Page 13 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - December '23
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 13
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: The Silent Threat
New Guidelines Advise left untreated, NAFLD can result in liver cirrhosis, fibrosis or formerly TGH Gastro
Group of the Palm
failure, and even death.
Screenings The AACE recently released new guidelines for the Beaches. The pain-
early screening and diagnosis of NAFLD, hoping to free screening consists
Could you have fatty liver disease? According to mitigate its progression and raise awareness to allow for of a FibroScan, a
the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology earlier identification, disease management and referrals noninvasive diagnostic
(AACE), individuals with risk factors such as Type 2 to specialists. If NAFLD is detected and managed early, device used to measure
diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or it’s possible to prevent it from progressing and could the fat content of
metabolic syndrome should be screened for nonalcoholic reduce the amount of damage and fat in the liver. the liver, and liver
fatty liver disease (NAFLD) by their primary doctor or Dr. Sonja K. Olsen, a board-certified gastroenterologist stiffness, which is a
endocrinologist. and hepatologist, is trained in the AACE’s updated marker for scarring.
The vast majority of Americans, nearly 96 percent with screening for NAFLD. She offers screenings at Tampa “This new, advanced
NAFLD, are unaware they have the chronic disease. When General Hospital (TGH) Digestive Health Center, preventative measure
available through
TGH Digestive Health
Residents Of Frenchman’s Creek Center offers patients a
greater opportunity to
Mobilize To Fund Four Intensive detect and treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as soon as
possible,” said Dr. Olsen. “Our goal is to provide the most up-
to-date and comprehensive information to our patients, and
Care Ambulances to give them the greatest level of comfort and reassurance.”
Olsen brings more than a decade of experience in providing
world-class digestive and liver care, and specializes in liver
disease and disorders, including those related to NAFLD.
Residents of Frenchman’s Creek, a club community 56 Frenchman’s Creek families soon pledged their Her vast experience and unique credentials are why many
in the Palm Beaches, have sponsored four Mobile support. After three MICUs were fully sponsored local primary doctors and endocrinologists refer their patients
Intensive Care Units (MICUs) for Magen David Adom, within 48 hours, another was added to the list shortly with NAFLD to her care.
Israel’s emergency medical system, in response to the after, for a total of four vehicles. Many residents also Olsen is the only physician in the Palm Beach County
Hamas attacks on civilians that began on Oct. 7. made gifts to support Magen David Adom outside of region with specialized expertise in the management of
The funds were raised in less than a week, with the the ambulance campaign. patients with end-stage liver disease, both before and after
first three vehicles fully sponsored within 48 hours. During the Hamas incursion into Southern Israel, liver transplantation. She treats patients with colon, liver
The community effort was initiated by community Magen David Adom EMTs and paramedics treated and bile duct cancer; gallbladder disease; alcohol-related
leaders Tony and Patti Lampert. When they heard victims with critical wounds while dealing with gunfire and nonalcohol-related liver disease; drug-related liver
about the violence in Israel and the need for increased and rocket attacks in real time. injury; and all forms of hepatitis.
emergency medical support for victims, they felt they A number of rescue vehicles were disabled due to A doctor’s order is needed for the screening, and
had to act quickly. They sent an email to 10 friends, and rocket shrapnel and others deliberately targeted by patients with high-risk factors are encouraged to contact
within a few hours, $140,000 was raised for a MICU. terrorists, who also killed three EMTs while they were their primary care provider to determine if a screening
Staffed by Magen David Adom’s most highly trained rushing to the scene or actively treating patients. for NAFLD is appropriate. TGH Digestive Health Center,
paramedics, MICUs carry special equipment and “We all felt so heartbroken and needed to do formerly TGH Gastro Group of the Palm Beaches, has
sophisticated technology for the treatment of cardiac something to help and encourage others to join us,” offices at 2001 N. Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL
and stroke patients, and victims of severe trauma. said Patti Lampert. “Ambulances and the work of 33407, and 3401 PGA Blvd., Suite 500, Palm Beach
Word of the fundraising effort spread quickly, and Magen David Adom inspire us all.” Gardens, FL 33410. Both offices can be reached by calling
(561) 659-6543.