Page 21 - The Jewish Voice - January '24
P. 21

The Jewish Voice, Page 21

      Lifestyles from page 20                           However, these tests are not always reliable for detecting   Prime Vascular Institute
                                                        heartworms in cats, as they tend to have lower worm
      Tip of the Tail                                   burdens compared to dogs. Imaging techniques, such as   Vascular Surgery, Endovascular Surgery,
                                                        x-rays and ultrasounds, might be employed to assess heart
      Understanding Heartworm Disease in Cats           and lung abnormalities, while echocardiography can help   and Limb Preservation
                                                        visualize any adult worms present.                    If you are suffering from
                                                        Treatment and Prevention                           vascular disease, there is
                                                           Treating heartworm disease in cats is not as    hope.
                                                        straightforward as it is in dogs. No approved medications      Prime Vascular Institute
                                                        currently exist for eliminating heartworms in infected   is led by Joseph Ricotta,
                                                        cats. Consequently, treatment focuses on managing   MD, MS, DFSVS, FACS,
                                                        the symptoms and preventing further complications.   one of the nation’s leading
                                                        Medications may be prescribed to alleviate respiratory   vascular surgeons. He is the
                                                        distress and reduce inflammation in the lungs and airways.  National Medical Director
                                                           Prevention is key when it comes to heartworm disease   for  Vascular Surgery and
                                                        in cats. Regular use of veterinarian- prescribed heartworm   Endovascular Therapy
                                                        preventives can effectively safeguard cats from heartworm   for  Tenet Healthcare and
         Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially life-  infection. It is essential to note that preventives for   Chair of the Department of
      threatening condition that can affect not only dogs but also   cats differ significantly from those for dogs, as certain   Vascular Surgery at Delray
      cats. While cats are generally considered more resistant   preventives used for dogs, such as those containing the   Medical Center. He is a  Joseph J. Ricotta, M.D., M.S.,
      to heartworms than dogs, the consequences of the disease   drug ivermectin, can be toxic for cats. Therefore, it is   Professor of Surgery at the  DFSVS, FACS
      can be severe in felines, often leading to respiratory   crucial to consult with a veterinarian to determine the   Charles E. Schmidt College
      distress and even sudden death. In this article, we will   most suitable preventive options for your feline friend.  of  Medicine  at  Florida Atlantic  University  and  is  the
      delve into the key aspects of heartworm disease in cats,      Heartworm disease in cats is a serious condition   founder and program director of the FAU Vascular Surgery
      including how it is transmitted, symptoms to look out for,   that requires vigilance and proactive prevention. While   Fellowship  Program,  now  in  its  fifth  year.  Dr.  Ricotta
      diagnostic methods, and prevention.               cats may be more resistant to heartworms than dogs,   and team specialize in minimally invasive endovascular
      Transmission and Lifecycle                        the potential consequences can still be devastating. By   therapy, endovascular robotic surgery, aortic and peripheral
         Heartworms, known as  Dirofilaria immitis, are   understanding the transmission, symptoms, diagnosis,   aneurysms, peripheral artery disease, and venous disease.
      transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito.   and treatment options for heartworm disease in cats,
      When  a  mosquito  carrying  infective heartworm  larvae   pet owners can take appropriate measures to protect
      bites a cat, the larvae are deposited onto the cat’s skin   their feline companions. Regular veterinary check-ups,
      and then burrow into the bite wound. Over the next few   mosquito control measures, and adherence to proper
      months, the larvae mature and migrate through the cat’s   preventive protocols are all vital in ensuring the well-
      tissues, eventually ending up in the heart and lungs.  being and longevity of our beloved cats. Remember,
      Symptomatology                                    prevention is the key to keeping heartworms at bay.
         Detecting heartworm disease in cats can be challenging,      Established in 1981, Palm City  Animal Medical
      as they exhibit various symptoms, many of which can   Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
      be attributed to different ailments. The most common   for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
      signs include coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing,   surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
      lethargy, weight loss, decreased appetite, vomiting, and   medicine, extensive diagnostics, and emergency service,
      sudden collapse. However, some cats may not exhibit any   Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
      symptoms at all, making diagnosis even more elusive.  medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
      Diagnosis                                         owners. For more information, call 772-283-0920, visit
         Diagnosing heartworm disease in cats is a complex, or find us on   Lauren Huntress, M.D., RPVI  Joseph A. Savarese, M.D.
      process. Blood tests are typically performed, looking for   Facebook at
      specific antigens produced by adult female heartworms.                                               Lifestyles on page 22

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