Page 13 - PGA Community News - February '24
P. 13

February 2024                                                            February 2024                                                 PGA C.A.N.!, Page 13
      Review Of Palm Beach Symphony

      Pinchas Zukerman And The                          original tunes and style surely influenced by that other great   Memory of a Dear Place. It’s a slow movement originally
                                                        American composer, Aaron Copland. Originally written for
                                                                                                           written for his magnificent violin concerto. But, for reasons
      Palm Beach Symphony                               organ accompaniment, this inspired orchestration begins   unknown he put it to one side. At the time he was recovering
                                                        brightly continuing with touches of swing and jazz rhythms,   from a nervous breakdown. Published posthumously in
      By Rex A. Hearn                                   spirituals and “western music” reminiscent of Ferde Grofe.   1896 and orchestrated by the young composer Alexander
         Monday, Jan. 15 at the                         The trumpet sounds out some very catchy tunes in each of   Glazunov, it is dedicated to the Ukrainian village of Brailove,
      Kravis Center was a night                         the four movements. It reassures the listener the “school of   where Tchaikovsky recovered. Dear Place is a somewhat
      to remember. So many                              cacophony” has been overcome by this wonderful composer,   romantic piece in which the violinist seems to sing over the
      artistic forces came together                     now in his 80s teaching at Old Dominion University. The   orchestral accompaniment, and sing Zukerman did with such
      to make it an evening of                          Palm Beach Symphony accompanied trumpeter Morris with   an exquisite sweet tone. Tchaikovsky referred to its closing
      sweet memories. First came                        delicacy throughout except for a couple of French horn fluffs   as “a song without words.” Indeed it was a delight.
      Adolphus Hailstork’s Four                         in their entrances. They redeemed themselves in the Sibelius      The Mozart violin concerto followed, No. 3 (of 5) Kochel
      Hymns  Without  Words a                           Second Symphony later.                             Listing No. 216, same solo violinist, Pinchas Zukerman
      delightful, tuneful work for                         The incomparable Pinchas Zukerman appeared next to   in fine form. Mozart’s father was a violinist, author of the
      solo  trumpet,  masterfully                       play two pieces for violin and orchestra. His services to   seminal book on violin technique of 1756. Mozart was a
      played by world renowned                          music are legendary beginning as a solo violist moving on   good violinist, but as a teenager moved to the forte piano,
      Craig Morris, who now holds the chair of trumpet professor   to form his own chamber groups: an orchestra, quartet and   preferring the new musical improvement of the harpsichord.
      in Miami’s Frost School of Music. Hailstork’s Four Hymns   trio and now as an accomplished solo violinist with the most      This violin concerto with its gossamer light tunes and
      reminds one of America’s wide open spaces, its lovely   refined sound you ever heard. He began with Tchaikovsky’s   folksy fiddling pleased the huge audience greatly, you could
                                                                                                           have heard a pin drop their interest was so focused.
      Why Can’t My Child Keep Up?                                                                            Second World War I lived in Manchester, England. Incendiary
                                                                                                             And now for the Sibelius Second Symphony. During the

                                                                                                           bombs destroyed my father’s manicured lawns in 1941, but
      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                             dysgraphia. She was a smart girl but her language disorders   did not go off! My introduction to Sibelius was twofold. The
      Licensed School Psychologist                      interfered with her ability to listen, follow directions,   BBC constantly played Finlandia by Sibelius to raise morale.
         A concerned mom                                discriminate sounds, and express herself. Since writing   Churches even put words to its magnificent ending.
      explained her child’s struggles                   and reading are language-based skills she could not put her      At 16, the war over, a colorful conductor from America
      to me: “I feel like sometimes                     thoughts into writing and while she could memorize, she   took the podium of my local orchestra, The Halle, founded
      Jenny cannot keep up with a                       could not pronounce unfamiliar words. Jenny had a strong   in 1848. It was Sir John Barbirolli who had succeeded Arturo
      conversation. When we are                         memory and could memorize adequately so this concealed   Toscanini as conductor of the New York Philharmonic in
      talking she often stops and asks                  her true struggles.                                1937. He made demands of the city alderman and they let
      questions to explain more or                         Jenny’s mom wanted to know how to help Jenny so our   him rebuild The Halle, decimated by the war, to 95 players.
      again. When she hears a new                       recommendations provided her with the best reading program      A young 16-year-old, Oliver Bannister, became lead flutist;
      word, she does not seem to                        and some tutors. We also provided a list of games they could   a woman from the Salvation Army Band led the trombone
      hear it correctly. We have to                     purchase to play at home to help. Testing helped dad learn   section, the highly esteemed, Maisie Ringham. And Joyce
      repeat it a few times and break it down into the sounds for her   that when Jenny could not get to the point, he needed to give   Aldous was the timpanist. And so on. A year into his tenure
      to finally get it and repeat it back correctly. When she is telling   more patience and understanding. The testing also provided   they tackled Sibelius’s Second. It turned me into a believer.
      a story or giving information, it can take her a long time to think   mom with paperwork to share with Jenny’s school staff. They   And it’s on an early L.P. recording which I still have. Maestro
      of what she wants to say and if you interrupt her she has to start   developed a plan with goals to help Jenny in school. We   Gerard Schwarz and his Palm Beach Symphony Orchestra
      all the way at the beginning again and she gets frustrated. She   discussed next steps in our one-hour results review meeting.  gave the performance of their lives last night. It was a brilliant
      says kids at school make fun of her because she can’t read.”      It’s unusual for smart children to experience long-term   interpretation. Kudos to all and especially conductor Schwarz
         Our school neuropsychological testing showed Jenny had   academic struggles. You know your child best so if you are   for rebuilding this wonderful orchestra which now surely stands
      a language-based learning disability along with dyslexia and   concerned, call someone to discuss your child.   equal to and along with America’s big five.
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