Page 7 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '24
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 7
      Innovative Care For Structural Heart Disease

      At Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center

        The human heart is a marvel of engineering, with its     • TAVR – minimally invasive, advanced treatment for   navigate their care journey with minimal disruptions to their
      four valves playing a crucial role in guiding blood flow   severe aortic stenosis                    daily lives.
      through the intricate chambers of the heart and throughout     • WATCHMAN – implant device to reduce stroke risk    Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center’s commitment to
      the body. When issues arise with these valves, it can     • PVL Closure – plug leaks around prosthetic heart valve  providing state-of-the-art care for structural heart disease is
      lead to structural heart disease, a condition that, if left     • Mitraclip – treats mitral regurgitation (MR)  evident in its Structural Heart Program. From the efficiency
      untreated, may result in severe complications such as     • ASD/PFO Closure – repairs hole in septum of the heart  of the Structural Heart/Valve Clinic to the personalized
      heart failure, stroke, blood clots, or even death. Palm     •  Percutaneous  Ventricular Assist  Device  –  helps   treatment plans crafted by a collaborative medical team,
      Beach Gardens Medical Center stands at the forefront   ventricles in heart pump blood                patients can find solace in knowing that their health is in
      of providing advanced care for structural heart disease,     One of the hallmarks of Palm Beach Gardens Medical   capable hands. As the medical landscape continues to evolve,
      offering a comprehensive approach that combines cutting-  Center’s approach to structural heart disease is the emphasis   Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center remains dedicated
      edge technology and personalized treatment options.  on personalized care. Upon entering the Structural Heart/  to ensuring that individuals facing structural heart disease
        The Structural Heart Program at Palm Beach Gardens   Valve Clinic, patients are guided by a dedicated patient   receive the best possible care, embracing innovation and
      Medical Center is a testament to the institution’s   navigator who facilitates all necessary appointments and   compassion in equal measure.
      commitment  to  staying  at  the  forefront  of  medical   ensures a seamless experience. A collaborative effort between     For more information about our Structural Heart Program,
      advancements. The program integrates interventional   experienced cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons,   please call (844) 367-9703 or visit our webpage: https://www.
      technology  with the  latest innovations in  structural   skilled in innovative valve procedures, ensures that each
      heart procedures, offering patients a diverse array of   patient receives a customized care plan tailored to their
      minimally-invasive treatment options. This diversity   unique needs.
      empowers individuals to make informed decisions based     Efficiency in healthcare is crucial, especially when dealing   Library’s annual BookMania!
      on their specific diagnosis, fostering a sense of control   with conditions as intricate as structural heart disease. Palm   set to take place March 2
      and involvement in their own healthcare journey.   Beach Gardens Medical Center strikes a balance between
        Here are transcatheter treatment options offered at   expeditious care and comprehensive treatment. By leveraging   The Martin County Library System is excited
      Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center:                 the expertise of a multidisciplinary team, patients can   to announce that the 2024 BookMania! annual
                                                                                                             event, sponsored by The Library Foundation
       Nominations Are Now Open                                                                              of Martin County and Florida Humanities, will
                                                                                                             take place on Saturday, March 2, 2024, at the
                                                                                                             Jensen Beach High School Performing Arts
       For The Randolph A. Frank Prize                                                                       Center, 2875 NW Goldenrod Road in Jensen
                                                                                                             Beach, starting at 9:00 a.m.

