Page 16 - Boca Club News - February '24
P. 16

Page 16, Boca Club News

               The Good Life: Dining, Drinks, Destinations

      Dining Out: Beachside Secret for a Special Occasion!

      By  Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                      dining menu choice. The Mahi Mahi was temperature perfect   marshmallow meringue, decadent vanilla gelato and a layer of
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s love                    and was bedded on a savory crepe of artichoke, spinach, and   graham cracker dust under it all. Don’t pass this up!
      for food started very young. Never                a touch of ricotta and smoked gruyere. To my delight the      Check Please: This restaurant might require a brief drive to
      satisfied with his Mom’s dishes, he               dish succeeded on all levels and has me rethinking my early   Deerfield Beach but it’s certainly worth the change of scenery.
      started to cook his way through her               judgement of Mahi as an inferior swimmer.          Besides the stellar location the service is attentive, the food is
      “Betty Crocker Cookbook.” During                     Hungry D, our pescatarian, chose to pass on the seafood and   imaginative, the plating is done by a master artist, the wine is
      the years to follow he spent many                 go all out on a vegetarian dish called Vegetable Mille-Feuille   sommelier selected and the dessert is simply campfire fun.
      hours working in restaurants, both                ($30). This terrine, or mousse like, vegetable combination was      Yes, it seems a bit overpriced for a dinner in Deerfield but
      as server and cook, attending cooking classes and traveling   artistically plated but you need to appreciate the ingredients and   I’ve driven further for an excellent meal. Plus, if you keep it
      the world in an effort to expand his palette. As a professional   preparation of this dish to enjoy it.   a secret you might even be able to go without a reservation.
      writer, Hungry Al offers his perspective on current food trends      From the Dessert Tray: As for dessert in a birthday   I realize not everything we ate was over-the-top perfect, but
      and guides you through your local restaurant options.  celebration style, we had their version of s’mores. Served on   the ambiance and quality was worth it for us to drop another
      Chanson Restaurant                                a slice of real timber, this dessert was presented under a dome   beach blanket and ride the surf again at
      Royal Blues Hotel                                 of glass with a bit of smoke. And what is “s’mores” without   Chansons. We happily decided to plant
      45 NE 21st Avenue                                 tiny rich chocolate brownies lined up perfectly with dollops of   four golden beach umbrellas for this one.
      Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
      (954) 857-2929                             Navigating the Heart of Wellness: A
         Food for Thought: I can’t tell you how many times I’d
      cool ocean breezes and that smell of aqua blue water resonating  Comprehensive Guide to Cardiovascular
      love to drive to the beach and dine with the crashing waves, the
      with all of my beachy memories. Sure, there are a number of
      establishments fishing for your drinking dollars and offering Mahi   Health for Those Over 40
      Mahi sandwiches to remind us why we live in Florida. And there’s
      a lot to be said about those moments of a Sea Breeze cocktail
      and Jimmy Buffet music strumming away our daily sorrows.     In the journey of life, our hearts play a pivotal role in   involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points
         Yet how seldom we find a restaurant that meets some of   sustaining our well-being. However, as we age, the risk   on the body. When combined with PEMF, which emits
      those objectives but also offers a tablecloth, a non-plastic   of cardiovascular issues increases, making it imperative   electromagnetic fields, it can enhance blood circulation
      menu, service by a waiter and sommelier, artistic plating,   to prioritize heart health, especially for individuals   and promote overall cardiovascular health.
