Page 11 - Boca Exposure - January '24
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Boca Exposure, Page 11
Dining Out: Hungry Al’s Food Curiosities
By Alan Serinsky of Bocaire Just Thinking…. WHY...does a waiter need to take your glass or cup
Country Club. Hungry Al’s WHY....are waiters now starting to give us a choice from the table for a simple refill of iced tea or another
love for food started very between the sizes of wine pours. Six ounces seems like a shot glass of wine? Is a new glass that hard to obtain?
young. Never satisfied with glass to me. waiters have to speak so fast when reciting
his Mom’s dishes, he started we have to watch a bartender measuring the the daily menu specials to your table?
to cook his way through her flow of wine into glasses like a chemist calibrating to a precise some waiters or bartenders have the
“Betty Crocker Cookbook.” centimeter of an etched line? tendency to be half-listening to your conversation? To me
During the years to follow he WHY…do waiters think it’s normal to short you the it’s like being invited to a party without any invitation.
spent many hours working in change left on your cash payment? It’s “non cents” for them Please stop!
restaurants, both as server and cook, attending cooking to decide! people sitting at a crowded bar always
classes and traveling the world in an effort to expand WHY...are we now being offered an array of olive oils leave one seat empty to the right or left of them? Are
his palette. As a professional writer, Hungry Al offers infused with every extract known to mankind? What happened they really that claustrophobic?
his perspective on current food trends and guides you to the good old standard cold-pressed virgin Italian variety? WHY…do restaurants believe it’s fair to have a
through your local restaurant options. restauranteurs think we enjoy surgically knifing “skinny menu” so they can charge you the same fare for
Food For Thought: Since Hungry Al is traveling a pat-of-butter out of a tiny, wrapped piece of foil? less food?
again I thought it would be a great time to leave you with it so hard for waiters to greet our table with a chefs think we are impressed with their
this little list of food frustrations and dining observations nice “hello” or “welcome” greeting as they approach our ability to “deconstruct” every standard recipe into
that have been building up for a while. Maybe you have tables. “Are you ready to order” should really be reserved something that doesn’t even come close to its origin?
experienced or questioned some of them yourself. for the diner counter! WHY….do waiters always tell you everything is great
on the menu when you ask for a recommendation? And
A Holistic Approach to Joint and Bone why do they always choose the most expensive item as
their menu suggestion?
WHY…do restaurants tell you there are no tables
Health: Nurturing Resilience available as a walk in, when you can obviously see open
ones? I suggest stepping outside, going to the “Open
WHY…hasn’t someone invented a device to level out
Table” app and getting the same table with no problem.
Introduction: Arthritis, affecting 21.2% of all U.S. adults, nourishing calcium. Dive into the ocean of canned
emerges as a pervasive challenge transcending physical salmon, where the soft bones hidden within are a wobbly tables? The bent papers coasters are not doing
discomfort. With staggering costs of hundreds of billions treasure trove of this vital mineral. Embrace plant milks, the trick!
every year, arthritis stands as a primary cause of work tofu, almonds, almond butter, and white canned beans WHY…aren’t there hooks or more hooks under a
disability. Osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, as your culinary allies, easily woven into the fabric of bar to hang your purse? This one is Hungry D’s most
and lupus collectively impact 53.2 million individuals, your daily meals. These lesser-known gems aren’t just frustrating curiosity.
creating a pressing need for comprehensive solutions. foods; they are nutritional elixirs, infusing your bones WHY…do restaurants constantly over-use the “Farm
with the strength to withstand the test of time. to Table” concept? Doesn’t all our meat, produce and
Understanding the Impact: Symptoms of arthritis, dairy come from farms?
including pain, aching, stiffness, and swelling, extend Holistic Approaches and Technologies: The Synergy of WHY…are there tables located next to noisy waiters’
beyond joints. Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, reaching Tradition and Innovation stations, drafty doors, swinging kitchen doors or aromatic
multiple organs, cause widespread symptoms. 51.7% Dr. Yaron Seidman redefines bone health at his Holistic bathroom entrances? Please don’t seat me there!
of U.S. adults with arthritis in the 18 to 64 age bracket MedSpa. Acupuncture, a cornerstone of his approach,
face limitations, hindering professional capabilities and transcends the notion of mere needles, embodying WHY…do we all settle for a dish that either tastes
routine activities. a time-honored practice that activates the body’s awful or is improperly cooked to our liking. “I’ll eat it
inherent healing mechanisms, fostering bone health anyway” is not a good option when you are spending
Exercise for Resilient Bones: Unlock the Power of from within. good money. And don’t take it out on your waiter…he’s
Movement simply the messenger not the cook!
