Page 20 - Abacoa Community News - January '24
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Page 20, Abacoa
      Financial Focus                          ®

      Don’t Leave Your IRA To The                        not subject to income taxes on account earnings if the   Apart from your tax-deferred IRA, you may own other,
                                                                                                           fully  taxable  accounts  containing  investments  such  as
                                                         Roth IRA’s five-year holding period has been met.)
      IRS                                                   However,  not  all  beneficiaries  were  affected  by   stocks  or  bonds. Typically,  these  investments  receive
                                                         the new rules. Spouses can stretch their inherited IRA   what’s  known  as  a  “step-up”  in  their  cost  basis  once
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                distributions over their lifetimes and exceptions exist for   they are inherited. This means your heirs will essentially
         If  you’ve  invested  in                        certain non-spouse beneficiaries. Minor children of the   inherit all the gains your investments earned by the time
      an IRA for many decades,                           IRA owner (until the age of majority), chronically ill or   of your passing – but they won’t be taxed on these gains
      it may well turn into a key                        disabled individuals, and beneficiaries who are no more   if  they  sell  the  assets  immediately. This  type  of  sale
      source of income for your                          than 10 years younger than the IRA owner may opt to   could help offset the taxes your heirs will incur from the
      retirement. Still, you might                       stretch their distributions.                      inherited IRA.
      not  deplete  your  IRA  in                           The new 10-year requirement applies to IRAs inherited      The tax and investment issues surrounding inherited
      your lifetime, especially if                       on or after Jan. 1, 2020. But due to confusion over changes   IRAs  can  be  complex,  so  consult  with  your  tax  and
      you also have a pension or a                       to required minimum distribution (RMD) rules for some   financial  advisors  before  making  any  moves. And,  as
      401(k) and other investment                        beneficiaries of inherited IRAs, the IRS waived penalties   with many areas relating to inheritances, the sooner you
      income.  So,  if  your  IRA                        for individuals who failed to take RMDs in 2021 and 2022   start planning, the better.
      still has sizable assets after                     and extended the RMD penalty waiver for 2023.        This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      your passing, it would likely end up in your estate plan.      Although these rulings give beneficiaries – those not   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward
      If you leave your IRA to grown children or other family   eligible for the exemptions listed above – more time to   Jones, Member SIPC.
      members, could they be hit with a big tax bill?    plan,  they  will  eventually  need  to  start  taking  RMDs,      Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
         Here’s a little background: Up until the Secure Act of   which could affect their tax situations. To help protect   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      2019, those who inherited traditional IRAs could extend   your heirs, consider these suggestions.    Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      their  required  withdrawals  over  their  lifetimes,  which      •  Using permanent life insurance.  A  properly   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      stretched out the annual taxes due on these withdrawals.   structured  permanent  life  insurance  policy  could  help   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      But the Secure Act changed the provisions for non-spouse   you replace the assets your family might lose to the taxes   of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance
      beneficiaries who inherited an IRA after 2019, meaning   resulting from an inherited IRA. You might even consider   Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      that beneficiaries of inherited IRAs had only 10 years   naming  a  charity  as  the  beneficiary  of  an  IRA,  rather      Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      (beginning the year after death) to withdraw the entire   than your family members. The charity would receive   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
      balance. For some beneficiaries, this could potentially   the IRA proceeds tax free, and the life insurance could   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      create a tax burden. (Inheritors of Roth IRAs are also   then provide tax-free benefits to your heirs.      Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      required to follow the 10-year distribution rule but are      • Leaving taxable investment accounts to your heirs.   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      Math Problems Could Spell Dyscalculia

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                              What brain systems did you use to solve the problem?   money do you have left” requires subtraction. Math has
      School Psychologist                                One  cognitive  system  which  is  important  for  math  is   other specialized vocabulary words such as sum, radius,
         “If  you  have  $196                            visualization. You  might  have  visualized  the  numbers   and hypotenuse. A fifth cognitive system needed for math
      dollars and you spend $27,                         196 and 27 in your mind as you visually regrouped and   is processing speed. Your child is often timed on math
      how  much  money  do  you                          subtracted  to  solve  the  equation. Another  important   tests or expected to rapidly know their basic addition,
      have  left?”  If  you  are  a                      cognitive system is your working memory. You had to   subtraction, or multiplication facts.
      math  whiz  you  quickly                           hold  196  and  27  in  your  working  memory  while  you      As  you  can  see,  telling  your  child  to  “try  harder”
      knew the answer was $169                           performed the math operation.                     in  math  might  not  be  the  solution.  Our  testing  helps
      but  perhaps  you  had  to                            A  third  cognitive  system  important  for  math  is   identify  which  of  your  child’s  cognitive  systems  are
      think about it, write it, ask                      attention. Regardless of using mental math or paper, you   working well and which ones might be causing a math
      Alexa, or use a calculator                         had to give great attention to detail as you solved the   learning disability and dyscalculia. There are specialized
      before knowing the answer.                         problem. If you made one careless error, it doomed your   math programs and learning strategies available to help
      The key here is you knew the basics of how to solve the   answer. Language is a fourth cognitive system involved in   children. Call to discuss your child. Visit
      problem. If you did not have technology, you could solve   math. You had to use language to understand “how much   or call (561) 625-4125.
      the math problem by hand.
         Some children receive adequate math instruction but        Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,
      perform poorly in math due to a math learning disability
      called dyscalculia. These children might grasp simple math
      but struggle with multistep math or math word problems.                  Gifted Testing
      They learn multiplication facts only to forget them.
         There are many reasons why a child might have math
      difficulty.  Consider  the  introductory  math  problem.                   NOW OFFERING:                 Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
                                                                                 • Jupiter & Stuart Offices           Licensed School Psychologist
                                                                                 • Testing for Processing  
                                                                                   Problems, Anxiety,
                                                                                   Defiance                          (561) 625-4125
                                                                                 • Weekend and After

         It’s The Law!                                                             School Appointments
                                                                                       “Helping Parents Help Children”


          Yuval Bibi, M.D., is board certified by the American Board of
                                                                                                           Dermatology Associates of the Palm Beaches is a group
          Dermatology, and is now providing care at our Palm Beach                                        practice of board-certified dermatologists and fellowship-
                                                                                                          trained Mohs surgeons providing general dermatology,
          Gardens and Delray Beach offices. Dr Bibi’s clinical practice                                  surgical dermatology, and cosmetic dermatology services.
                                                                                                         Our physicians are also recognized leaders in the diagnosis
          interests include general dermatology, surgical dermatology,                                              and treatment of skin cancer.
          as well as a special focus on genital dermatology, mucosal

          dermatosis, and scalp and nail disease. Dr Bibi sees both
          adults and children. He is a native of Jerusalem, Israel,
          where he earned his medical degree, as well as a PhD at Ben                                       Make an appointment to see Dr. Bibi

          Gurion University. He completed his residency training                                                    at one of these offices:
          at the combined Boston University-Tufts University                                                  Palm Beach Gardens        Delray Beach
                                                                                                              10335 N. Military Trail  2605 W. Atlantic Ave.
          Dermatology program. He looks forward to providing                                                         Suite A             Suite D 204
                                                                                                            Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Delray Beach, FL 33445
          you with excellent dermatology care.                                                                   (561) 622-6976       (561) 819-5822
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