                                                          over 40. This article explores the challenges posed by
                                                                                                             Hot Stone Therapy:
      and almost Michelin quality food? Yes, it’s hard to find such   cardiovascular health and offers a holistic approach,     Hot stone therapy involves placing heated stones on
      dining options…until I discovered Chanson Restaurant.   incorporating natural methods and innovative therapies   specific points of the body. The heat promotes relaxation,
         I’m not saying this is a star-rated Michelin dining spot   to promote a robust and resilient heart.  reduces stress, and may improve blood flow.
      but for these coastal beaches it’s trying really hard to come   Understanding the Cardiovascular Challenge:    The warmth from the stones can alleviate muscle
      close. Hopefully, this skilled chef will outlast the slow start     Cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and   tension and contribute to an overall sense of well-being.
      to achieve a winning finish.                        stroke, remain leading causes of mortality worldwide.     Herbal Remedies:
         First Impressions: Located in Deerfield Beach within an   As individuals age, the risk factors associated with these     Certain herbs have been traditionally used to support
      eyeshot distance of the long-standing pier, Chanson resides   conditions tend to escalate. Factors such as sedentary   heart health. These include garlic, hawthorn, turmeric,
      at the lower level of the Royal Blues Hotel. There’s beach   lifestyles,  poor  dietary  choices,  stress,  and  genetic   and ginger.
      view patio dining on nights outside of the summer scorching   predispositions  contribute  to  the  deterioration  of     Consult  with  a  healthcare  professional  before
      heat. I’m sure this would score high on the romantic dining   cardiovascular health.                 incorporating herbal supplements, as they may interact
                                                                                                           with medications.
                                                            Fortunately, the landscape of cardiovascular health
      scale. But don’t discredit the elegant intimate space you’ll   is not bleak, and individuals have the power to shape     Vibroacoustic Therapy:
      find within a few feet of the outside patio. With roughly a   their well-being through proactive measures and lifestyle     Vibroacoustic  therapy  uses  vibrations  and  low-
      dozen and a half tables you can expect attentive service and a   adjustments. It is heartening to know that a multitude   frequency sounds to stimulate various bodily systems,
      kitchen that prepares dishes on order. Check out the beautiful   of preventive strategies exists, offering a beacon of   including the cardiovascular system.
      and calming aquarium above the tables.              hope for those seeking to mitigate the risks associated     Research suggests that it may help reduce stress,
         Note: There is parking in the back of the hotel. (Let the host   with cardiovascular issues and cultivate a robust heart.   anxiety, and improve blood circulation, contributing to
      know you are there so as not to be towed).          Embracing a heart-healthy lifestyle involves a holistic   better heart health.
         Prime Your Taste  Buds: To start the evening, our   approach,  encompassing  regular  physical  activity,     V6 Intelligent Massage Bed:
      excellent waiter surprised us with the daily Amuse Bouche.   a balanced and nutritious diet, stress management     The V6 Intelligent Massage Bed is designed to provide
      Tonight’s offering was an Arancini di Riso (rice ball). Having   techniques, and adequate sleep. By conscientiously   a comprehensive massage experience. It incorporates
      sampled my fair share of these Italian delights, this one was   adopting these practices, individuals can significantly   advanced features such as intelligent pressure-sensing
                                                                                                           technology, mild heat and targeted massage techniques.
                                                          reduce the risk factors that contribute to heart diseases,
      definitely on top of the Spanish steps. The warm gooey   paving the way for enhanced cardiovascular health and   Regular use of the V6 Intelligent Massage Bed may help
      interior of rice and pecorino cheese along with the crispy   an improved quality of life. This empowerment to take   alleviate muscle tension, reduce stress, and contribute to
      exterior turned them into a perfect bite.           charge of one’s heart health underscores the importance   overall cardiovascular well-being.
