Page 28 - Southern Exposure - January '24
P. 28

Page 28, Southern Exposure

                                                              ClEvEland CliniC

                                                                  Florida nEws

                                       Are You Bothered By Hip Pain?

        If  you’re  a  younger  or                      the ball and socket of the joint. The most common root cause     • Using anti-inflammatory medication
      middle-aged adult bothered by                     of a labral tear is onset over time due to physical activity     • Receiving a guided injection of cortisone into the hip
      hip pain, your first thought is                   combined with a bony abnormality.                  joint
      likely not about hip surgery                      Question: Are Certain Groups More Likely To Have A     • Using physical therapy which unloads some of the
      – but you may need it. Many                       Labral Tear?                                       pressure from the hip joint
      young, athletic people are                          Answer: Women are about twice as likely to experience     • Modifying activities to a lower, less painful level
      having hip surgery after finding                  a labral tear, and it often happens in younger, active patients.  Question: What If Conservative Treatment Doesn’t Help?
      out that a deep cartilage tear                    Question: What Are The Symptoms?                     Answer: If the treatments listed above aren’t working,
      is causing their mysterious,                        Answer: Many people can have a tear and not have any   your doctor may order an MRI to get a better idea of the
      nagging pain.                                     symptoms at all. If you do notice a symptom, though, it’s   pathology of the injury. This shows whether there is cartilage
      Question: What Is A Labral                        typically pain deep in the hip joint that doesn’t get worse   damage, arthritis in the joint or injury to other muscles
      Tear?                                             when you push on the area. It often comes with certain   that might cause problems. Depending on how severe the
        Answer: It is a tear in the  Evan Peck, M.D., Sports   activities (movement in a particular direction, for instance).  symptoms are, your doctor might recommend surgery to fix
      ring of cartilage (labrum) in  Medicine           Question: How Do Doctors Diagnose A Labral Tear?   it.
      your hip that cushions and seals                    Answer: Doctors can get most of the information needed     If you are having hip pain deep in the joint that lasts for
      the joint.                                        to diagnose a labral tear from a health history, examination   more than a month and occurs with particular movements,
      Question: What Causes It?                         and a good set of X-rays. An MRI is often needed in order   check with your doctor to see if you might have a labral tear.
        Answer: Trauma (from a car accident, for instance) can   to confirm the diagnosis.                 The sooner you pinpoint and address the problem, the sooner
      cause a labral tear. But it’s seen more frequently among   Question: What Are The Treatment Options?  you can get back to your normal activities with less pain.
      athletes whose activities flex the hip while twisting –     Answer: There are a few conservative treatments for a     To make an appointment with an orthopaedic specialist
      including yoga and Pilates. A variation of normal anatomy   labral tear, which are typically attempted for three to six   at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital, call (877) 463-2010 or
      can cause a labral tear, as well. Often this is hip impingement,   months to try to alleviate the pain. These options include:  visit for more information.
      where the shape of the hip causes abnormal contact between     • Taking a break from activities that cause the pain

      PEt MattErs from page 27                          forever guardian provides love and a safe place to call   can call our own. We currently rent in Jupiter Farms and
                                                        home. The Pet Cottage covers all veterinary expenses.   having our own property would allow us to expand our
        As I supported Joan through the end of her life, I had   Because of this partnership, many senior people in our   mission and services by building additional dog cottages,
      many conversations with the hospice staff about how   community are able to have a senior pet companion.  a cat hotel, and larger volunteer space. We want to be a
      often pet owners with terminal illnesses face this reality.     Our forever promise to each pet in our care means that   pillar of support in the community and a known entity
      They said it was a problem without a solution.    no matter what happens to a guardian, the pet will have a   for people and pets in need.
        In 2012, I founded The Pet Cottage as a solution!   loving home. It’s a win-win-win situation that makes us     We are always open to new volunteers and forever
        Today, we celebrate and protect the magical relationship   do a happy dance!                       guardians joining our pack. Contact us below for more
      between people and pets by offering home-style care to     To date, we have made 100 forever promises to pets   information.
      pets who lose their humans due to death, disability or   and supported 84 forever guardians and 87 volunteers.                        The Pet Cottage,
      deployment. We also provide senior people with pet   What’s Your Vision For The Future?                                                (561) 818-5025,
      companions.                                         Our big goal is to secure a sanctuary property that we             
      What Are You Most Proud Of?
        I’m  proud  of  our  forever  promise.  We  are  not  an
      adoption agency or foster program. We are a new concept.
      When a pet becomes homeless due to the death, disability,
      or deployment of their owner we provide a nonjudgmental
      and supportive place for solutions. If a homeless pet fits
      our mission, we commit to taking care of it for life. This
      forever promise gives surviving family and friends peace
      of mind.
        Our pets, which are mostly seniors, live in the home
      of a forever guardian or at our sanctuary property. The
      majority of our forever guardians are senior people. The

                 Family owned & operated since 1988

               Did you get engaged over the holidays?
              Why not consider a destination wedding?
        Call Bev as she is a Honeymoon Specialist and loves LOVE.
         We are located at 11360 N. Jog Road, Bldg. A, Suite 102-6
        Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418
                   (561) 694-9696
               “We help you see the world . . .”
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