Page 6 - Jupiter West - February '24
P. 6

Page 6, Jupiter West
      Considerations Before Becoming A Minority Owner

      Submitted by Anné                                 prevented through a written agreement that modifies state law   Negotiating Stronger Minority Owner Protections
      Desormier-Cartwright, Esq.                        and more strongly protects the minority owner against oppressive     It may be that a minority owner has their eyes only on
        Becoming a minority owner                       conduct. In addition, under the new law that requires disclosure of   financial gain. But that goal can be in jeopardy if the majority
      in a business can give you the                    beneficial ownership interests to the government. More to come   owners find ways to spend and reinvest money that would
      opportunity to help a business                    in another article about reporting requirements.   otherwise be distributed to the minority owner as profits.
      grow and share in its success                     Minority Owner Rights                              Profits from a business sale cannot be guaranteed, either, if
      without  the  management                            Most companies have a small number of private owners and   the sale is structured in a way that prevents minority owner
      responsibilities.  Minority                       do not publicly issue ownership interests. Business entities such   payouts. Minority owners also cannot count on the ability to
      owners may be brought in                          as corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies   sell their ownership interest, since state law often limits the
      to facilitate growth, perform                     (LLCs) may have this type of ownership structure. A minority   right to force a company buyout.
      acquisitions, or achieve other                    owner is an owner who owns less than 50 percent of the business.     However, minority owners do not have to accept the
      strategic  goals  and  often                      They may, for example, invest $50,000 in a company in exchange   limited default rights they have under state statutes. An
      provide valuable expertise in addition to the capital investment   for a 20 percent interest. Because a minority owner does not   operating agreement and a buy-sell agreement can include
      they make in the business.                        have a controlling stake in the business, however, they have   provisions that provide additional protections for minority
        However, because a minority owner owns less than 50 percent   fewer rights than majority owners. Generally, in the absence of   owners.
      of the business, and state business laws typically give minority   a written agreement that expands their rights, a minority owner     Prior  to  obtaining  a  minority  stake  in  a  company,
      owners limited rights, the minority owner may be at the mercy of   is only entitled to the following.  prospective owners should consider their expectations about
      the majority owners. If a conflict arises and the minority owner’s     ● The right to vote on certain matters, such as electing the   the following types of issues.
      rights are infringed, they can file a lawsuit. Conflicts can also be   board of directors (corporation) or managers (LLC)    ●  Level  of  involvement  in  day-to-day  company
                                                          ● The right to inspect company books and financial records   management
        Library’s annual BookMania!                       ● The right to receive dividends from the business (if     ● Decision-making authority regarding company changes,
                                                                                                           including the sale of the business or a merger or acquisition
                                                        there is a distribution of profits) and proceeds from the sale
        set to take place March 2                       or dissolution of the business                       ● Equity payments from company operations
                                                          ●  The  right  to  sue  majority  owners  for  breach  of     ● The ability to sell an ownership interest or be bought
        The Martin County Library System is excited     fiduciary duty                                     out by the other owners
        to announce that the 2024 BookMania! annual       Outside of these basic rights, minority owners may find that,     ● Distributions from the sale or dissolution of the company
        event, sponsored by The Library Foundation      despite their investment in the company, they have little or no     Initial expectations can be set during a discussion with
        of Martin County and Florida Humanities, will   ability to control the direction of the company and no right to   business partners, but handshake agreements do not go
        take place on Saturday, March 2, 2024, at the   participate in daily decisions. If the minority owner is also a   far enough. The agreed-upon understanding between the
        Jensen Beach High School Performing Arts        company employee, they do not have the right to continued   minority and majority owners should be in writing and signed.
        Center, 2875 NW Goldenrod Road in Jensen
        Beach, starting at 9:00 a.m.                    employment if they are fired. They also lack the right to demand     Absent a written agreement that solidifies their rights, a
                                                        distributions if the majority owner does not make them.   minority owner relies on the majority owners’ good faith.
        BookMania! is free and open to the public.      Oppression Of Minority Rights                      Should that faith prove to be misplaced, a minority interest
        Authors will  participate  in one of multiple     The rights of a minority owner, while limited, can be   holder may realize – too late – how vulnerable they are to
        panel discussions  featuring emerging  and      enforced based on state statutes that provide protections aimed   the majority.
        prominent writers.  The  auditorium can get     at preventing “minority shareholder oppression.” In addition,   Protect Yourself As A Minority Business Owner
        chilly, so please bring  a sweater.  Titles  by   although majority owners have nearly unlimited discretion over     Trust is important, but trust that is not backed up by written
        guest  authors  are available through the       how to run the company, they still have a legal duty – known as a   agreements will not get you very far if trouble arises. Some
        library’s collections.  Lunch  from the Martin   fiduciary duty – to not place their own interests above the interests   of these problems may not be anticipated until they arise.
        County  Sheriff's  Office  BBQ  team  will  be   of the company and its minority owners. However, depending   Others can leave you grasping at legal straws.
        available for cash-only at the event. Barnes    on state law, the majority owner may owe fiduciary duties only     As a minority business owner, you do not have to accept
        &  Noble Booksellers will be onsite offering
        purchased  coffee and light refreshments in     to the company and not to a minority owner.        the limited protections that state statutes offer. It is fully
        addition to facilitating book sales.              Minority oppression may occur in situations such as   within your power to negotiate more favorable terms as a
                                                        the following.                                     condition of taking on a minority owner role.
        Sea Stories - Fact & Fiction                      ● The majority owner refuses to make profit distributions     Before investing your time and money in a business
        9:15 am - 10:00 am                              when the company is profitable.                    venture, it is prudent to consult a lawyer. Our business
        Moderator: Peggy Chittum                          ● The majority owners are excessively compensated.   lawyers can help you solidify your expectations with legally
        Kevin Sites: The Ocean Above Me                   ● The  majority  owners  dilute  the  voting  rights  or   enforceable documents. If you already have agreements in
        Earl Swift: Chesapeake Requiem - a year with    ownership of minority owners.                      place, we can also advise you of your rights to bring a breach
        the Watermen of vanishing Tangier Island          ● The majority owners unreasonably restrict the sale or   of contract or minority oppression action. To discuss your
                                                        transfer of minority membership interests.         needs, please contact our office and set up an appointment.
        Thriller & Suspense                               ● The majority owners deny a minority owner’s access to     Call our office today at (561) 694-7827, Elder & Estate
        10:30 am - 11:45 pm
        SIGNING 11:45 am - 12:15 pm                     financial records.                                 Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive, Suite 3,
        Moderator: Amanda Brack                           ● The minority owner is fired as a “squeeze play” to   Jupiter, FL 33458.
        Darby Kane: The Engagement Party                eliminate their ownership interest.                  The content of this article is general and should not be relied
        Armando Lucas Correa: The Silence in her          Again, majority owners have a lot of leeway in how they   upon without review of your specific circumstances by competent
        Eyes                                            operate the business, and not all of these examples will rise   legal counsel. Reliance on the information herein is at your
        Megan Collins: Thicker Than Water               to the level of oppression in every case. To prove oppression,   own risk, as it expresses no opinion by the firm on your specific
                                                        it may be necessary to show that the actions of the majority   circumstances or legal needs. An attorney client relationship is
        LUNCH 11:45 am - 12:45 pm -                     owner toward the minority owner not only interfered with   not created through the information provided herein.
        signing and lunch                               the latter’s interests, but also were intentional. Making this     To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must
                                                        determination requires a case-by-case analysis in accordance   inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained in
        Love, Friendship, and Ever After's              with the relevant facts and state law.             this newsletter was not intended or written to be used, and
        12:45 pm - 1:45 pm
        SIGNING 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm                         A successful oppression lawsuit may result in the payment   cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of avoiding
        Moderator: Linda Weiksnar                       of monetary damages, a court-ordered buyout of the oppressed   U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed on such person
        Kristy Woodson Harvey:  The Summer of           minority owner, or equitable relief, such as requiring the   and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice from their tax
        Songbirds                                       company to cease their specific oppressive actions.   advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances.
        Melissa Rivero: Flores and Miss Paula

