraordinary but there are bonds of   met the captain, they requested that he perform a wedding     Along with season comes the increased temptation
      love so strong that people have been known to take drastic   ceremony. You can imagine his surprise – and the surprise   to utilize the golf courses as a park/playground, but
      measures expressing their love and devotion.      of the love birds to find out the super yacht was owned   we must ask you to refrain from any non-golf related
         My friends, Frank and Geri, met in the late 1980’s at   by a Mexican billionaire. The captain assented to their   access.
      Regine’s Nightclub in New York City. Many of you may   request and Frank and Geri exchanged their vows for the     Maintenance is performed on all the courses
      remember the club – as it was as popular before Studio   third time while the throng of well-wishers observed from   during the year, so there is equipment and work being
      54 during the disco craze in New York City. Frank and   the dock.                                      done. In addition, it is a time when there are more
      Geri were having dinner with other people when their eyes      Years passed as Frank and Geri approached another   golfers on the course enjoying our beautiful weather.
      met from a distance. The lyrics from “Some Enchanted   anniversary and they decided they would invite their                              Thank you
      Evening” by Richard Rodgers are appropriate when   close friends and family to their fourth wedding in the
      hearing about that night when two strangers met across   marriage capital of the world, Las Vegas. An average of
      a crowded room. “Once you have found her, never let her   almost 100,000 weddings are performed there each year.
      go.” Frank and Geri have been together since that chance   A marriage license can be obtained without any waiting
      meeting. They both had previous relationships but found   period  and  there  is  no  residency  requirement. When  I
      their soulmate in each other. In fact, a psychic has told   traveled there recently, I saw the drive-in wedding chapel
      them that they met in a previous life.            where couples can get married in their car! Frank and
         In 1989 Frank and Geri were married at the roof garden   Geri opted for a wedding chapel and it was enjoyed by
      of The Savoy apartment building (61st street and third   all those in attendance.
      avenue) where they lived in Manhattan. One wedding      Music is a central part of our lives. Many lyrics and
      was not enough for Frank. Later while in first class on   their medleys lift our spirits. When I think of Frank and
      a Northwest Orient flight from New York to  Tokyo,   Geri’s meeting at a later stage in their lives, the song, “The
      while over Prince Edward Island, Frank asked one of the   Second Time Around,” (lyrics by Sammy Cahn and Jimmy
      captains of the plane to marry them. The captain had never   Van Heusen) fills my thoughts. “Love’s more comfortable
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