Page 29 - Boca ViewPointe - February '24
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February 2024 Viewpointe, Page 29
The Sound Of Music (To My Years)
By William A. Gralnick of outsiders who with their New York, New England, and was polyglot linguistically as were its individual boroughs.
mid-Western accents have managed to work “ya’ll” into So, as we say in Brooklyn, “So? Wha’ happened?”
My subject today has their speech patterns. Sort of like Atlanta but the in and out migrations were
probably no interest to So, what’s with Brooklyn? Same deal. But first, you different. Today “my Coney Island” is Russian, “my Coney
anyone but researchers— should know that some say there never was a Brooklyn Island Avenue” is Pakistani. Their accents will create a new
and me. I thought, however, accent, and others who knew a Brooklyn that had what one one for many areas of Brooklyn. But fear not, the classic
given the numbers of New might call regional accents. Folks from Flatbush didn’t sound Brooklyn accent will always be found in the movies and
Yorkers in our midst—including me—I’d offer it up to. The like folks from Canarsie who didn’t sound like the residents on stage. Why? Because much to my surprise there are in
question, or questions, is if there still is a Brooklyn accent, of Graves End. (How’d you like to live in a neighborhood stage and screen people called accent tutors. They can make
preceded by the question was there ever one? with that name?) It is a neighborhood with a storied history someone who speaks English like the King sound like he
My answer(s) start in Atlanta, GA. When I lived in that often lived up to its name—think Mafia “garbage dump.” comes from Queens…or Brooklyn. Or elsewhere. Xxx, who
Atlanta in the ’70s, everyone who opened their mouth While the original settlers were Dutch the Brooklyn accent is the rough and tumble daughter on Yellowstone is as British
sounded more or less like Scarlett O’Hara. Today, Atlanta’s that is recognized as a Brooklyn accent—think Joe Peshe as they come!
population has exploded. The growth comes from places far or Joe Peshe and Marisa Tomei in Uncle Vinny, is a coming Before we leave, here’s a tasty tray of linguistic Brooklyn
and away. The hundreds of thousands of people who have together of Italian and Jewish immigrant English. Nor did hors d’oeuvres:
moved in are people who were drawn to corporate and real people from Brooklyn sound like people from Staten Island, Talk—tawk
estate soundings about the city. They are people who hadn’t Queens, the Bronx, or Manhattan. Manhattanites spoke what Drawer—draw
experienced Atlanta traffic until their first day of work. Now was once called Standard American English. Long Islanders Car—cah
one is hard-pressed to find real Atlanta accents, just a lot had their own sound. You could say the City of New York Water—wada or wohda
Navigating the Heart of Wellness: A Forest—farist
Comprehensive Guide to Cardiovascular Bird—boid
Health for Those Over 40 Oil—earl
Daughter—daw-tah or daw-dah
In the journey of life, our hearts play a pivotal role in involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points Crayons—cray—ahns
sustaining our well-being. However, as we age, the risk on the body. When combined with PEMF, which emits Park—pak
of cardiovascular issues increases, making it imperative electromagnetic fields, it can enhance blood circulation Chocolate—think of the Nestle’s dog who say, Nestle’s
to prioritize heart health, especially for individuals and promote overall cardiovascular health. makes the very best—chaw—clet.
over 40. This article explores the challenges posed by Hot Stone Therapy: And of course, everyone knows that “the city” means
cardiovascular health and offers a holistic approach, Hot stone therapy involves placing heated stones on
incorporating natural methods and innovative therapies specific points of the body. The heat promotes relaxation, Manhattan and you don’t go out for pizza but a pie, and one
to promote a robust and resilient heart. reduces stress, and may improve blood flow. doesn’t stand in line but on line. In Brooklyn, when I sell
Understanding the Cardiovascular Challenge: The warmth from the stones can alleviate muscle something at a profit you don’t make money from it, you
Cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and tension and contribute to an overall sense of well-being. make money off of it. Oh yeah (“oh yes?” Don’t be silly),
stroke, remain leading causes of mortality worldwide. Herbal Remedies: we call those long sandwiches hero sandwiches not subs.
