Page 5 - Jupiter Spotlight- November '23
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Jupiter Spotlight, Page 5
      The Pet Cottage Post

      From Our Cottage To Yours                                                                            pets comfort, familiarity and loving care in the company of
                                                                                                           other dogs and volunteers.
      … Happy Thanksgiving                                                                                 Volunteer Spotlight
                                                                                                             We love our team of dedicated volunteers. Meet Lisa and
      Two Senior Dogs Join The Pack                                                                        Lynn, retired sisters who live together and volunteer with us.
        Gianni, a 13-year-old terrier                                                                      They come to the Sanctuary two mornings a week at 7:30
      mix, and Bella, a 14-year-old                                                                        a.m. to walk dogs and perform all kinds of necessary chores.
      Pomeranian, recently joined                                                                            They are a huge help and the dogs love them! We are
      The Pet Cottage. When their                                                                          grateful for their get-it-done work ethic.
      mom, Maria, passed away from                                                                           Volunteering can be a fun way to connect regularly with
      cancer at the end of the summer,                                                                     a friend or family member while giving to a cause close to
      her  two  beloved  senior  dogs                                                                      your heart.
      needed new homes.                                                                                      Thank you to all of our guardians and volunteers! We
        Maria’s stepdaughter Lenore was unable to take them                                                appreciate you!
      herself and knew that if she brought them to a shelter,   Bella            Gianni                      We are always inviting new volunteers into our pack. If
      they would likely be euthanized because of their age and                                             you are interested in learning more, please reach out.
      medical issues.                                    more serious medical issues than previously thought and   The Pet Cottage Mission
        “I am so thankful for Wendy and The Pet Cottage! They   would best be served at the Sanctuary through hospice care.     The Pet Cottage is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in Jupiter
      have saved my stepmom’s ‘kids’ and have helped them     Gianni has dementia and a growth in his abdomen that is   Farms that celebrates and protects the magical relationship
      and me through a very difficult process. Wendy is one of   being managed with pain meds. He has a robust appetite and   between people and pets. We provide homestyle care for pets
      the most kind, compassionate people I know. She is taking   enjoys short walks with the pack. He sleeps a lot and loves   who lose their humans due to death, disability, or deployment.
      phenomenal care of Bella and Gianni. She reaches out to   attention from our volunteers.               Through our two unique programs – The Sanctuary
      me to keep me updated and posts daily on Instagram and     Bella has congestive heart failure and is on medication.   Residency Program and The Lifelong Guardianship Program
      Facebook. By doing this she has kept me and my stepmom’s   But that doesn’t stop her from being her feisty self. She loves   – we promise our pets will always have the home, care, and
      loved ones connected to my stepmom through seeing Bella   cruising in the stroller and is the self-appointed boss of the   love they deserve, for life.
      and Gianni. This is a unique and extremely special and   big dogs.                                     We provide pet companionship for senior people and cover
      needed organization. I am extremely impressed with Wendy,     Over the years, The Pet Cottage has served many pets   all veterinary expenses. We are a promise and our promise
      the volunteers, and all that they do! I am forever grateful”   through their hospice journey before they are ready to cross   means forever. You are invited to join our pack!
      –Lenore                                            the rainbow bridge. Whatever time a pet has left, we focus                          The Pet Cottage,
        At their first veterinary visit, we discovered they both had   on quality of life. Through home-style care, we provide our            (561) 818-5025
                                                “Service is our number one priority”



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                                                                                                           Lynn with dogs on leashes

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