Page 17 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens- November '23
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 17

      Community Celebrates Book Launch from page 16

      offer a welcoming expression of Jupiter’s exciting, nautical
      culture, and deep fishing roots within the community. Located
      along the waterfront of Jupiter Inlet Village, Charlie &
      Joe’s at Love Street is a unique escape to a tropical paradise
      inspired by Jupiter’s tranquil blue waters, laid-back lifestyle,
      and unique dining. Charlie & Joe’s at Love Street includes
      BEACON, Topside at the Beacon, and Lucky Shuck Oyster
      Bar  & Taphouse  located  at  1116  Love  Street,  Jupiter,
      FL 33477. Visit Charlie & Joe’s at Love Street online at or call (561) 532-3280.
                       Photos by Tracey Benson Photography  Marcia Williams, Teca Sullivan, Dennis Carhart  Joe Namath, Lynda Pepper, Jemma Namath
      Do You Need Lung Cancer Screening

      If You Quit Smoking?

        According   to   the                               • Age 50 or older with at least a 20 pack-year* history
      American Cancer Society,                           of smoking and a history of one additional risk factor such
      smoking  contributes  to                           as a family history of lung cancer, exposure to known
      80 and 90 percent of lung                          carcinogen, COPD, emphysema or other cancer.
      cancer  deaths  in  women                            *Pack-year equals the number of packs smoked per
      and men, respectively.                             day multiplied by the number of years smoking.
        But  what  if  you  quit                           It is important to note that:
      smoking?  Quitting  has                              • Lung cancer screening is not recommended if your
      some  health  benefits  that                       risk of lung cancer is low, because the harms of screening
      start right away and others                        may outweigh its benefits.
      that can lead to improved                            •  Screening  is  worthwhile  only  if  you  are  healthy   Tammy Roggen, Mary Oneil, Steve Vancoppenolle, Mary
      health over many years.                            enough to tolerate the evaluation and treatment of any   Inglis, John Inglis
        The risk of having lung  Ivan Romero-Legro, M.D.  lung nodules or lung cancers that are found.
      cancer  or  other  smoking-                          If  your  doctor  recommends  screening,  look  for  a
      related illnesses decreases after you stop smoking and continues   program whose experts take the time to discuss its risks
      to decrease the longer you go without smoking, though your risk   and benefits with you and are experienced in lung cancer
      will never be as low as that of someone who never smoked.   evaluation and treatment.
        So, if you’ve successfully kicked the habit and are now     Meanwhile, tell your doctor right away if you have any
      a former smoker, do you still need to think about having   of these worrisome symptoms – you may need testing to
      a lung cancer screening?                           confirm or rule out the presence of lung cancer:
        According to pulmonologist Ivan Romero-Legro, M.D.,     • A new, persistent cough or coughing up blood
      who sees patients at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital,     • Unexplained shortness of breath or chest pain
      lung cancer screening is recommended for those meeting     • Unintentional weight loss
      the criteria for high risk including:                To learn more and complete a lung cancer risk
        • Age 50 to 80 with at least a 20 pack-year* history of smoking   assessment, visit  Tamra FitzGerald, Michelle  MaryAnn Seidman, Barry
      and currently smoking or quit less than 15 years ago, or  LungCancer today.                          Noga                    Seidman
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