Engaging in weight-bearing exercises is not merely a Halo salt therapy introduces the therapeutic power of If you have any of your own curiosities or restaurant
routine; it’s a transformative journey toward resilient salt, creating an environment to reduce inflammation in annoyances, please drop me a note and I will be happy
bones and enhanced overall mobility. Imagine walking your joints. Infrared therapy utilizes heat to penetrate to add them to the list. Please email them to HungryAl@
through life with bones strengthened by the rhythmic tissues, enhancing circulation and reducing muscle
steps of walking or the joyous rhythm of dancing. tension. Whole-body vibration therapy engages the body Thanks!
Regular physical activity becomes a formidable natural in rhythmic vibrations, contributing to improved bone
defense against the encroaching discomfort of joint density and overall physical wellness. Lastly, PEMF (Pulsed
pain. It’s not just exercise; it’s a commitment to your Electromagnetic Field) therapy completes the holistic
bone health, a pledge to empower your body and defy symphony, utilizing electromagnetic fields to promote Tax Talk from page 10
the limitations that often accompany aging. cellular health and enhance the well-being of your bones.
Together, these modalities form a harmonious blend Victoria Green is a new member of my team, having
Why Every Step Matters: Every step taken during a of tradition and cutting-edge technology, nurturing the joined the tax collector’s office in October. She covers
brisk walk or every movement in the dance studio holistic well-being of individuals. the southern part of the county. Green lives in Boynton
sends a signal to your bones—stimulating them to Beach with her husband and two sons. To reach her,
adapt, grow stronger, and resist the wear and tear of Why Wait? Embrace Your Bone Health Today! email or call (561) 355-1176.
time. Joint flexibility and muscle strength are not just Every step, every bite, and every holistic practice is
maintained; they flourish with each intentional stride. a stride toward a future where your bones stand as
This isn’t about grueling workouts; it’s about the joyous resilient sentinels of your overall well-being. Exercise,
celebration of movement that echoes through your dietary choices, and holistic approaches aren’t chores;
bones, leaving them fortified and ready to face the they are invitations to a life where your bones, strong
years ahead. and fortified, propel you into the limitless possibilities
that lie ahead. Don’t just move; dance through life with
Dietary Choices for Bone Health: Nourish Your Bones, bones that echo the rhythm of strength and vitality.
Fortify Your Future Nourish your bones, explore the hidden treasures
Your kitchen holds the key to fortifying your bones from of nutrition, and embark on a holistic journey that
within. A calcium-rich diet isn’t a dietary restriction; it’s transcends time. Accept an invitation to embrace your
an invitation to a banquet of bone-boosting delights. bone health today!
Incorporate dairy products, the traditional guardians
of bone health, and let green vegetables and fish join Dr. Yaron Seidman, a Victoria Green Amy Ebersbach
the feast, contributing their share of calcium. Bathe distinguished author with
in the sunlight, nature’s vitamin D bestower, or savor eight wellness books,
fortified foods that ensure your body’s absorption of public speaker, expert
the bone-strengthening mineral. It’s more than a diet; herbalist, and seasoned
it’s a flavorful investment in the longevity and strength acupuncture practitioner
of your bones. for over three decades,
leads the innovative
A Life Without Limits: Moderation in alcohol and Hunyuan Life Wellness
bidding farewell to smoking aren’t sacrifices; they are Spa in Boca Raton. This
emancipations. Imagine a life where your bones are no all-encompassing studio
longer burdened by the detrimental effects of excessive harmoniously blends
alcohol or the toxic cloud of smoke. It’s a choice to cutting-edge technologies
liberate your bones, allowing them to thrive in an with time-honored holistic
environment conducive to their well-being. Quitting modalities, providing
smoking isn’t just a lifestyle change; it’s a profound act effective support for bone health. For personalized
of kindness to your bones, granting them the freedom consultations, contact directly at 561-400-6743 or book
to age gracefully. online at using code MyHealth10
for an extra 10% discount on health programs.
Beyond the Basics: Discover the Hidden Gems of Bone
The world of calcium-rich foods extends far beyond
the familiar. Venture into the realm of dried figs, where
each succulent piece is a concentrated source of bone-