Page 19 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '24
P. 19

Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 19
      Ibis Charities Foundation Donates Van To Trustbridge Hospice

        Ibis  Charities Foundation is pleased  to announce it   cost to the individuals. The van will
      donated a large new van to Trustbridge Hospice. The van,   be very visible in the community.”
      which includes a wrap acknowledging Ibis Charities, will     On the day  Trustbridge took
      mostly be used to pick up donations for thrift shops where   possession of the van in front
      all the proceeds go to Trustbridge Hospice.        of  The Club at Ibis Clubhouse,
        “Trustbridge Hospice Foundation was selected for   Johnson said the hospice was
      support to enable it to provide additional services it   taking care of 1,807 patients and
      delivers as an important end-of-life care provider,”   their families. That number will
      said Aimee Lucas, director of communications for Ibis   reach 12,000 by the end of 2024.
      Charities Foundation. “We are excited about how this     “Ibis Charities has been
      grant will amplify Trustbridge Hospice’s ability to run   generous to us in the past,” Johnson
      its thrift shops that are critical to its overall operations.   said. “It speaks to the residents at
        “Our members who so generously support Ibis Charities   Ibis of their willingness to help
      made it possible to award grants to more than 35 charities   others, not only at Ibis but in other  Rick Carpenter, Aimee Lucas and John Harris from Ibis Charities Foundation present
      in the past year. Because of their support, there are still   communities.”      the van to Deborah Johnson, CEO of Trustbridge Hospice Foundation and Cathy
      sufficient funds to make a significant difference in the     Ibis Charities Foundation  Rich (driving the van).
      services that could be provided with an extra level of   was established in 2012 as the
      support through an impact grant.”                  fundraising arm of The Club at Ibis. The 501(c)(3) charity     “The foundation’s Board, its various committees, and
        Trustbridge Hospice is a community nonprofit that has   has committed nearly $3 million to numerous Palm Beach   volunteers all take our mission of ‘caring and sharing’
      provided 24-hour support for more than 200,000 families   County organizations.  Thanks to the overwhelming   to heart and work diligently to achieve our goals,” said
      in Palm Beach County and throughout South Florida   generosity of The Club at Ibis members and its corporate   Rick Carpenter, president of the Board of Ibis Charities
      facing serious illness since 1978. Trustbridge took over   sponsors, Ibis Charities has helped tens of thousands of   Foundation. “But it only happens thanks to the generous
      the operations of Hospice of Palm Beach County, Hospice   individuals within the local community.    contributions in time and dollars from The Club at Ibis
      of Broward County and Hospice by the Sea.            The Ibis Charities Foundation also has awarded impact   members who help us carry out our mission and improve
        “This van is much more than an instrument of     grants to Building Homes for Heroes to adapt homes and   the lives of our needy neighbors.
      transportation,” said Deborah Johnson, Trustbridge’s   build mortgage-free homes for severely injured veterans,     “Through our rigorous grant award process, our
      president and CEO. “In so many ways it’s going to fuel our   to Sweet Dream Makers to provide beds and dressers to   planning and execution of programs and events, and our
      ability to drive this mission of delivering compassionate   children who had none, and to Meals On Wheels of the   outreach to  the Ibis  community,  we  are  committed  to
      care to everyone in the community. We provide the highest   Palm Beaches to deliver special dinners over the holiday   helping those in Palm Beach County less fortunate than
      level of end-of-life care to patients and their families at no   week to homebound seniors.          ourselves. The Club at Ibis is truly a community with a
                                                                                                           heart that proves time and time again that great things
                                                “Service is our number one priority”                       happen when we do them together.”

                                                              561-743-0070                                  Book Review from page 18

                                                                         remain with us, unnoticed, in the upright legs of our A.
                                                                                                            (2) Aleph’s shape looks simpler in another early Semitic
                                                                                                            inscription, carved at Serabit el-Khadem in Sinai, perhaps
                                                                                                            around 1750 B.C. (3) Two horns are still evident in the
                                                                                                            Phoenician aleph of 1000 B.C., but the letter is by now
                                                                                                            an abstract form, to be written in three quick strokes of
                                                                                                            an ink brush on papyrus or a stylus on ceramic. (4) By the
                                                                                                            800s B.C., Phoenician aleph has a new look, rather more
                                                                                                            like an ox’s head, to be written in perhaps two strokes.
                                                                                                            (Can you guess where the shape would go next?)”
                                                                                                              As serious and complex as this subject is, what makes
                                                                                                            Letter Perfect a true joy to read is author David Sacks’s
                                                                                                            consistently light and approachable writing style, as is
                                                                                                            evident in his introductory page to the chapter about
                                                                                  Expires 3/15/24.          the letter “V,” which features a photograph of Winston
                                                                                                            Churchill in a familiar pose and the following text:
                                                                       State Licensed & Insured               “History’s famous V. British Prime Minister Winston
        Serving Palm Beach County                                    CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099              Churchill gives the ‘V for Victory’ hand sign to a London
              Ballet Palm Beach - Romeo and Juliet Seabreeze 6.75x6.pdf   1   1/11/24   2:04 PM
                                                                                                            crowd in June 1943, during World War II. Conceived by
                                                                                                            Churchill in summer 1941 to help boost British morale
                                                                                                            after Britain’s darkest war year, the V sign proved hugely
                                                                                                            popular in armies and homelands of the Commonwealth
                                                                                                            and, eventually, the United States, a symbol of defiance
                                                                                                            against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Churchill
                                                                                                            had initiated the sign as a knuckles-outward gesture but
                                                                                                            had reversed it to thumb-outward after learning that
                                                                                                            the other one already had the vulgar meaning of ‘Up
                                                                                                            yours.’ Without a doubt, that continued nuance helped
                                                                                                            the V sign’s popularity.”
                                                                                                              My review can be summed up in a single letter: A+.

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                                                                           Photo credit: © Steven Caras. All rights reserved.
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