Page 22 - Talk of Tequesta - January '24
P. 22

Page 22, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                          TamPa geNeral News

                        Palm Beach County Surgeon Committed To

                             Lung Cancer Education And Prevention

        According to the American                         Unlike breast and colon cancers, public awareness   County and Treasure Coast areas, with the expertise and
      Cancer Society, lung cancer                       around lung cancer and the need for regular lung cancer   innovation of an academic health system.
      is the leading cause of cancer                    screenings is not as robust. Eby does his part, offering     An Idaho native, Eby completed medical school at
      deaths in the United States                       comprehensive lectures about lung health to community   the  New York  Medical  College  in Valhalla,  N.Y.,  and
      among both men and women.                         groups.                                            his general surgery training at the University of Miami.
      Often asymptomatic, it can go                       Eby noted that the U.S. Preventive Services  Task   He was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha national medical
      undiagnosed for an extended                       Force, which establishes guidelines for cancer screenings,   honor  society  and  finished  his  fellowship  training  in
      period. When symptoms do                          recently dropped the recommended age for annual lung   cardiothoracic surgery at Rush University Medical Center
      appear, it’s usually because the                  cancer screenings to 50. The screening involves a simple   in Chicago, which is nationally known for its high volume
      cancer has spread, and there’s                    CT  scan  ordered  by  a  primary  care  physician.  Most   and minimally invasive approaches to treat abnormal
      less chance for survival. This                    insurance plans cover screenings for adults over the age   changes in body functions due to thoracic diseases.
      makes early screenings critical                   of 50 who currently, or have previously, averaged a pack     TGH Cancer Institute is nationally recognized by U.S.
      in detecting and treating the                     a day of cigarette smoking for 20 years.           News & World Report and the Commission on Cancer, and
      country’s deadliest cancer.                         Eby specializes in minimally invasive robotic    is home to the country’s top cancer specialists, surgeons
        Dr. Marcus Eby, a board certified thoracic surgeon with   techniques for the treatment of diseases that occur in the   and research scientists. TGH specialists collaborate with
      Tampa General Hospital (TGH) Cancer Institute in Palm Beach   chest. He also treats multiple complex thoracic conditions,   experienced oncologists and surgeons across Palm Beach
      County, treats lung cancer and is a staunch advocate of lung   including benign and malignant lung diseases.   County to deliver personalized medicine and game-
      cancer screenings for early detection. “Finding cancer before it     Eby recently joined the TGH Cancer Institute team as   changing treatments fueled by academic research.
      spreads saves lives,” said Eby.                   part of the hospital’s initiative to serve more patients on     TGH Cancer Institute has multiple locations across
                                                        Florida’s east coast. TGH has been creating a framework   Palm Beach County. Eby sees patients in West Palm Beach
                                                        of state-of-the-art services for patients in the Palm Beach   and Jupiter, and can be reached by calling (561) 659-6543.
              all abouT Kids                                                                      “Service is our number one priority”

          Math Problems                                                                            

               Could Spell


       By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,
       School Psychologist
         “If you have $196 dollars
       and you spend $27, how
       much money do you have
       left?” If you are a math
       whiz you quickly knew                                                                                                        Expires 2/15/24.
       the answer was $169 but
       perhaps you had to think                                                                                          State Licensed & Insured
       about it, write it, ask Alexa,                     Serving Palm Beach County                                    CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
       or use a calculator before
       knowing the answer. The
       key here is you knew the basics of how to solve the problem.
       If you did not have technology, you could solve the math
       problem by hand.
         Some children receive adequate math instruction but
       perform poorly in math due to a math learning disability
       called dyscalculia. These children might grasp simple math
       but struggle with multistep math or math word problems.
       They learn multiplication facts only to forget them.
         There are many reasons why a child might have math
       difficulty. Consider the introductory math problem. What
       brain systems did you use to solve the problem? One cognitive
       system which is important for math is visualization. You might
       have visualized the numbers 196 and 27 in your mind as                                                           Life moves fast—
       you visually regrouped and subtracted to solve the equation.

       Another important cognitive system is your working memory.                                    prepare for the unexpected
       You had to hold 196 and 27 in your working memory while
       you performed the math operation.                                                                  with Accident Insurance.
         A third cognitive system important for math is attention.
       Regardless of using mental math or paper, you had to give
       great attention to detail as you solved the problem. If you
       made one careless error, it doomed your answer. Language
       is a fourth cognitive system involved in math. You had to use
       language to understand “how much money do you have left”   We’re here to help.
       requires subtraction. Math has other specialized vocabulary
       words such as sum, radius, and hypotenuse. A fifth cognitive
       system needed for math is processing speed. Your child is   Accident insurance complements your Florida Blue Health Plan. Call to learn more
       often timed on math tests or expected to rapidly know their   about insurance plans from USAble Life.
       basic addition, subtraction, or multiplication facts.
         As you can see, telling your child to “try harder” in math   M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
       might not be the solution. Our testing helps identify which
       of your child’s cognitive systems are working well and   561-440-9940
       which ones might be causing a math learning disability and
       dyscalculia. There are specialized math programs and learning   M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc. is an Independent Broker of Florida Blue.
                                                          Florida Blue is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Supplemental, Life, and Disability products are offered by USAble Life. USAble Life is an independent company
       strategies available to help children. Call to discuss your child.   and operates separately from Florida Blue.
       Visit or call (561) 625-4125.        22L-USAL-0872                                                                          112941 1222
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