        Historical Fiction                              Why Can’t My Child Keep Up?
        2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
        SIGNING 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm                       By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                              dysgraphia. She was a smart girl but her language disorders
        Moderator: Paula Hundt                          Licensed School Psychologist                       interfered  with  her  ability  to  listen,  follow  directions,
        Talia Carner: The Boy with the Star Tattoo        A c onc erned m om                               discriminate sounds, and express herself. Since writing
        Patti Callahan Henry:  The Secret Book of       explained  her  child’s
        Flora Lea                                                                                          and reading are language-based skills she could not put her
        Katherine Reay: The Berlin Letters              struggles to me: “I feel like                      thoughts into writing and while she could memorize, she
                                                        sometimes Jenny cannot keep                        could not pronounce unfamiliar words. Jenny had a strong
        This popular program has received national      up with a conversation. When                       memory and could memorize adequately so this concealed
        recognition  for its stellar authors, record    we are talking she often stops                     her true struggles.
        attendance, and impressive Barnes &             and asks questions to explain                        Jenny’s mom wanted to know how to help Jenny so our
        Noble  book  sales. For more information,       more  or  again. When  she                         recommendations provided her with the best reading program
        visit  and  search  for   hears a new word, she does                     and some tutors. We also provided a list of games they could
        “BookMania!” or call 772-288-5702.              not seem to hear it correctly.                     purchase to play at home to help. Testing helped dad learn
                                                        We have to repeat it a few times and break it down into the   that when Jenny could not get to the point, he needed to give
        Funding for  this program was provided          sounds for her to finally get it and repeat it back correctly.   more patience and understanding. The testing also provided
        through a  grant from  Florida Humanities       When she is telling a story or giving information, it can take
        with funds from  the National Endowment                                                            mom with paperwork to share with Jenny’s school staff. They
        for  the  Humanities.  Any  views,  findings,   her a long time to think of what she wants to say and if you   developed a plan with goals to help Jenny in school. We
        conclusions or recommendations expressed        interrupt her she has to start all the way at the beginning again   discussed next steps in our one-hour results review meeting.
        in this program do not necessarily represent    and she gets frustrated. She says kids at school make fun of     It’s unusual for smart children to experience long-term
        those of Florida Humanities or the National     her because she can’t read.”                       academic struggles. You know your child best so if you are
        Endowment for the Humanities.                     Our school neuropsychological testing showed Jenny had   concerned, call to discuss your child. Visit
                                                        a language-based learning disability along with dyslexia and   or call (561) 625-4125.
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