Page 9 - Southern Exposure - December '23
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Southern Exposure, Page 9

      good worKS from page 8

                                                                                                                                     Major sponsor Steinger,
                                                                                                                                     Greene and Feiner ladies
                                                                                                                                     pose in the Barbie booth
      LPGA Golf Professional Michelle McGann (center) with the Pink Bikini team  Eastpointe Country Club Play for P.I.N.K. 2023 Committee: Valerie   with Eastpointe Country
      Monica Sica, Evelyn O’Dea, Mo Busa-Gilbert, Tracy Mancinelli, Jill Walter  Scott Duckrow, Nancy Doherty, Sandi Lanigan, Evelyn O’Dea, Carrie   Club  President  Lou
      and Sandi Lanigan                                              Harstad, Mo Busa-Gilbert, Tracy Mancinelli and Monica Sica      Mancinelli.

        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©                              pink pickleballs, decorated golf carts in all shades of pink and
                                                                                                           donning flamboyant pink costumes. Ladies wore pink bikini
                                                                                                           shirts, pink bejeweled outfits, cowgirl outfits and more – the
                                                                                                           creativity knew no bounds.
        Matchmaking Under The Mistletoe                 matchmaking system. We know it’s tough being single, newly     LPGA Professional Michelle McGann graced the event and
                                                        single, or widowed this time of year. However, you can simply   added her own touch by distributing her logoed ball marks. She
        By Kelly Leary, M.S.                            and proactively flip the script. There is someone out there   wowed the crowd with a few impressive shots on par-3 No.
        & Miranda Capperelli,                           who feels and thinks like you and is waiting to meet you too,
        Special Holiday Edition                         especially in the here and now.                    16, with one ball landing just 8 inches from the hole. The Palm
        “A Very Merry Season and                           A gift of love (from YOU to YOU) will lift your spirits   Beach County Sheriff’s Office joined the party with their iconic
        a Happy New Year.                               instantly. Taking ACTION right now will change your vibe for   pink sheriff cruiser, and Deputy Ken Torrence was the star of a
        Let’s Hope it’s a Good One                      the whole month...even if you decide you want your first date   meet-and-greet session. He then moved inside to assist with the
        without any Fear.”                              in January. You will enjoy your holiday more knowing you are   exciting “Sheriff for a Day” auction. Palm Beach County Fire
           Season’s  Greetings,                         a client and your file is set up and ready to go. You will also
        friends. Welcome  to the                        beat the New Year rush.                            Rescue also made a grand entrance with a huge pink fire truck,
        most magical time of the                           Understand, many of your married friends are faking it   parked in a prime spot for captivating photo opportunities.
        year. We are so glad you are                    through the holiday as if they were happy. Many will argue     Participants were showered with generosity, each receiving
        here! As always, if you are                     and bicker, unfortunately. YOU are in a great situation. YOU   a large cooler tote bag brimming with goodies, including golf
        “spoken for” do share this                      are the designer of your love life, and YOU will choose who to   balls, snacks, and Estee Lauder products. Lunch was served
        hopeful news with your single family and friends who may be   kiss when the clock strikes twelve on New Year’s Eve with our
        struggling this time of year.                   help. Your future is waiting on you. So, put your name in our   at the hot dog station manned by a spirited team of Eastpointe
           Dating in December is extra romantic. It’s the easiest time   Santa Hat. New clients are revealed daily. It’s so impressive,   Country Club volunteers, all sporting their “Save the Tatas Pink
        to choose date ideas and people are generally in a joyful mood.   even more so in person, as we have met every one of our clients   Ribbon” shirts.
        First Date venue options abound! Imagine driving through your   in-person in our private practice.     The event had no shortage of refreshments, with Steinger,
        favorite decked out holiday neighborhood or gift shopping at      Know that December holds a mirror up and asks: “What   Greene & Feiner hosting a “Rosé All Day” wine station,
        the mall with your new romantic beau. That would be a telling   do you want this year, my dear?” or “How do you want to
        second, third, or fourth date, right? How someone handles the   end the year and start a new one?” I know what you want   accompanied by Barbie photo booths. Their generous donation
        holiday season is often a window to how they handle their entire   because you are reading this column. The next step is your   contributed to the cause. Tito’s, true to their spirit of giving back,