As individuals age, the risk factors associated with these Certain herbs have been traditionally used to support Want to bathe yourself in Brooklyn? Go to any South
conditions tend to escalate. Factors such as sedentary heart health. These include garlic, hawthorn, turmeric, Florida development’s swimming pool, pull up a chaise,
lifestyles, poor dietary choices, stress, and genetic and ginger. and listen. To me, it’s music to my ears—until of course,
predispositions contribute to the deterioration of Consult with a healthcare professional before my hearing goes.
cardiovascular health. incorporating herbal supplements, as they may interact
Fortunately, the landscape of cardiovascular health with medications. Columnist and author Bill Gralnick was born and
is not bleak, and individuals have the power to shape Vibroacoustic Therapy:
their well-being through proactive measures and lifestyle Vibroacoustic therapy uses vibrations and low- raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is writing a three-part
adjustments. It is heartening to know that a multitude frequency sounds to stimulate various bodily systems, humorous memoir. The first is “The War of the Itchy
of preventive strategies exists, offering a beacon of including the cardiovascular system. Balls and Other Tales from Brooklyn.” Just published
hope for those seeking to mitigate the risks associated Research suggests that it may help reduce stress, is the sequel, “George Washington Didn’t Sleep Here.”
with cardiovascular issues and cultivate a robust heart. anxiety, and improve blood circulation, contributing to Both are available on Amazon. You can find his writing
Embracing a heart-healthy lifestyle involves a holistic better heart health. at
approach, encompassing regular physical activity, V6 Intelligent Massage Bed:
a balanced and nutritious diet, stress management The V6 Intelligent Massage Bed is designed to provide
techniques, and adequate sleep. By conscientiously a comprehensive massage experience. It incorporates Community Channel
adopting these practices, individuals can significantly advanced features such as intelligent pressure-sensing
reduce the risk factors that contribute to heart diseases, technology, mild heat and targeted massage techniques. Have You Seen It?
paving the way for enhanced cardiovascular health and Regular use of the V6 Intelligent Massage Bed may help
an improved quality of life. This empowerment to take alleviate muscle tension, reduce stress, and contribute to The Boca Pointe Community information channel
charge of one’s heart health underscores the importance overall cardiovascular well-being. is currently broadcast on Comcast channel 63 and
of proactive choices, fostering a sense of agency in the Conclusion: soon will be transitioning to channel 1075. Please
pursuit of a heart-healthy and fulfilling life. Prioritizing cardiovascular health is a lifelong commitment check both channels on your TV to see which channel
Natural Methods for Cardiovascular Health: that requires a combination of lifestyle changes and hosts our community information. If you are unable
Regular Exercise: innovative therapies. Embracing natural methods such as to view either channel, please call our office (561)
Engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet, stress management, 395-7551. Tune in for community updates, BPCA/
maintaining cardiovascular health. Activities like brisk and quality sleep is fundamental. Additionally, exploring committee meeting dates and current events.
walking, swimming, or cycling can help improve circulation, innovative therapies like acupuncture with PEMF, hot
lower blood pressure, and manage weight. stone therapy, herbal remedies, vibroacoustic therapy,
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity and intelligent massage beds can complement traditional
exercise per week, coupled with strength training exercises. approaches, offering a holistic approach to cardiovascular
Heart-Healthy Diet: well-being. As we navigate the journey of aging, let us
Adopting a heart-healthy diet can have a profound invest in the health of our hearts, ensuring a vibrant and
impact. Emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fulfilling life.
lean proteins while limiting saturated fats, salt, and refined Dr. Yaron Seidman, a
sugars. distinguished author with
Consider the Mediterranean diet, known for its eight wellness books, public
cardiovascular benefits, rich in olive oil, nuts, fish, and speaker, expert herbalist,
fresh produce. and seasoned acupuncture
Stress Management: practitioner for over
Chronic stress is a known contributor to cardiovascular three decades, leads the
issues. Implement stress-reducing techniques such as innovative Hunyuan Life
meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. Wellness Spa in Boca Raton.
Prioritize activities that bring joy and relaxation to your life. This all-encompassing
Adequate Sleep: studio harmoniously blends
Quality sleep is essential for heart health. Aim for 7-9 cutting-edge technologies
hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. with time-honored holistic
Establish a consistent sleep routine and create a modalities, providing effective support for cardiovascular
comfortable sleep environment. health. For personalized consultations, contact directly at
Quit Smoking: 561-400-6743 or book online at using
Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease. Seek code MyHealth10 for an extra 10% discount on health
support to quit smoking and enjoy the immediate and programs.
long-term benefits to your cardiovascular health.
Innovative Therapies for Cardiovascular Well-being:
Acupuncture with PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field):
Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice,