Page 22 - PGA Community News- November '23
P. 22

Page 22, PGA C.A.N.!                                             BW                                                                                                                                                               November 2023
                                                                          November 2023
      Palm Beach Symphony Receives

      Two Emmy Award Nominations

      Eudora’s Fable: The Shoe Bird                     the inaugural broadcast in our Dale A. McNulty Children’s   Braman Motorcars, Thomas and Carol Bruce, CIBC Private
                                                        Concert Series that introduces young audiences to orchestral
                                                                                                           Wealth, Amy and John Collins, The Colony Hotel, CORPGOV,
      Has Aired On South Florida                        music,” said Palm Beach Symphony CEO David McClymont.   Suzanne Mott Dansby, The David Minkin Foundation, The
                                                                                                           Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation, Willard H. Dow and Kelly
                                                        “It is among the many firsts of our 50th Anniversary Season
      PBS And Around The Nation                         which will include four world premieres.”          Winter, Dr. Richard and Diane Farber, Bill and Kem Frick/
                                                           The Suncoast Chapter of The National Academy of   The Frick Foundation, Inc., Gerry Gibian and Marjorie
         Palm Beach Symphony has been nominated for two   Television Arts & Sciences is the standard-bearer for excellence   Yashar, Morgan Glazar/Tom James Company, Paul and Sandra
      Emmy  Awards in the Suncoast Region for its South Florida   in the television industry and the gatekeeper of the prestigious   Goldner, Douglas and Jo Gressette, Irwin and Janet Gusman,
      PBS broadcast of Eudora’s Fable: The Shoe Bird, originally   regional Emmy Awards in the Suncoast Region. The Suncoast   Thomas E. Harvey & Cathleen P. Black Foundation, Doris
      performed in concert as part of the symphony’s Dale A.   Chapter represents the best and brightest television and media   Hastings Foundation, Carol S. and Joseph Andrew Hays, John
      McNulty Children’s Concert Series.                professionals from all disciplines of the industry and from all   Herrick, Addison Hines Charitable Trust, George Hines, HSS
         Palm Beach Symphony Music Director Gerard Schwarz,   of the Suncoast region’s television markets. The 47th Annual   Florida, IPO Edge, IYC, Charles and Ann Johnson/The C and
      a multi-time Emmy Award winner who led the symphony   Suncoast Regional Emmy Awards will be held Saturday, Dec.   A Johnson Family Foundation, Barbara and William Karatz
      in the televised concert, was nominated in the category of   2 at the Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Fla.  Fund/William Karatz and Joan G. Smith, Elaine Kay, Leonard
      Director, Long Form Content. Music Producer Carlos Lopez, a      The Palm Beach Symphony’s education programs are made   and Norma Klorfine Foundation, The Kovner Foundation,
      Grammy  Award winner and three-time Latin Grammy Award   possible through support from The Paul and Sandra Goldner   Gary and Linda Lachman/The Lachman Family Foundation,
      recipient, received a nomination in the Audio category.   Conservatory of Music, Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation,   Patricia Lambrecht, Tova Leidesdorf, Lugano Diamonds, The
         In addition to its broadcasts on South Florida PBS, the   The McNulty Charitable Foundation, James R. Borynack   Honorable Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, The McNulty Charitable
      concert has been seen by more than 114.7 million viewers   and Adolfo Zaralegui/FINDLAY Galleries, Mr. William   Foundation, David Moscow, NetJets, Palm Beach Design
      around the United States since March. The program is offered   Robertson, The Rickel Foundation, James H. and Marta T.   Masters, Patrick and Milly Park/Park Foundation, Nancy and
      for national broadcast by American Public Media through the   Batmasian Family Foundation, Florida Power & Light, Edith   Ellis J. Parker III, PNC Private Bank, Lois Pope, Provident
      symphony’s partnership with South Florida PBS.    Hall Friedheim/Eric Friedheim Foundation, Inc., Walter   Jewelry, Ari Rifkin/The Len-Ari Foundation, Dr. Martha
         Performed and recorded locally in 2021, Eudora’s Fable:   Harper, The Spoto Family Fund, The Harry T. Mangurian, Jr.   Rodriguez, Karen and Kenneth Rogers, Ronald Rosenfeld,
      The Shoe Bird is an adaptation of Pulitzer Prize winner Eudora   Foundation Inc., Lois Pope, Peter and Felicia Gottsegen/The   David Schafer, Seth Sprague Foundation, Robin B. Smith,
      Welty’s only children’s book. Composer Samuel Jones adapted   Gottsegen Family Foundation, and Yvonne S. Boice Trust and   Kimberly V. Strauss, Dodie and Manley Thaler and the Thaler/
      the story to create the music and lyrics. The concert is narrated   Alfred Zucaro.                   Howell Foundation, Jerome and Carol Trautschold, Sieglinde
      by Charlie Adler, named one of the “Top All-Time Voice-Over      Proud sponsors of Palm Beach Symphony include Cindy   Wikstrom/The Wikstrom Foundation, and The Ann Eden
      Artists” by Animation Magazine. The Young Singers of the   Anderson and Jerome Canty, Max and Christine Ansbacher,   Woodward Foundation/James and Judy Woods. Programs are
      Palm Beaches also appear as a guest chorus.       Mrs. James N. Bay, Alan Benaroya, Arthur & Mara Benjamin   also sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of
         “We are thrilled to be recognized by the Suncoast Chapter   Foundation, JoAnne Berkow, Kathy Lee Bickham and John   State, Division of Arts and Culture, and the Florida Council
      of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for   Bickham, Leslie Rogers Blum, Jeffrey and Tina Bolton, James   on Arts and Culture.
                                                        R. Borynack and Adolfo Zaralegui/FINDLAY Galleries,
         It’s The Law!
                                                                 Advertise, Send Articles. Check out our website!

        Did You Know That, In                          or call 746-3244


        By Adam S. Gumson,
           Did you win the                                Financial Focus                          ®
        lottery? Print your
        name on the back of the
        ticket and complete the                           What Should You Know                             reduce an RMD-related tax hike?
        information requested                                                                                You might have some options. Here are two to consider:
        there  immediately. A                             About RMDs?                                        • Convert tax-deferred accounts to a Roth IRA
        winning lottery ticket                            By Sally Sima Stahl                              account. You could convert some, or maybe all, of your
        is like a check: Anyone                             You may spend decades                          tax-deferred retirement accounts to a Roth IRA. By doing
        in possession of it can                           contributing to various                          so, you could lower your RMDs in the future – while adding
        present it, along with a                          retirement accounts. But                         funds to an account you’re never required to touch. So, if
        government issued identification card (and Winner   for some accounts, such                        you don’t really need all the money to live on, you could
        Claim Form if over $600) and walk away with the   as a traditional IRA and                         include the remainder of the Roth IRA in your estate plans,
        winnings. Don’t make any other alterations as doing   401(k), you must start                       providing an initially tax-free inheritance to your loved
        so could delay the payment of your winnings.      withdrawing funds at a                           ones. However, converting a tax-deferred account to a
           More than 13 million parents are separated or   certain point. What should                      Roth IRA will generate taxes in the year of conversion, so
        divorced in households where children are under   you know about this                              you’d need the money available to pay this tax bill.
        the age of 21 with the vast majority of custodial   requirement?                                     • Donate RMDs to charity. In what’s known as a
        parents being the mother. Sadly, less than one-half     To begin with, the                         qualified charitable distribution, you can move up to
        of those awarded child support actually collect the   rules governing these                        $100,000 of your RMDs directly from a traditional IRA to
        full amount.                                      withdrawals – technically called required minimum  a qualified charity, avoiding the taxes that might otherwise
           Naming a beneficiary in your  will or  trust   distributions, or RMDs – have changed recently. For  result if you took the RMDs yourself. After 2023, the
        does not guarantee that the beneficiary receives   many years, individuals had to begin taking their RMDs  $100,000 limit will be indexed to inflation.
        the  particular  asset  because  a  valid  Beneficiary   (which are based on the account balance and the IRS’ life    Of course, before you start either a Roth IRA conversion
        Designation Form (“BDF”) takes precedence.        expectancy factor) when they turned 70½. The original  or a qualified charitable distribution, you will need to
           So, make sure that your BDFs align with your   SECURE Act of 2019 raised this age to 72, and SECURE  consult with your tax advisor, as both these moves have
        present wishes or the beneficiaries in your will/  2.0, passed in 2022, raised it again, to 73. (If you turned 73  issues you must consider and may not be appropriate for
        trust will not receive the assets in those particular   in 2023, and you were 72 in 2022 when the RMD limit was  your situation.
        accounts.                                         still 72, you should have taken your first RMD for 2022 by    But it’s always a good idea to know as much as you can
           A  guardian is a surrogate decision-maker      April 1 of this year. You will then need to take your 2023  about the various aspects of RMDs – they could play a big
        appointed by the court to make either personal and/  RMD by Dec. 31. And going forward, you’ll also need to  part in your retirement income strategy.
        or financial decisions for a minor or for an adult with   take your RMDs by the end of every year.)     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
        mental or physical disabilities. After adjudication,     Not all retirement accounts are subject to RMDs. They  your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
        the subject of the guardianship is called the ward.   aren’t required for a Roth IRA, and, starting in 2024,  Member SIPC.
                                                          won’t be required for a Roth 401(k) or 403(b) plan. But    Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
                                                          if your account does call for RMDs, you do need to take  all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
                 John Deloach                             them, because if you don’t, you could face tax penalties.  Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
                                                          Previously, this penalty was 50 percent of the amount you  Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
            Experienced Driver                            were supposed to have taken, but SECURE 2.0 reduced it  of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
                                                          to 25 percent.
                                                                                                           New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
          For your errands and airport transportation       When you take your RMDs, you need to be aware of  of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
                                 Ride in my Lincoln       a key issue: taxes. RMDs are taxed as ordinary income,    Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
                                     Continental          and, as such, they could potentially bump you into a higher  cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
                                                          tax bracket and possibly even increase your Medicare  qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
                                    References available   premiums, which are determined by your modified adjusted    Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
                                       upon request       gross income. Are there any ways you could possibly  1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
              Please call (561) 310-1063                                                         Paid Advertisement
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