        life. Think about it!                           responsibility. Make an appointment to meet us and we will
           Cupid and Santa love to work in tandem too--as you now   take care of the rest.
        know--making it even more possible for your dreams to come      Wishing you an extraordinary Holiday Season and a
        true. Even a giant Grinch can be transformed into a jolly soul   Happy New Year!
        this month. The odds of attracting a future partner are doubled      Love more in 2024!
        in December. (Keep in mind: This doesn’t mean you have to      Thank you for sharing your time with us today. The love in
        spend the high holidays together if you just started dating. You   us honors the love in all of you.
        don’t have to “meet the parents” to speak.)                       XoXo, Kelly & Miranda
           On the other hand, this time of year can bring on a case   #BeatTheHolidayRush  #GiftYourselfThisYear
        of the Holiday Blues. Don’t skip your meds, please. Be nice   #HolidaySparks #WhyWaitJustDate #Connected #LoveOffline
        to yourself. Studies show, if you don’t prioritize yourself this   #TellYourFriends #LoveMoreIn2024 #GoodHeartedGals
        month, you will have regrets. You should not HALT dating just      Revolution Dating Founder and
        because it’s the holidays. Your children are likely grown and/  CEO, Kelly Leary, has 32 years in the
        or you may be a single parent of school age children, which is   dating industry and a Master’s Degree
        all the more reason to gift yourself. Give yourself permission   in Clinical Psychology. She has also
        to splurge on you. Your children will respect you for it. You   been written about in The Palm Beach
        should absolutely step it up. There is no gain in being a martyr.   Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart
        It is also a bad example for your offspring to see you alone year   News, Modern Luxury Palm Beach,
        after year. Your happiness will be a gift to them, too.   and Modern Luxury Manhattan plus
           So, let your heart be light and end the year strong with ease   many more. Revolution Dating members are pre-screened in
        and brilliance! Consider the following details before you write   person including background checks. Professional photos are
        down your December goals. It truly is a wonderful life when   taken by the staff. Revolution Dating is NOT online dating or
        you make the moments count.                     blind dating. In addition to providing matchmaking services   Palm Beach County Sheriff Deputy Ken Torrence with the
        The Upside of Being Single in December:         that make singles “UN-single” through their exclusive club   pink cruiser poses with Monica Sica, Tracy Mancinelli and
           1. You don’t have to buy your romantic partner a gift.   memberships, Kelly and her team        Mo Busa-Gilbert.
        LOL (I’ve heard some men wait until after the holidays and   also provide feedback from your dates
        Valentine’s Day, in order to skip gift giving. Bah humbug, right?   when appropriate. Mock Dates are   Good Works on page 10
        Revolution Dating would shy away from representing a man   available by request. Single Coaching
        who thinks like this. i.e. This is NOT #MatchmakerApproved.)   Sessions and Evaluations are also
           2. You can pick and choose where you want to go for holiday   available by request for non-members    Best Bin Caddy#
        gatherings. Yeah! No more long drives or flights to the in-laws!   or as an add-on to some memberships.
           3. You have more time for yourself and your family since   *All inquiries are confidential. *By
        you no longer have to split time between families. Celebrate   demand, we now have a Manhattan/      NEW!
        how you want to, and if you’re wise, join the club after you   TriState area Hub for our many North  We WON! Best
        finish this article. By taking steps now, you can pre-empt   East clients with two homes.   Matchmaker of  2023!
        that lonely defeated feeling. This is incredibly empowering.                  #WellDeserved
        Thank us later.
        The DOWNSIDE of Being Single in December:
           1. People will feel sorry for you, no matter what you say
        or think. (Most single people can’t stand to hear it. However,
        they would benefit from your helpful advice.)
           2. You will be asked endless irritating questions that                                                                          On sale
        make your skin crawl: “Why are you still single?” Suddenly,
        everyone is an expert.                                                                                                            $ 79     95
           3. You will have no one to kiss on New Year’s Eve when
        the ball drops (BIGGEST BUMMER EVER).           Meet The Team: Miranda, Kelly, Don,                                                   Tax Inc.
           4. You will sleep alone on the most romantic nights of the   Ron, & More! #LoveOffline #Winners
        year. Is it ever fun to sleep alone? (You are in a Danger Zone   Meet Michelle                               Recycling Bin Caddy
        if you like to sleep alone. This means you have been alone       & Alan,  est.
        too long. Be careful if it is you. Nip it in the bud while you   October                                       Made in the USA
        have time.)                                                      2023. Already   Client photos are
                                                                                      taken on site. IDs &
           THE GRAND SOLUTION: No matter what your age                   TRAVELING as   Background affirmed   Using Heavy Duty PVC and All Terrain Wheels.
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