Page 12 - Hobe Sound Reflections - November '23
P. 12

Page 12, Hobe Sound

                                                    tip oF tHe taiL

      New Cancer Screening Test In                       cytology and cultures, even CT scans. The goal is to   and osteosarcoma), the detection rate was 85.4 percent.
      Dogs Now Available                                 perform a physical exam, to assess the diagnostics we   When including the other five most common canine
                                                         need and proceed accordingly, determine the underlying
                                                                                                           cancers (soft tissue sarcoma, mast cell tumor, mammary
                                                         cause  of the  problem,  and finally  to  treat  as  best as   gland carcinoma, anal sac adenocarcinoma, and malignant
                                                         possible to maintain a healthy and happy quality of life   melanoma), the detection rate decreased to 61.9 percent
                                                         for your pet and your family.                     as these are more localized cancers in the early phases,
                                                            However, one of the most frustrating and disheartening   and do not give off as many genetic biomarkers.
                                                         situations is when we have a sick patient, we know      These tests will be a revolutionary diagnostic tool
                                                         something is wrong based on symptoms and presentation,   in a case such as described above in a sick pet where
                                                         yet all our tests and diagnostic tools are failing us.   other diagnostics are not providing us with much needed
                                                         Everything we know to perform either comes back normal   answers. However, they also will provide valuable
                                                         or with nondescript mild changes that do not give us an   information during annual wellness checks of older dogs,
                                                         answer. Often in these cases, we have to have a difficult   or for younger dogs from breeds with a high risk for
                                                         conversation with the family where we say, “I cannot   developing cancer in their lifetimes. As a screening test,
                                                         find anything wrong based on all the testing we have   a positive finding suggests looking for the disease during
                                                         performed, yet I am concerned we have cancer hiding   the early stages when it may be more treatable. Finding
         In veterinary medicine as a general practitioner   somewhere.” This can be a very tough pill to swallow,   cancer early not only potentially makes treatment easier
      we have to wear many hats on a daily basis. We are   especially when the family asks, “Well isn’t there a test   for a patient, it can have a huge impact on the human-
      pediatricians, dentists, dermatologists, cardiologists,   for that?” and historically we have had to answer “quite   animal bond.
      and the list goes on. To practice our trade, we have   honestly, no.” This has always been the story, until now.      Both of these tests are available at Palm City Animal
      different tools in our kit, from complete blood counts and      Recently, two different companies have released a   Medical Center. If you would like more information
      chemistries, thyroid panels, radiographs and ultrasounds,   simple cancer screening panel that tests for a multitude   or would like to discuss further please schedule an
                                                         of cancers that plague our pets. These tests screen for   appointment or ask during your pet’s next checkup.
                                                         genetic biomarkers, such as DNA altered by cancer cells   Currently these tests are only useful for dogs. However,
                                                         in blood, or sometimes other bodily fluids. The Nu.Q Vet   moving forward hopefully this research will be applicable
                                                         Cancer Test is available through Texas A&M University   in cats as well.
                                                         and  is  labeled  as  the  first  easy  to  use,  reliable,  and      Established in 1981, Palm City  Animal Medical
                                                         cost-effective veterinary cancer screen on the market. A   Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
                                                         published case series evaluating seven different cancers   for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
                                                         found that the Nu.Q. Vet Cancer Test detects 76 percent   surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
                                                         of systemic cancers. OncoK9, the liquid biopsy test for   medicine, extensive diagnostics, and emergency service,
                                                         dogs, is available through Antech Diagnostics. It is a   Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
                                                         bit more expensive, but has a slightly higher detection   medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
                                                         rate. In April, results of a clinical validation study found   owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
                                                         that OncoK9 demonstrated that for three of the most  or find us on
                                                         aggressive canine cancers (lymphoma, hemangiosarcoma,   Facebook at

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                                                           Check out our website!

                 Yesterday I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer

                 Today I start the fight.

                 At the Anderson Family Cancer Institute at Jupiter Medical Center, we believe that no one should wait for cancer care. That is why we
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                  For Next Day Oncologist Appointments call 561-263-4400.
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