         As for appetizers, Hungry D selected the Burrata & Charred   of proactive choices, fostering a sense of agency in the   Conclusion:
      Pears ($22). You can easily tell the burrata here at Chanson was   pursuit of a heart-healthy and fulfilling life.    Prioritizing cardiovascular health is a lifelong commitment
      not store bought. This creamy rich cheese was accented with a   Natural Methods for Cardiovascular Health:  that requires a combination of lifestyle changes and
      fig Mostarda (a traditional Italian preserve) and accompanied     Regular Exercise:                  innovative therapies. Embracing natural methods such as
      with tender pears and bitter greens.                  Engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for   regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet, stress management,
         As for Hungry C, her choice was predictable as a lover   maintaining cardiovascular health. Activities like brisk   and quality sleep is fundamental. Additionally, exploring
      of Hudson Valley Foie Gras ($19). Seared in a hot skillet, it   walking, swimming, or cycling can help improve circulation,   innovative therapies like acupuncture with PEMF, hot
      delivered a deep amber color of caramelization that gave way   lower blood pressure, and manage weight.  stone therapy, herbal remedies, vibroacoustic therapy,
                                                            Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity
                                                                                                           and intelligent massage beds can complement traditional
      to an exquisite balance of velvety sweet nuttiness. This alone   exercise per week, coupled with strength training exercises.  approaches, offering a holistic approach to cardiovascular
      should have you coming back for more.                 Heart-Healthy Diet:                            well-being. As we navigate the journey of aging, let us
         Hungry Al (that’s me) went with the recommendation of     Adopting a heart-healthy diet can have a profound   invest in the health of our hearts, ensuring a vibrant and
      Bluefin Atlantic Tuna ($20). Based on my having indulged in   impact. Emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and   fulfilling life.
      Tuna Tartare many times, this was exceptionally plated and of   lean proteins while limiting saturated fats, salt, and refined     Dr.  Yaron  Seidman,  a
      high quality. In comparison, Hungry J chose the special starter   sugars.                            distinguished author with
      Jamon Iberico Plate ($35). As the only uneventful plate of the     Consider  the  Mediterranean  diet,  known  for  its   eight wellness books, public
      evening, this thin-sliced high-quality Spanish ham didn’t win   cardiovascular benefits, rich in olive oil, nuts, fish, and   speaker, expert herbalist,
      any bull fights in my culinary arena.               fresh produce.                                   and seasoned acupuncture
         Straight From The Kitchen: With its limited menu     Stress Management:                           practitioner  for  over
      Chanson does offer a few specials of the evening. In this case     Chronic stress is a known contributor to cardiovascular   three decades, leads the
                                                                                                           innovative  Hunyuan  Life
                                                          issues. Implement stress-reducing techniques such as
      Hungry C was sold on the Tagliatelle Pasta ($40) that included   meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga.  Wellness Spa in Boca Raton.
      black and white truffle sauce as well as duck prosciutto. I was     Prioritize activities that bring joy and relaxation to your life.  This  all-encompassing
      happy to sample this dish and though a lover of truffles (who     Adequate Sleep:                    studio harmoniously blends
      isn’t?), ironically I’m not a fan of truffe oil. In this situation it     Quality sleep is essential for heart health. Aim for 7-9   cutting-edge technologies
      predictably overcame the integrity of the dish and personally   hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.  with time-honored holistic
      wasn’t my favorite. Also, the duck prosciutto seemed to be a     Establish a consistent sleep routine and create a   modalities, providing effective support for cardiovascular
      misfit. Thankfully, Hungry C enjoyed it immensely.   comfortable sleep environment.                  health. For personalized consultations, contact directly at
         Hungry J was also in the Italian mode and chose the     Quit Smoking:                             561-400-6743 or book online at using
      Paradelle al Ragu Bolognese ($45). The caputo pasta, which     Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease. Seek   code MyHealth10 for an extra 10% discount on health
      is 00 flour from Naples, Italy was prepared perfectly al dente   support to quit smoking and enjoy the immediate and   programs.
      along with the traditional sauce of ground beef and veal in a   long-term benefits to your cardiovascular health.
                                                          Innovative Therapies for Cardiovascular Well-being:
      light touch of tomato sauce.                          Acupuncture with PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field):
         Hungry Al decided on the fish special of the evening     Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice,
      labeled Mahi Crepe ($35). I was happily surprised to see how
      this chef elevated a common fish sandwich staple to a fine
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