       For The Performing Arts                                                                               BookMania! is free and open to the public.
                                                                                                             Authors will  participate  in one of multiple
                                                                                                             panel discussions  featuring emerging  and
      $10,000 To Be Awarded To                                                                               prominent writers.  The  auditorium can get
                                                                                                             chilly, so please bring  a sweater.  Titles  by
      Performing Artists And                                                                                 guest  authors  are available through the
                                                                                                             library’s collections.  Lunch  from the Martin
      Educators In Palm Beach                                                                                County  Sheriff's  Office  BBQ  team  will  be
                                                                                                             available for cash-only at the event. Barnes
      County                                                                                                 &  Noble Booksellers will be onsite offering
                                                                                                             purchased  coffee and light refreshments in
                                                                                                             addition to facilitating book sales.
        Palm Beach Symphony is now accepting nominations
      for the prestigious Randolph A. Frank Prize for the                                                    Sea Stories - Fact & Fiction
      Performing Arts, totaling $10,000, which will be awarded                                               9:15 am - 10:00 am
      to up to three individual performing artists and arts                                                  Moderator: Peggy Chittum
      educators in Palm Beach County.                                                                        Kevin Sites: The Ocean Above Me
        Self-nominations and third-party nominations will                                                    Earl Swift: Chesapeake Requiem - a year with
      be accepted through the Feb. 15 deadline. A nomination   Nancy and Ellis J. Parker, Steven Caras and Ken Taylor,   the Watermen of vanishing Tangier Island
      for an individual will only be accepted in one of three   winner of the 2023 Randolph A. Frank Prize
      categories: performing artists, performing arts educators               Photo by Capehart Photography  Thriller & Suspense
      and emerging artists. Nominees do not need to reside                                                   10:30 am - 11:45 pm
                                                                                                             SIGNING 11:45 am - 12:15 pm
      in Palm Beach County, but their work must be based   Ansbacher, Mrs. James N. Bay, Alan Benaroya, Arthur   Moderator: Amanda Brack
      primarily in the county.                           and Mara Benjamin Foundation, JoAnne Berkow, Kathy   Darby Kane: The Engagement Party
        A five-year demonstrated track record is required   Lee Bickham and John Bickham, Leslie Rogers Blum,   Armando Lucas Correa: The Silence in her
      for performing artists and performing arts educators.   Jeffrey and Tina Bolton, James R. Borynack and Adolfo   Eyes
      Those nominated for the emerging artist category should   Zaralegui/FINDLAY  Galleries,  Braman  Motorcars,   Megan Collins: Thicker Than Water
      have at least a three-year demonstrated track record as a   Thomas and Carol Bruce, CIBC Private Wealth, Amy
      performing artist or performing arts educator and be at   and John Collins,  The Colony Hotel, CORPGOV,   LUNCH 11:45 am - 12:45 pm -
      least 21 years of age. Writers, designers (costume, lighting,   Suzanne Mott Dansby, The David Minkin Foundation,   signing and lunch
      props, scenic, sound) and production technicians are not   The Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation, Willard H. Dow
      eligible for the award.                            and Kelly Winter, Dr. Richard and Diane Farber, Bill and   Love, Friendship, and Ever After's
        Nominees will be judged by a panel of industry   Kem Frick/The Frick Foundation, Inc., Gerry Gibian and   12:45 pm - 1:45 pm
                                                                                                             SIGNING 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm
      professionals from within and outside Palm Beach on   Marjorie Yashar, Morgan Glazar/Tom James Company,   Moderator: Linda Weiksnar
      their contribution to the enhancement of the cultural and   Paul and Sandra Goldner, Douglas and Jo Gressette,   Kristy Woodson Harvey:  The Summer of
      artistic life of Palm Beach County, their commitment   Steel Grove, Irwin and Janet Gusman,  Thomas E.   Songbirds
      to  excellence  in  the  field  and,  when  applicable,  their   Harvey & Cathleen P. Black Foundation, Doris Hastings   Melissa Rivero: Flores and Miss Paula
      teaching experience.                               Foundation, Carol S. and Joseph Andrew Hays, John
        The Randolph A. Frank Prize winner(s) will be invited   Herrick, Addison Hines Charitable Trust, George Hines,   Historical Fiction
      to attend an awards presentation at the après-concert   HSS Florida, IPO Edge, IYC, Charles and Ann Johnson/  2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
      dinner following the symphony’s season finale with guest   The C and A Johnson Family Foundation, Elaine Kay,   SIGNING 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm
      artist Ignat Solzhenitsyn on April 25.             Leonard and Norma Klorfine Foundation, The Kovner   Moderator: Paula Hundt
        The award was established in 2009 by Nancy and Jay   Foundation, Gary and Linda  Lachman/The  Lachman   Talia Carner: The Boy with the Star Tattoo
      Parker to celebrate the memory of their longtime friend   Family Foundation, Patricia Lambrecht/The Lambrecht   Patti Callahan Henry:  The Secret Book of
                                                                                                             Flora Lea
      Dr. Randolph A. Frank, who was an avid patron of the   Family Foundation, Tova Leidesdorf, Lugano Diamonds,   Katherine Reay: The Berlin Letters
      arts. They created the prize  with founding chairman   The Honorable Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, The McNulty
      Steven Caras, acclaimed dancer, dance educator, and   Charitable Foundation, Metals Mint, David Moscow,   This popular program has received national
      photographer.                                      NetJets, Palm Beach Design Masters, Patrick and Milly   recognition  for its stellar authors, record
        “I felt that a cause was very much needed here,” Caras   Park/The Park Foundation, Nancy and Ellis J. Parker,   attendance, and impressive Barnes &
      once said. “Celebrating and rewarding performing arts   III, PNC Private Bank, Lois Pope, Provident Jewelry, Ari   Noble  book  sales. For more information,
      educators and performers, working in Palm Beach County,   Rifkin/The Len-Ari Foundation, Dr. Martha Rodriguez   visit  and  search  for
      who, through their devoted efforts, enhance and inspire   and Dr. Jesus Perez-Mendez, Karen Rogers, Ronald   “BookMania!” or call 772-288-5702.
      the lives of all of us – residents and visitors alike.”   Rosenfeld, David Schafer, Seth Sprague Foundation,
        The Palm Beach Symphony has managed and hosted   Robin B. Smith, Kimberly V. Strauss, Dodie and Manley   Funding for  this program was provided
      the nomination process and award presentation since 2019.   Thaler and the Thaler/Howell Foundation, Don and Mary   through a  grant from  Florida Humanities
                                                                                                             with funds from  the National Endowment
        For more information, visit the programs and awards page   Thompson, Jerome and Carol Trautschold, Sieglinde   for  the  Humanities.  Any  views,  findings,
      at Completed nominations   Wikstrom/The Wikstrom Foundation and The Ann Eden   conclusions or recommendations expressed
      should be emailed to   Woodward Foundation/James and Judy Woods. Programs   in this program do not necessarily represent
      on or before Thursday, Feb. 15.                    are also sponsored in part by the State of Florida,   those of Florida Humanities or the National
        Proud sponsors of Palm Beach Symphony include    Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, and   Endowment for the Humanities.
      Cindy Anderson and Jerome Canty, Max and Christine   the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.
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